Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    WOW!!! MLQ, "I think if you could hear each other voice in chat room. It wouldn’t be as magnified as it is now." I've always thought about that. Many times a person creates a voice in their head that they feel fits the words that they read, and as far is this blog, some of our photos. Maybe I came off wrong with someone else, so now I really can't talk to anyone without them 'virtually' hearing a tone that they feel I typed to someone else. Nobody hates Petite. False, False, False! That's what is so weird. It's like she just turned into a different person all of a sudden. I already understood the whole 'lack of vocal and visual' misconceptions. And at times, it slips my mind when I read other blogger's comments. That's why I agree with Kingpin78 when he said that I tend to jump on comments a little too fast, or whatever he said exactly. Critique accepted and appreciated. "For the record, I can’t dislike people I have never talked to on the phone or in person. Many people are not the same “persona” off the computer." Me neither. That's why I tried to work things out with that 'other' guy. He's probably a cool guy, but even though you shouldn't put too much stock into what people say, you can usually tell what type of person someone is by what they say. His grammar, punctuation, poor reading comprhension, yet his heart in the thick of battle (not a real blogger) reminds me of one of my white, wannabe-gansta acquaintances.

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  2.   Dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @friendly13 I knew you were just messing with Laurelton. I agree with you about Beyonce being sexy. It would be hard for her to not be sexy. I agree sexiness comes from inside a woman and is projected outward through how she moves and it also radiates in her face. I agree Oprah is a sexy woman I do not know Monique. I may have seen her but just don't know her by name. Is she a talk show host and is tall and kind of big. If so I agree. You have a great weekend. God Bless! Danny

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  3.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @ PetiteChick I have been out running errands all day and just got back in. I'm trying to catch up on everything now. Well, I hope that post comes through. I guess they have to check and make sure they have clearance to publish the ones with links.

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  4.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @ Dannyco56 Oh, you don't understand. I just mess with Queenie that is all. Actually, the sexieness of a woman is inside of her, not what she is wearing. If she has a sexy personality she doesn't even know it until later on as she matures. It is something women learn from their mothers through socialization. I have a sexy mother. She is large but sexy. There is nothing worse than fake sexiness. I would liken fake sexiness to that of the young stars like Lindsey Lohan and Briteney Spears. I actually like them as actresses and musicians though. But as an older woman I don't see them as truely being sexy. They are being marketed by business people before they have even been able to come in to their own. One young woman who I think is truely sexy and that is Beyonce. She can't help it because her mother is a sexy woman. Sexy is really not something that can be defined by what kind of underwear a woman wears. We just know that when a woman is sexy everybody notices it. I am trying to think of a good example......hmmmm....I always thought that Marilyn Monroe was very sexy, again that is a commercial idea of sexy. Okay, I can think of a couple of better examples Ophrah and Monique are truely sexy. They are not trying to be sexy they just are. No matter what they do they will be sexy. Sexiness is in a womans eyes and smile, the way we turn our head and move our hands. The way we walk and move. The way she smells and wears her hair. It has nothing at all to do with underwear choices. It can be a very subtle thing. Have you ever saw a woman who was not pretty but all the men wanted to be around her. But, I can say this a sexy woman is not going to look like a plain jane wearing no bra and saggy clothing. She is going to have a little more confidence in herself than that. Have you ever watch the movie Ms. Congeniality. Oh, I love it. The main character in that was so not sexy at all. I mean she snorted and was not concerned if a man was turned off by her rude unladylike behavior. But when they turned her into a beauty contestent you could see her begging to want to be sexy when she realized that her partner developed interest in her. Well, those are my thoughts regarding sexiness

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  5.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    HOLD UP Who said I don't like you. I like everybody. We just have disagreements on topics. NOW, do I think we go to far on some things. Perhaps, in hindsight yes. The Friendly and 4 kids thing. She deserves to have a social life and companion. I kind of changed on that. I think if you could hear each other voice in chat room. It wouldn't be as magnified as it is now. I like to joke around. I laugh at the stuff said here all the time. You can't really tell what is sarcasm or not. Petite remind me of an overbearing Aunt at a family reunion. Trying to tell you what to put out for dinner and the guests. My aunt is the same way. Then, you criticize her. She get real sensitive about it. Sometimes, you got to respond a certain way for her to listen. It is not hate or dislike. You just understand how she is and accept it. I don't know how her ex black husband put up with that for 20 years. I think my hands would have been around her neck a couple times. (Being sarcastic of course). For the record, I can't dislike people I have never talked to on the phone or in person. Many people are not the same "persona" off the computer.

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  6.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    When I quote others, I may include an entire quote or a portion of it. Not to cause trouble (no point in that), but only because certain parts I may feel the need to address. Can not a person agree with or believe in some things but not all things? When I quoted Menelik, I only quote a portion of his post and said I agreed with that statement (which I quoted). Funny, he didn’t have a problem with that. However, you present questions to me pertaining to issues that others have mention that either I didn’t read or probably don’t agree with. That’s not fair. Like I told Bama before, there’s no bandwagon and we don’t always agree. As for Laurelton breaking me to pieces, he went off on both me and Bigeyes for that. As I recall, he admitted that he lost that debate. Please, do look that up. ------------------------------------------------ Really, I'm looking cause I read it, and I didn't see it that way. I'm looking - don't worry.

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  7.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Ich Never spoke to me? I thought that’s what you’ve been doing for the last two days. Actually, you responded to me regarding something I said to Menelik that didn’t reference or involve you. The complicity, not the mention the hypocrisy of some women… ------------------------------------------------------ PRIOR TO NOW WHICH MAKES ME SUSPECT OF YOU - RIGHT NOW.

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  8.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Ich I recall her making a couple of comments. Neither of them in this space about Laurelton. I know her now as Paula99. I've been searching for this "Mecca" person in other threads. She came in and made a comment about why White men won't necessarily take Black women home to meet family. I recall THAT vividly. She came again to inquire who I was fussing with. You know her as Mecca cause you been here so long. I didn't. Thanx for that, but I had already figured out. That's all I recall for this forum. IN another, I asked her (as Mecca) could she explain something she wrote. That's it. Otherwise I don't have a clue about what you're talking about. Laurelton never liked me. I DON'T CARE. So this foolish and childish notion that he got mad at me (childish) cause I said something to someone concerning him or about him is just that STOOOOOPID. Y'all stopped liking me when I befriended the women. FACT, FACT, FACT. When I began talking to Bamba, one of the women you've been badgering for years. The only "individual" who did speak to me, compliment me, flirt with me was THE ALMIGHT TRINIDADIAN, Malarki. FACT! I must say I am pleased that he hates my guts now. Who the hell would want such a cry baby who obsessively posts the same tirade over and over and over again. I'm gonna hit up USA Network see if they replace Tony Sholoub with Malarki5.

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  9.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Dannyco56 Thanks!

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Comment by malarki5 on 28 May 2010: The freak show is the schiziod manner in which, and upon whom, you unleash your anger. Angry and schiziod enough for me to ask that you even stop unleashing it on my former opponent, friendly13. That is not sexy, that is disturbing and unlady-like! You continue to prove this to be the case. Menelik Charles London England ----------------------------------------- SO WHO SAID I WANT TO BE A LADY? you? You are not a man. You cry like a 10 year old. Same lines, same back and forth, same shyt - different day. SO WHO FLIRTED WITH THIS UN-LADY LIKE BEING? Ohhhhh maybe you were joking like the joke you are around here for years on end.

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  11.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Comment by malarki5 on 28 May 2010: The freak show is the schiziod manner in which, and upon whom, you unleash your anger. Angry and schiziod enough for me to ask that you even stop unleashing it on my former opponent, friendly13. That is not sexy, that is disturbing and unlady-like! You continue to prove this to be the case. Menelik Charles London England ------------------------------------------ Just like you. The Obsessive posting of the same verbage back and forh. From ONE FREAK TO ANOTHER, step off a cliff. OCD.......

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  12.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Good morning all! @friendly13, On the question of sexy, and I hope I am not out of line here, you would look sexy with all of your close and a raincoat on as would most all of the other ladies on this blog. A thong does not make a woman sexy it just shows more of her. It is how a woman carries and feels about heself that is projected in how she moves and how she radiates. @petitechick, No thanks are necessary for my responce to Laurelton. I was just answering what he addressed to me the way I thought about each of the points. But I do thank you for reading my response. God Bless! Danny

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  13.   malarki5 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    The freak show is the schiziod manner in which, and upon whom, you unleash your anger. Angry and schiziod enough for me to ask that you even stop unleashing it on my former opponent, friendly13. That is not sexy, that is disturbing and unlady-like! You continue to prove this to be the case. Menelik Charles London England

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  14.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Petite, Mecca was an older woman that has blogged on this site for quite some time. She came on this thread right after you did and agreed with your statements about some white men. She briefly got into to it with Queens, made a comment about him to you, and he went off on you both. Not sure why you're tapping your fingers waiting, I already said that yesterday and included her other screenname (Mecca/Paula). "Animosity? Toward you Ich? I never spoke to you. So what are you talking about? I did question the way you quote, if that’s what you’re referring to. You half do it, or leave out information deliberately (I’m inclined to believe the latter) so as to stir trouble." Never spoke to me? I thought that's what you've been doing for the last two days. Actually, you responded to me regarding something I said to Menelik that didn't reference or involve you. The complicity, not the mention the hypocrisy of some women... When I quote others, I may include an entire quote or a portion of it. Not to cause trouble (no point in that), but only because certain parts I may feel the need to address. Can not a person agree with or believe in some things but not all things? When I quoted Menelik, I only quote a portion of his post and said I agreed with that statement (which I quoted). Funny, he didn't have a problem with that. However, you present questions to me pertaining to issues that others have mention that either I didn't read or probably don't agree with. That's not fair. Like I told Bama before, there's no bandwagon and we don't always agree. As for Laurelton breaking me to pieces, he went off on both me and Bigeyes for that. As I recall, he admitted that he lost that debate. Please, do look that up.

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  15.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @MsFriendly When the post you are referring to about the Black rapper eventually shows up, I'll be interested in reading it. Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep a look out for it. (hugs)

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  16.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Hey sis, g'morning. No I'm sorry I didn't see that post. Let me go look for it and I'll add my thoughts. How you doing this beautiful day, MsFriendly? (hugs)

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  17.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Good morning to all the sisters(hugs) Got love for all my sistas on here and white men who love the black women and who speak up for us. Hey, wanted to know if you all were able to see the thread I posted yesterday about Jermain Coleman aka Maino. I saw that they still have it under moderation. I guess it is because of the links. He is a successful black rapper who has been through a lot. He grew up in the Bronx. His mother was a drug addict and his father a dealer. He got mixed up in some stuff behind all that trying to get out of the whole and went to prison at 17 for 10 years for kidnapping. I posted on clip about his life story but there are actually 3. I also included the video of one of his songs that I enjoy a lot called "All the above" the words are very powerful. He is a fine brotha too and he has had to overcome a lot of obstacles. Just wanted to share about the black mans struggle so that some who could not relate could get a little understanding. Although I know most of you already know. Again, just sharing. Let me know if you can't see it. I posted it earlier yesterday.

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Comment by friendly13 on 27 May 2010: @ PetiteChick Hey, thanks for the willingness to send me a PDF copy. I will enjoy that. Thanks a bunch. ------------------------------------ No worries sister. It really isn't that thick. I'll get it to you. Now, I hear that you will be doing a lot on the house. I applaud you for your know how. Girl, I tell you these kinds of things are about the only reason I miss my ex! LOL. However, my son can do a lil something, then there is my baby brother (I don't know why I call him that when he's 45). Teheeee. He comes through for me for minor things. I would never ask him to touch anything electrical or plumbing wise. Ummm, no. I want to get rid of the growth in my back yard and put pavers or have it concreted this includes my driveway. I got three quotes. I don't even want to discuss that cost! LOL. This is New York and homeowners get the shaft here. I like to do word of mouth and use references. Lawdy, but it won't be happening until the Fall at least, at which time I'll need new quotes. Ha! GOOD MORNING TO MY SISTERS! IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY

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  19.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10


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  20.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Ich My problem really is stones and glass houses. Why would you need to compare the looks of friendly and I? She looks her way (which is beautiful by the way) and I look my way (which too is beautiful in my eyes and others. Stacking up? Why? If this is true then this is more proof that you men play freak show games on here. Create new handles and peep at women. Why? None of us need to be stacked against one another. I'm not in a competition here with women. The man for ME will want ME, as would be the case for all the beautiful Black women on this site. MsChocoPrincess, Tatted, BigEyes, Godiva, MzBrown, MsFriendly, Bamba and all the rest who represent the beauty that is the BLACK WOMAN. Methinks you need to grow up.

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  21.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Ich 7:00a.m. Isn't also a well known fact that Laurelton cussed you out about quoting Bible verses in a particular thread? He got in your shyt about something or another. I'm gonna go hunting for that one too. Now you say you're a man who doesn't follow, hmmmph could have fooled me. He tore you down. Broke you up in pieces. I read it. He called you "self-righteous" he would do that cause he has no spirituality of his own - that's his bizzzness though. Please come and tell me that what mine eyes have read isn't true...

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Malarki 6:26a.m. I asked you not to address me. I see you refer to me as "the individual" I'm known on here as petitechick. You would want to use my name when discussing matters pertaining to me so as to add clarity to the discussion. Folx just arriving here won't know what "Individual" you mean. Don't address me again directly. Don't flirt with me on this site cause I don't want you. Never did, never will. You're like a gossip girl! @Ich I'm still asking Ich who is Mecca and what does he/she have to do with me? With the exception of my asking that person to clarify something in a post. ....tapping fingers and waiting..... Animosity? Toward you Ich? I never spoke to you. So what are you talking about? I did question the way you quote, if that's what you're referring to. You half do it, or leave out information deliberately (I'm inclined to believe the latter) so as to stir trouble. It's evident. It's so obvious a child could even see it. But animosity? No, you just like the rest of the crew. Birds of feather............

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  23.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Well, Laurelton said: I am not criticizing you about Petite. I just said you was soft. After everything was said, you was quick to be her friend. EWWWW, EWWW, I KNOW, I KNOW, *RAISING HAND* LIKE A KINDERGARDNER.....I KNOW, PICK ME, ME It might a novel concept (some don't have a perception of this, I understand) that MsFriendly got 'hip" to Mr. Hannes72. Ewww, ewww, that could be it. I can spot a bullshyt artist a mile away. My bullshyt artist radar is working well up in here. And it goes a little something like this: (PAY ATTENTION TOO - cause this white man Shut him DOWN!!!!!!) September 18th, 2009 White men are least attracted to Black women? Posted by James Comment by Hannes72 on 25 April 2010: I dont know why I have got an email-notification on that topic since I cannot remember that I have ever commented to this topic. Whatever, I read an interesting question I would like to answer: Well, I just can speak for my self, I was attracted to black woman since I am attracted to women generally. I love the athletic shape, the big lips, the curvature, the way they smell and of course the dark tan. Altough my taste for black women changed through a bit, they are still my favorite. There are some asians and latinas I fancy too and I prefer “black-non african descent”, but how I said - black is still my favorite and I cannot imagine to married to something else. I also got some friends who like than and usually if they like black, they are crazy for black as I am. That my be due to the fact that we have almost none here in Austria/Europe and if they are fresh from Africa and not really what white men are attracted too. Also the mentality and livestyle of the africans differs completly from the way we are. Hope that answer was helpfully. THEN: Comment by jabavar on 12 May 2010: I just came across this blog and started to read..interesting how little some of the comments have to do with the topic and how intolerant others are. Well, I am white (grown in Europe) and lived most my professional life- 20odd years- outside of Europe in Asia, Africa, USA, Canada and on several Caribbean Islands. I lived, obviously, in black communities and have lived with black women. First and foremost I have to say:people are people,whoever they are; when it comes down to the basic needs we are all the same -we need clothe, shelter, food, company. Of course, that does not address the issue of why white man would or would not date black women, in “our” society that is. @Hannes,go to any African country and you will find as many extremely beautiful women as anywhere in the world. Your comment about black women of none African descent -contradictory in itself unless you talk about dark (black) Asian or Native Australian women- is childish and tells me that your are clueless about black women. I, for one, lived with an African woman for 4 years and only broke up because my assignment in the country came to an end and she did not want to leave her beautiful country (Tanzania); not even had I married her. (I had many other relationships with black women and ended up marrying and divorcing an Asian woman and am blessed with two beautiful, and racially speaking mixed, children.) Living on an Caribbean Island now and working in the Tourist industry, I am very happy to see that interracial couples are not the exception anymore. AND I bet my last penny that five or six generations from now we will not have this discussions any longer - we will all have become “interracials”. Many countries are a bit further ahead: Jamaica’s national slogan, for example, is “out of many one people” and on most other Island there is no one race anymore, it is all one big pot out of which people come, and skin colour does not play any significant role, especially not when it comes to dating. Comment by Hannes72 on 14 May 2010: @Jabavar believe me, I had black women since I am 17 and now I am 37. You think you know something about it because if the few you had. If you put an african black female and a black female who raised in Europe next to eachother, it will be no comperism in style and attitude. Of course there are some very beautiful ones in Africa but I was talking gernerally. If you line up 10 girls from Africa, at least 9 of them will totally differ from what a white european is after. Even my african friends (mostly nigerians) advice me - dont go with the nigerian women, you will never get love from them, papers and money is what they are after. As for my own experience, most of them are really how my friend said. My experience with black latinas are totally different. They know about dirty sex, and thats what they are after, if you look good you are in the game. If not, even money cannot bring you in. But of course, that are just my own experience. To come back to the point, usually I am not attracted to african women if they are fresh from africa. THEN ONE MO TIME!!! Comment by jabavar on 14 May 2010: @Hannes Well, I guess we are talking about different things here. You talk of people who left there respective countries to seek a better life elsewhere -the term in German would be “Wirtschaftsfluechtling”, which has no equivalent in the English language. For them to be used and abused in their country of origin is part of everyday life and that is what they expect from people and circumstances they meet anywhere in the world. (And reading your comments that is what they should expect, hence there reactions.) Nigeria is also a predominantly Muslim country and the status of women in general is rather abysmal. But that does not negate the point I am going to make since in the circles I meet Nigerians, or anyone for that matter, there is certainly no difference in appearance, look, or as you call it style and attitude. If anything these people outshine the others in most respects as far as grace, posture and style is concerned. I am talking about people (in this case women) of equal status to Europeans or Americans or wherever anyone might be from. A person with a university degree, who has traveled and is somewhat familiar with different cultures, in short, with some level of sophistication. (I am explaining this rather lengthy because, unfortunately for you, these are folks you will never meet or if, they would not give the likes of you a first, let alone a second look.) The second point you are making about having known black women for the last 20 years is rather a sad one. You mean to say that you used black underprivileged, in most cases perhaps desperate women for your pleasure and enjoyment. Knowing a person is something different altogether, at least in my books. AND the topic of discussion is “white men dating black women” not “sleeping with black women”. How many of these black women you used would you have introduced as your girlfriend to your friends or family??? Malarki stated: Menelik replies: Ich, we read what happened between this individual and friendly13. We gasped at the relentlessness of the onslaughts. Hannes we could excuse but these attacks are becoming rather arbitrary of late, and somewhat baseless, whichever way one spins it. I’m a little disappointed, to be honest, but if this is what passes for femininity in African-American society then I can see how easy it was for Jerry Springer to get guests! Me? I wouldn’t even sit in the audience at such a freak show! Peace! Menelik Charles London England YOU SHOULD BE MALARKI. YOU'RE FULL OF CRAP TOO. I GUESS IT WASN'T SUCH A FREAK SHOW WHEN YOU WERE COMMENTING THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE CHARADE, TELLING ME HOW SEXY I MAKE "BEING ANGRY LOOKS." I KNOW YOU WILL DENY IT BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY TO PULL UP THE THREAD IN WHICH YOU SAID IT. I NEVER RESPONDED TO YOU. SO YOU SEE BOYS, MY ANGER WAS NOT BECAUSE OF THE WHITE BOY LIKING LOVELY FRIENDLY. IT WAS BECAUSE HE WAS LYING. HE CAME HERE RIGHT AWAY AND I COULD TELL HE WAS A LIAR. SINCE SHE'S BEEN BADGERED HERE FOR SO DAMN LONG I DON'T BLAME HER FOR BEING ANGRY AND SUSPICIOUS OF ME. WHO WOULDN'T? I DIDN'T COME IN AGREEMENT. I DON'T BLAME HER ONE BIT! I HAD NO IDEA THIS SHYT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS NOW. I'M DUMBFOUNDED BY THAT KNOWLEDGE. SO LEAVE HER ALONE. I'M THE NEW GIRL ON THE BLOCK WHO CAME TO WARN MY SISTERS ABOUT NO GOOD MEN, FIRST WHITE, NOW THE LYING ASS BLACK ONES. THE ONES I DON'T WANT. I WOULD NEVER EVER BE BOTHERED WITH SOMEONE THE LIKES OF YOU MALARKI. NEVER. I KNOW THAT BOTHERS YOU WHEN I STATE IT IN PUBLIC, BUT YOU AIN'T SHYT. YOU WOULDN'T SIT IN SUCH A FREAK SHOW! HA YOU BEEN PART OF THE FREAK SHOW FOR A VERY LONG TIME. STEP OFF.

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  24.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    MzBrown, You're right! I did do that. I'm so embarrassed. Well, you read my response. Thanks for reading through my posts. I wish you had caught that sooner. You probably did but you were too busy laughing at me. :)

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    QQ Friendly (Drinking Iced Tea) While Friendly build shit. I still can't get over the description of your ass.

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  26.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @ all the ladies on this blog (hugs) I don't think I am going to be able to take that much needed vacation this summer because I have to single handedly build my new front porch, finish the tearout work and put all my drywall up so that I can get my home insulated and install the new furnace by fall. Fun times. Hopefully, I will be able to go somewhere warm during the cold months. Unless God works a wonderful miracle for me. I cannot put it past him. He has never failed me yet.

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  27.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @ PetiteChick Hey, thanks for the willingness to send me a PDF copy. I will enjoy that. Thanks a bunch.

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  28.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Oh ok then you aiiright then. LOL I've been there when I went to Disney World years ago. Everybody and their momma here is probably headed to the coast this weekend and theya rre welcome to it. I'm waiting til the beaches clear and the rates are low before I take my summer vacation.

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  29.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Na Bama I am going to Kissimmee Florida. LOL God's waiting room. Never heard that before. I like Florida. Always something to do.

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  30.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Petite yes I did darling and I thank you and Ich for the nice comments. :)I'm watching sports tonight. Baseball and Basketball mixed with Family Guy. The plan this weekend hopefully is to see Sex and the City 2 with one of my gf's. @Queenie baby you going to God's waiting room (Florida) hoping to see some black ass. LOL Unless you going to Tallahasse or Miami, good luck with that.

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  31. Posted: 28 May 10

    Comment by PetiteChick on 27 May 2010: "@Ladies: Season Premiere of MY dancing show is on. I’ll be in and out during commericals. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!" I notice loud mouf Mary is not on tonite. I wonder if she is gone or if she'll be on a lil later in the season. LOl

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  32.   Member says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    Listen I am still thinking about the description of Friendly's ass. I am in a small white PA town. I ain't seen a nice black woman's ass in a couple months now. I am glad I am going to Florida this Sunday.

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  33. Posted: 28 May 10

    @ Ichibod: I think you are trying to put much too much on ya plate at one time. Some of that you came at Petite with, I actually said in my post.

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  34. Posted: 28 May 10

    Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 27 May 2010: "People are worried about female circumcision. Considering, the young girls are mentally prepared for this ritual." How does a young girl mentally prpare her self for something so horrible? And just how would you know? another comment by queens ins same post: "A boy gets his penis circumcised in the United States nobody thinks twice about this. Why, because it is in an fancy hospital operating room." but then: Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 27 May 2010: "I am circumcised. I don’t know what bible you are reading but it never read it was no longer necessary. Also, it cuts the risk of prostate cancer." So my dear, what was the point of bringing up male circumcision in the first place, other than to ONCE AGAIN make the conversation about the male? You do see that you contradict yourself, just for the sake of an argumentm don't ya? L@_@KS @ Queens!!

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  35.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Bamba Did you see me giving you props and having to bow down to the girl who "knows" what she knows?

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  36.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    @Ladies: Season Premiere of MY dancing show is on. I'll be in and out during commericals. SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! Take that, Bamba! LOL.

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  37.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 28 May 10

    My sistahs, good evening, (hugs to all) Dannyco56! (waving - hey) @friendly: DON'T BUY THE BOOK. I can scan it. It's not that long of a read. I'll scan and send it to you via PDF. It's good to have around. Helps to keep you grounded! So look for it soon. Give me a few days. If any of you other ladies want it, let me know. I'll be glad to send it to you as well. *smooches*

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  38.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @Bro Ichibod said: I don’t know why all of the sudden animosity, Petite. Exactly, what did I say so wrong that I possibly could have explained or clarified? Menelik replies: Ich, we read what happened between this individual and friendly13. We gasped at the relentlessness of the onslaughts. Hannes we could excuse but these attacks are becoming rather arbitrary of late, and somewhat baseless, whichever way one spins it. I'm a little disappointed, to be honest, but if this is what passes for femininity in African-American society then I can see how easy it was for Jerry Springer to get guests! Me? I wouldn't even sit in the audience at such a freak show! Peace! Menelik Charles London England

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  39. Posted: 27 May 10

    Hey Ya'll, in the corner today. Thank you so much Danny for your kind words. I'm reserving my jumping in for something really good. LOL

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  40.   Member says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    Hold up Friendly said this... "Oh and I had meant to say something to you about the thong issue....since you must know...yes I like them. I have a big butt and they don't make a pantyline showing through my clothes. I like the fancy kind with diamond link across the back or along the hips. Plus, they accent my shape." NOW we are finally talking about something. Everything you else said "uh bible and etc" interesting. See, if you said this earlier, we would have had a better understanding. Ich what's good man. These nappy headed sellout black girls giving you a hard time?

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  41. Posted: 27 May 10

    White men love the black woman, for the same reason Black men do, they are beautifully engaging, tireless, strong, full of spirit, and have a sensual side, not to be compared. Why wouldn’t the white man want to take advantage of the crème de la crème of female Humanity? I mean she has endured so much by the white man/woman, and for her to still except him with no ill feeling, what! An opportunity. I mean you have a race beaten down, extracted of all their pure essence, assimilated, and finally they become co-dependant upon those who initially harmed you. Why do white men choose black women, because black men do? How better to add insult to injury, but by taking into bed that of whom you oppressed for so long, and they don’t mind. I guess it’s good for white men to start dating black women, because in the not to far off future, their won’t be too many pure bread black men around. More black men die every day then all other races combined in the US “You will be Assimilated, Resistance is Futile”

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  42.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @ Godiva Regarding the B word, I feel you on that one.

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  43.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    Friendly, CORRECTION: Nice of you to expound on the subject. I did understand where you were going with it.

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  44.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    Friendly, "So just because you know the bible and have an anointing doesn’t always mean that you are right about everything. We all have to be straightened out sometimes." I meant no offense by that question, but it's just that Catholics believe that in that passage, Christ was naming Peter as His successor, or Vicar, hence the Pope and the Papacy. Nice of you to expound on that. I understood what you where you were going with that. Petite, Forgive and forget is a simplistic way of expressing letting something go and not holding animosity toward someone else. Whatever words or actions still remain in a person's memory. However, when a person RETAINS words or actions it is not forgiveness. If a person has a scar, you actually expect a person to say "I forgot" or "I don't know" when asked how they got it? Depending on how old they are, they just may have forgotten, but I have scars that mom gave me as a child. I see them from time to time. I'm looking at one right now as I type this. I don't hold that against her at all. That's forgiveness. I can recall every detail of the night I got it. But only when I'm asked, "How did you get that?" and as I use this scenario as a example. I wasn't asking why you quoted me as to say, "You have some nerve..." I asked you why you quoted me because I wanted to know what point you were trying to make. I don't know why all of the sudden animosity, Petite. Exactly, what did I say so wrong that I possibly could have explained or clarified? It's almost like I'm being the intercessory sacrifice for all men who wouldn't take the olive branch, as you so succinctly put it.

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  45.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @friendly13 Love ya sis.... Be back!

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    For those of you who are STILL trying to take down the sisterhood, IT WON'T WORK. We're on to it. Make offhanded and off the cuff remarks. It won't work. Teeheeheeee Won't work. I'd stop if I were y'all. We have forgiven (KEY WORD) and most and importantly FORGOTTEN. The hardest one of them all is the latter. Peace........

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @Ich You came in here talking about how women thrust themselves into places on this forum site where they don't belong. I AFFIRMED MY position on you. I made a statement ABOUT YOU - I BACKED IT UP. That's all, plain and simple. No need for questions and the whys?

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  48.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @ Ich: Why do I quote you? I want be like the "quote masters" up in here. I don't want to be a cut n paste master I want to take a step higher and be a quote master. YOU QUOTED Menelik and Friendly in the same response (me unknowingly thinking it was a comment by you - cause you didn't say "Friendly said"). You see how that works now. I'm learning from the masters up in here. I see you don't forgive and "forget." No such thing, Huh? Well dude that's between YOU and YOUR God, I forget we all don't believe in the same one. No such thing, eh. Do you bruh. Do you....

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  49.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @BrOwNSuGaR & Ich BrOwNSuGar you said "This all just goes around and around in circles. It brings to mind the saying ” ARE WE THERE YETTTT?”" You said the truth. @ Ich Yes, I looked at the whose looked at me and saw your picture and I opened it. The first time I looked at it I will admit I figured you were in league with PetiteChick (who nolonger have any annymosity against). Then I wanted to see where you were from after I had closed it. I looked at your profile again the other day while looking at who I looked at and realized I did look at your profile more than once. I just thought it was interesting. I looked at all of your pictures because I did think you were nice looking. Anyway....I didn't know that Laurelton had a profile. I am going to have to look that one up just for kicks. lol.

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  50.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 27 May 10

    @friendly13, I can't co-sign with you about the B word, no matter, in my opinion, no matter how it's turned around, it's not a word that compliments any woman. I have heard women use it against each other, and I even heard women use the word, describing themselves, when they are in a certain mood, however, it doesn't set well with me. I feel the same about the N word, People can drop the letters er and change it to, whatever they so choose to do, but to me it's a ugly, demeaning, word!!! I heard some rapper say once, that changing the spelling of the word, now makes the word more acceptable, and it takes on a new meaning. Well maybe to him, but I know my Dad, and all the Dad's before us, heard that word being used to degrade them, it wasn't acceptable then, and in my book, it never will be!!! Still love you though!! love godiva

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