Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Listening to the Old Lady "Yep it’s called sexual addiction. You might not know nothing about that cause you probably don’t get that much. I don’t want a man who wants to hump me 10 x a day. I dare you to say you could roll like that, cause you too busy in women’s asses. You probably don’t have time to get your first or second one off. Punk." What is REALLY sick is a white man wanting to hump you 10x a day at your age! Listen, I assure you I am not trying to nut more than 1 or twice if the woman is lucky. Listen, I will get you a referral to my Uncle's nursing home in Far Rockaway Queens. He has a "roommate" that served in Vietnam. A white guy named "Marine Mike". I will make sure to tell him you don't like being humped 10x a day it is perversion to you. It is sick to be having sex at 61 years old. But that is just my opinion. You have a nice day.

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  2.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Queenie and Petite I'm going to start singing Mama said Knock you out in a minute LOL

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  3.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Malarki I thought with all your knowledge you would understand the term (sooo often used) "forbidden fruit" as White women. You know the untouchables....

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  4.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Comment by PetiteChick on 25 May 2010: @Malarki domineering females, and men uncertain not only of their place in Black society but also of their manhood etc. —————————————– Is this also the reason why Black men seek the “forbidden fruit?” --------------------------------------------- WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THIS, MALARKI?

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  5.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    QQ at the Old lady, I ain’t hard to find. Go look at my blog and twitter that I am never on. ---------------------------------------------- I'll only go there if there is a foto of you there fool. Wanna see what ya got going on for yourself. Could be the reason you're so hateful. Otherwise, why would I want to visit a site that talks about Black women? How much of a following do you have over there anyways? Making any money? Any ad revenue flowing in for you. I wonder if this site knows you come here to pimp your blog. Conflict of interest ya know. Now a lot of sex is perversion? They got an opening at my Uncle’s nursing home. I am pretty sure they will take you in. ------------------------------------------------- Yep it's called sexual addiction. You might not know nothing about that cause you probably don't get that much. I don't want a man who wants to hump me 10 x a day. I dare you to say you could roll like that, cause you too busy in women's asses. You probably don't have time to get your first or second one off. Punk. Get me! ……………… Good. I don’t hide.

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  6.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    I'm just pointing out that whores aren't limited to women. He is a man whore who knocked up eight women, got 10 kids that he obviously can't afford and he went to jail for unpaid child support. If he if anything he is a dumb ass for not wrapping it up.

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  7.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    The once untouchable White woman, the woman White men put on a pedestal, but as Rev Farrakhan said, whilst they worked the fields the mistress looked and so did the Black men. Longing...but she was forbidden. You've been let out of bondage, shackles are free and you have your chance at that forbidden fruit. You have arrived. But the very people who held you in shackles, disenfranchised you, broke up your homes you uphold as better than your own women? You gonna need to work on that story again. When you get it right. The door swings both ways honey. Black women weren't raped and disenfranchised by massa? Taken away from her children and men? Leaving herself alone to fend off the vultures? Leaving her alone to raise her children? Leaving her alone to HAVE TO be the mother and father. The desertion isn't inherent, you say? OK, get back to me when you include BLACK WOMEN IN YOUR SLAVE AND DISENFRANCHISED SONET.

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  8.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    'forbidden fruit'? Who or what may that be? Menelik

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  9.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Dear Bama Are you blaming Jason Caffey for women laying down for him? You mean to tell me that they just couldn't believe he was with more than 1 woman. That is a bad decision by the women. It is not like the man wanted to get married. QQ at the Old lady, I ain't hard to find. Go look at my blog and twitter that I am never on. Now a lot of sex is perversion? They got an opening at my Uncle's nursing home. I am pretty sure they will take you in. Get me! .................. Good. I don't hide.

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Malarki domineering females, and men uncertain not only of their place in Black society but also of their manhood etc. ----------------------------------------- Is this also the reason why Black men seek the "forbidden fruit?"

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  11.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Daffy Do you ever get "any?" I mean do you? What do you look like? Have you a foto here so that we may set thine eyes upon thee? I'd love to see what your ass looks like. Ladies, anybody know what this fool looks like? Why he hide all the time? Not good enough? You are good enough. Good enough to be the gum under somebody's shoe.

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  12.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Well, not really. The “older lady” came on on her black horse declaring she would never be with a white man after 1 WHITE MAN wanted sex repeatedly. -------------------------------------------- It ain't no story. The OLD BLACK WOMAN DON'T A WANT A MAN WHO IS SEXUALLY OBSESSIVE TO THE DEGREE OF PERVERSION. I SHOULD HAVE SAID ALSO THE OLD BLACK WOMAN DON'T WANT NO BLACK OR LATINO MAN OF SAME CHARACTERISTICS. Where's the news? I didn't get my copy of that!

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  13.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Oh you want to go there huh? I went to school at the University of Alabama with Jason Caffy who got a pro basketball contract with the Chicago Bulls. This "brotha" has 10 kids with EIGHT different women and he can't pay child support so these whores in college you want to point out, weren't alone trust me on that. I also went to school with Big Shot Rob Robert Horry who married a sista, had children with her and they are still together.

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  14.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Menelik replies: the numbers of marital relationships and inter-racial dating between Black and white men will continue to increase as relations BETWEEN Black men and women continue to DETERIORATE! Fact! PetiteChick replies: ...if you are correct in your assessment then it would behoove us to want to do something about Black male/female relationships, don’t you think so Malarki? I do. How long can each side go on with no one wanting to take blame for their part in it? Someone, at some point has to recognize the problem and extend a hand to try to mend it. Menelik replies: the basis of the problem resides in the post-slavery Black family. I have pointed the finger at no single individual. The Post-slavery Black family is an inherently anti-African, white-supremacist (i.e. colourist) institution. Moreover, unlike other races/ethnic groups, there exists no genuine culture at its core to perpetuate progressive responses to white supremacy. Anyone seeking to define what they consider Black 'culture' will invariably end up with negatives e.g. poverty, fatherless families, low ambition, fear and loathing of academic success (amongst the fatherless males) domineering females, and men uncertain not only of their place in Black society but also of their manhood etc. Look at our African kinfolk who have their cultures intact. See how the perpetuate upwards i.e. they embrace education, work their way out of poverty, keep families together and have men and women with clearly defined socio-cultural roles. Can you not see why slave-descended African-Americans and and continental Africans don't get along? Yep, the post-slavery Black family is at the root of our current problems as a people. No one wants to acknowledge this fact much less confront it. Instead we attack each other without looking back at who it was that left us a blueprint for relationship failure. Our anti-African, racially-confused, and white supremacist parents. There are some simple solutions to the problem, and some sensational means of confronting them as well. But I'll leave any discussion on the matter to my book on the subject. Menelik Charles London England

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  15.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    It could get REAL UGLY. Stay on gardening and planting stuff. Stay in that lane. ------------------------------- I'LL GO WHERE I PLEASE. YOU DON'T OWN THIS BOARD. LIKE YOU ONCE TOLD ME..... Poof.....

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  16.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Daffy (from that Old Lady) I give up. This is called being PICKED LAST YOU NAPPY HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! See I knew you would get all flustered. People forget I studied Criminology and Sociology.

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  17.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Let me address this so called myth about black men with white women. First off, black men 99 percent of the time picked black women first, "sometimes" in elementary school. Therefore, the issue lies with black women and why their "own men" would rather "date outside their race". It all falls on the black woman. If a certain amount of black men say " this is how you are". You can argue back and forth about it. But this how black men feel about it. They are sick of your ass with multiple kids with different daddies. Not directing that at anybody here. Just speaking in general. Now, people talk about college educated black women or "those black women" , who attend college. Perhaps, that would be a better choice. I mean, it is a better choice than a hood rat. It can be the "lesser of two evils". However, I went to college on campus. It wasn't unusual to see young black girls "freak off" at majority black parties. My homebody was an "Alpha. Personally I was disgusted by the sexual things these so called "educated black women did". It didn't surprise me because the black parties use to have many black celebrities and etc. The stories I could tell would be "endless". For some of these black women go get high and mighty on this board is amazing to me. Then, they wonder why black men are upset. If you wasn't acting like a 'slut puppy". Maybe, more black men would respect you. You will never tell the truth. You just half the story so white men will believe you are a victim. But keep mentioning black men all the time you sellout. It could get REAL UGLY. Stay on gardening and planting stuff. Stay in that lane.

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 25 May 2010: @Queenie you about to get your ass beat. LOL So i’m going to make my point and go back to my corner and get out of the way As i said earlier about self denial, you want to talk about fixing the black woman how about fixing some of your brothas first. You should be concerned that a number of black men don’t go to college and they have the same opportunities as we do. As black women we have two things going against us: black and female and a lot of us managed to make it in the corporate world and a lot of brothas are falling behind and not keeping up with the sistas, so naturally, a lot of us are dating more white men . But you don’t want to talk about that. That to me should be of more importance to you and everyone else then who dates whom. We should be encouraging our young men and women to get their education and a maake a better a better life for themselves to hell with whom they choice to make that life with. ----------------------------------------------- Smart, sophisticated, educated sistahs dropping knowledge. Y'ALL BETTER PAY ATTENTION!

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  19.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    When I write my book "Self Denial" I would love to interview you for your prospect so other men and women can see what a truly self delusional brotha you are. You have convinced yourself somehow that the problems black men face is not of their own doing in a lot of cases but it's because of black women though the truth be told the "delusional brotha" has to retell history in order to convince himself that he isn't jealous of good black women marrying white men, he just believes somehow that black women are throwing themselves at white men. Truth be told that black women just have decided to excercise their options just like brothas have been doing for years.

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  20.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Comment by friendly13 on 25 May 2010: @ Laurelton Queens Now I have been trying to be nice to you and I am going to try hard to stick to my promise as I put you in your place once more…..Whenever you insult a black woman you also are insulting your own mother. For you to say that the only men we have a chance with are black men, who show a trend of looking for wives elsewhere, and that we should not be open to relationships other than black men for the purpose of what….soothing the egos of black men…that is hog wash….see I didn’t call names and I didn’t say any nasty words. I kept to my promise. But Mr. Laurelton Queens you really need to spend more time on your own site and find out if you have a following there. I imagine you don’t since you are still on here talking about things that noone cares about except you on this blog because you are a contrary person who will never be happy unless he feels like he messing up someones selfesteem and discouraging people. The majority of us on this blog have put past issues to bed and that is that. Leave it alone. It has not been put to bed but it also died in its sleep and we had the funeral days ago. Didn’t you get the invite. ---------------------------------------- PREACH SISTER! Ooops, shame on me for calling you sister seeing how's we had a fight and all, but I can't embrace you now because we had a fight and we are supposed to go on hating one another. Awwww, well, guess what, I don't give a fly'n crap about Daffy!

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  21.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Bye prick..... I give up. This is called being PICKED LAST YOU NAPPY HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! ( About to head out the door) The bitchassness flu is spreading like the BP Oil Leak. At this point, white men can deal with you. The sex ain’t worth it, If you have to deal with this. Look for that New Album coming “I AM SOMEBODY YOU SHOULD KNOW” THE REGINA KING STORY. Some of my fans requested it. I am going to work on this one for them. (Closing the door) ------------------------------------------ See ya, don't let the door hit you - you know where!

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  22.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    (Loosening my tie up) You don't even know what I am going to post about. I am aware of what she said. I plan to address all sellout black women on "future projects". I am tired of sellout black women making excuses for why white men picking them last. Even when you are with a white man you mention us. Debra Dickerson, Halle, Stacey and Garcelle are failing role models for sellout black women. Y'all don't seem to learn your lesson though. I am tired of sellout black women using black men to get a pat on the head by a white men. Still lying to white men about black men supposedly treating you "bad". QQ Ms Brown sugar

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  23.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Daffy Duck Also, what was said by tatted about you is something YOU should take up with Tatted. I didn't make those comments. You're angry because I assume her comment to be accurate? You should be. See how it goes, now? Assuming is a problem for you. You need to get that looked after!

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Laurelton from Old Lovely Lady I said, Black men are not the ones complaining about “not getting a date”. We didn’t do any movies called ” Something New”. We are not promoting books called ” Don’t bring home a white boy” by Karyn. ----------------------------------------------- Black men's excuse has always been that we are to overbearing, too this, too that, not willing to take your crap, not willing to do this, kiss your ass whipe your ass, kiss your feet. Yes, you complained that's why you went a running to Asian (subservient) and White women (subservient to you). Don't lie about it. Tell the truth about it. I'm just gonna use that dayumed Wesley snipes as an example. If those are not the reasons why Black men started dating others, then DO TELL US AS YOU UNDERSTAND IT TO BE, PLEASE DO. Yes, you lauded what was posted on or about 4/26 when I posted those statistics. I posted them cause I got sick of listening to that fool complain about "fastest gowning" something or another.

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  25.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 25 May 2010: The thing about it is we never discuss is why relationships between black women and black men are breaking down. We go back and forth accusing one another of different things but the issue at hand is never addressed. I think education is one reason. The gap between black women and black men going to college is HUGE and I’d like to know. Another thing is the lack of eligible black men as well. I believe I heard a stat that there are more black women then black men so if that’s true what are black women suppose to do? Never get married which apparently is happening to a lot of us. Or explore their options which a lot of women are starting to do. Sometimes these issues aren’t as simple as black and white. ------------------------ They are never as simple as Black and White. Like you so eloquently stated, nobody want to take the Blame. IT WAS BLACK MEN WHO BEGAN THE OUT OF RACE DATING FIRST. Who here wants to deny this? Let's ask the brothers why? This is a start. How many Black women are still holding out for Black men? Many, many, many. This is logical reasoning because of demographics and geographics. So, ANY SENSIBLE Black man care to add to what they "believe" the reason is for desertion of Black women? Any takers? You can give your own opinion or you can give an opinion on what you've heard others say. Barbershop discussions, hell anything. Ms.Friendly gave one example of why Black women are growing weary of Black men and thuggish behavior. Gentleman: May I hear your perspective?

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  26.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Regina King just came out and said she encourages her black friends to DATE white men so I don't know where you been but I read that story the other day. Baby if a man picks me he got the best because if he is satisfied he wouldn't be out there seeking me. :)

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  27.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Petite amen to what you said too about Compromise and finger pointing.

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  28.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Now addressing Bama and the "Old Lady" Old Lady said this "All that childish shyt you talk. Get outta here. So when the tables are turned on who gets picked last for Black men you got a problem? hmmmmmm, oh well. Don’t Black men date Asian women as well? I seem to recall that. STFU! Pull up the thread where you hailed what I posted. Go ahead I dare you. You lying prick." What tables are turned? What are you rambling about? I accepted you saying Asian women pick black men last. You made a reference to that. I said, Black men are not the ones complaining about "not getting a date". We didn't do any movies called " Something New". We are not promoting books called " Don't bring home a white boy" by Karyn. Are you so 'dense" you don't understand what I said. What do I have to lie about concerning you. Seriously, Friendly ripped into your ass. You don't even stand on any principles. First you dislike white men. Then, you turn around and give some story about your experiences with white men (All negative). I am trying to let it go. But keep pushing me. I originally wanted to respond to Bama anyway. I am tired of talking to old washed up black women looking to make friends. God bless Tatt but she never apologized to Big Eyes. I doubt she ever will. (Smiling) Back to Bama, she said this.... "Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 25 May 2010: As far as white men supposedly picking us “last” I see it was them picking the best. They my have had their fill of women of different races, but they didn’t found a home until they got with us." UM (rubbing chin) they may have had "their fill of women" but they didn't find a home until they got with you. (Throwing hands up) I give up. This is called being PICKED LAST YOU NAPPY HEADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! ( About to head out the door) The bitchassness flu is spreading like the BP Oil Leak. At this point, white men can deal with you. The sex ain't worth it, If you have to deal with this. Look for that New Album coming "I AM SOMEBODY YOU SHOULD KNOW" THE REGINA KING STORY. Some of my fans requested it. I am going to work on this one for them. (Closing the door)

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  29.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Queenie you about to get your ass beat. LOL So i'm going to make my point and go back to my corner and get out of the way As i said earlier about self denial, you want to talk about fixing the black woman how about fixing some of your brothas first. You should be concerned that a number of black men don't go to college and they have the same opportunities as we do. As black women we have two things going against us: black and female and a lot of us managed to make it in the corporate world and a lot of brothas are falling behind and not keeping up with the sistas, so naturally, a lot of us are dating more white men . But you don't want to talk about that. That to me should be of more importance to you and everyone else then who dates whom. We should be encouraging our young men and women to get their education and a maake a better a better life for themselves to hell with whom they choice to make that life with. @Lifeshort AMEN

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  30.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Menelik/Malarki Comment by Malarki5 on 25 May 2010: *Not so fast* because many African American WOMEN still hold out for Black men. But this trend is changing as evidenced by the numbers. The numbers will continue to flourish so long as race relations continue to improve. Menelik replies: the numbers of marital relationships and inter-racial dating between Black and white men will continue to increase as relations BETWEEN Black men and women continue to DETERIORATE! Fact! ----------------------------------------- Perhaps, perhaps not. But if you are correct in your assessment then it would behoove us to want to do something about Black male/female relationships, don't you think so Malarki? I do. How long can each side go on with no one wanting to take blame for their part in it? Someone, at some point has to recognize the problem and extend a hand to try to mend it. Lest we seek a mediator. Our lives don't work quite like that when it comes to Blacks. I understand what you're saying, but wounds will continue to fester until they eat the body and there will be no coming back. The time is now. We are way over due for this. Way over do. Finger pointing needs to stop. Compromise needs to begin.

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  31.   lifes2short says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    first and foremost if the women loves me for who i am then im gonna love her for who she is ive been through enough pain with my ex of 4 yrs to know that u love who u love if i meet a girl of another racial color and she is good to me of course im gonna love her life is too short to be spending ur time on a blog trying to tell other women there sellouts for trying to be with a different racial color so u men out there getting all pissy with these women because they wanna date in a different feild that is just wrong completely and ur prolly right i dont know what ur goin through but u guys give them hell cuz them trying to keep u from doin something based on color is wrong that much i do know

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  32.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @ Dannyco56 whatever you like, LOL. See you later.

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  33.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Listening to everything With all due respect Friendly. I don't do the things you "claim I do". I just tell you the reality of the situation. I get grief for being "to honest". Nobody ever says "He is wrong". They say " your negative" you are trying to sew discord. Sellout black women have a problem admitting that dead beat white men treat them bad. This is the first I even heard it mentioned. Well, not really. The "older lady" came on on her black horse declaring she would never be with a white man after 1 WHITE MAN wanted sex repeatedly. That is another story altogether. Friendly, was doing well. She was getting ready to offer the Oliver Branch and then she says this "If black men would stop acting childish they would perhaps stop shooting each other over nonsense. What, they usually get shot by another black man and over what…drugs…check the statistics on that. Check the statistics on the life expectancy of black males in our society. Chances are that they will be dead by the time they are 25 because of black on black crime that stems from drug activity. The sad thing is that some of them that die are just in the way of drug activity. Us black mothers are doing everything we can to get our sons up and to college, but so many them get hit by a stray bullet because of some black on black nonsense. Then we have to sit here and listen to you bash us and expect to influence us. There is no reason that we should listen to you much less like you. I don’t think you even like yourself." I know you are not talking Mrs "Half of black women" got herpes, stds and etc. You seem to have left out the mothers who allow this behavior also. Last time, I checked the criminal black man always have a place to say at their "momma house". Oh, the fact you are in love with the fridge than a man. I can go on and on about. You need to stop that media brainwashing about black men. Plus you got sons, you are a pathetic individual. You will sell your soul for a white man. The only thing you talk about is how sexy your body is at 40 opposed to your twenties. I made you talk about "substance". (Pointing at myself), before you was talking about how sexually fantastic you are that a white man would forget you had 4 kids. I get the audience but never the credit I deserve. I make a difference in what I do. While you busy putting down black men. If you was doing everything you can, maybe the young boys wouldn't be getting into those negative behaviors. You feel you don't "need a man" and all this shit. Now kids are suffering for it. Listen, go put a vagina or thong picture up to attract a white man. That is the best you can do. Before you can ever address me.

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  34.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @Laurelton: The figures suit you when you want them to. When you and OtherBrother were going on about them you bounced your simple ass in here and proclaimed a victory over what he posted, now they're wrong. Yes, your tired ass did. Talking about "bouncing ball, leaving room." All that childish shyt you talk. Get outta here. So when the tables are turned on who gets picked last for Black men you got a problem? hmmmmmm, oh well. Don't Black men date Asian women as well? I seem to recall that. STFU! Pull up the thread where you hailed what I posted. Go ahead I dare you. You lying prick.

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  35.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @ lifes2short Okay, I am not quite sure how long you have been reading the blog for the subject "Why white men love the black women." When I started blogging here I thought I was going to get to read thoughts from white men about why they love the black women. But in reality,all there was were angry black men causing a bunch of confussion. If you are coming in at the last end of the some 4,000 comments you would think we are all on here for the reason that most of us did not....and that is to hear why white men could never really love us and how black women who date white men are sellouts. So the black women on here, like myself, are being judged by some black men because we are simply speaking our minds and talking back to the antagonists whose only purpose is to discourage the black women on this blog and run us away. We are determined to stand our ground and to defend it. You really can't understand where we come from because your battles are a little different. However, I don't want you to think that I do not respect your rhetoric. But, you cannot relate to what has been happening. The real fight here is that black women who wish to broaden their horizons by dating white men are resented and antagonized black men who actually expect us to sit around and wait around on them while they flaunt their freedoms in our faces. Black men tend not to marry black women and, as we can see on this blog, neither do they respect them. These are the issues that we are now responding to in our own defense of the choices we are now taking.

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  36.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @ Daffy Oh you need to shut up, really. You don't know what Friendly and I discuss off this site. You think you know so much. Got your eye in everything, but not really. Lot's of shit you would LOVE TO be privy to, but you won't be cause it ain't none of your bizness. YOU WISH YOU KNEW SOME SHYT. Hahahahahahaha. You don't know anything. What goes on here doesn't begin to glean what goes on between us offline. STFU! YOU'RE JUST MAD BECAUSE THERE AIN'T NO MORE FIGHTING SO YOU'VE DECIDED TO KEEP IT GOING. OH WELL...go right ahead. Who cares. Yes, everyone here knows we had a disagreement. A BIG ONE AT THAT. And you have no idea who apologized first. THERE YOU GO WITH YOUR ASSUMPTIONS THAT MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A BIATCH. You think you're in the know about everything. The all seeing all knowing prick who badgers women to no end. Like Tatt and others have told me you just been here too long. You need to find a new hobby. I suggest practicing a walk of your nearest plank!

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  37.   lifes2short says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    tell me about it but on day prolly not in our lifetime it will happen

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  38.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Oh I understand what you are saying and you are right, my point was you see there are people out there that still don't want to take responability in any of this, and therefore the problems will never be solved. Their solution is blame everyone else and not look at themselves because we all could use some improvement.

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  39.   lifes2short says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    this is true im saying we all have our dead beats we all as a people should admit that all of us have just as many problems as the next everyone of us make our choices not because of skin color nott because of circumstance but because of who we r as individuals

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  40.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @lifes2short you are right there are a lot of deadbeats on both sides, but when one side doesn't want to even admit there is a problem, then how does that issue get solved?

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  41.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @ Laurelton Queens Have you ever thought that the reason that 40% of the black women who will never get married is because they have to choose among men like you. If black men would stop acting childish they would perhaps stop shooting each other over nonsense. What, they usually get shot by another black man and over what...drugs...check the statistics on that. Check the statistics on the life expectancy of black males in our society. Chances are that they will be dead by the time they are 25 because of black on black crime that stems from drug activity. The sad thing is that some of them that die are just in the way of drug activity. Us black mothers are doing everything we can to get our sons up and to college, but so many them get hit by a stray bullet because of some black on black nonsense. Then we have to sit here and listen to you bash us and expect to influence us. There is no reason that we should listen to you much less like you. I don't think you even like yourself. What you need to do is go deal with those issues rather than worrying about what black women are doing.

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  42.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @ Bamababe2k9 You said"...Since you writing all these books I should write a book called “Self Denial” why some black men refuse to address the issues of black men in our community and use you as example A. I guess as the old saying goes, Denial ain’t just a river in Africa." And hit the nail right on the head.

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  43.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    As far as white men supposedly picking us "last" I see it was them picking the best. They my have had their fill of women of different races, but they didn't found a home until they got with us.

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  44.   lifes2short says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    im native american and irish and i think we the people as a whole should realize this is 2010 there is just as many white guys out there that dont got there shit together dead beat dads and good for nothins but there is also alot of good white guys out there same for black guys these stereotypes kill me live a little people if u dont broaden ur horizens then ur not helping dissolve our racial borders and if ur not doing that then how can we have world peace every race has stupid bastards that dont help dissolve the borders between us and thats all everyone sees and judges people for

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  45.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Queenie I take what you say with a grain of salt. See the issue with you is you don't want to addresss this at all you want to blame the problems of the black man ALL on the black woman but like I asked the other day is it ever the man's fault? You didn't say a word that's why I don't take what you say seriously and think you are full of it. Since you writing all these books I should write a book called "Self Denial" why some black men refuse to address the issues of black men in our community and use you as example A. I guess as the old saying goes, Denial ain't just a river in Africa.

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  46.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    @ Laurelton Queens Now I have been trying to be nice to you and I am going to try hard to stick to my promise as I put you in your place once more.....Whenever you insult a black woman you also are insulting your own mother. For you to say that the only men we have a chance with are black men, who show a trend of looking for wives elsewhere, and that we should not be open to relationships other than black men for the purpose of what....soothing the egos of black men...that is hog wash....see I didn't call names and I didn't say any nasty words. I kept to my promise. But Mr. Laurelton Queens you really need to spend more time on your own site and find out if you have a following there. I imagine you don't since you are still on here talking about things that noone cares about except you on this blog because you are a contrary person who will never be happy unless he feels like he messing up someones selfesteem and discouraging people. The majority of us on this blog have put past issues to bed and that is that. Leave it alone. It has not been put to bed but it also died in its sleep and we had the funeral days ago. Didn't you get the invite.

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  47.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Complete utter nonsense The relationship is breaking down because black women are arrogant, vain and delusional. You got a college education so what. I have a college education too. What does that got to do with a relationship? Again, we are not intimidated. They are intimidated by college educated men. I laugh a the notion it is the "other way around". You just admitted you go to white men as a 'second option". You call it "having options". That is why many sellout black women got no backbone. When a white guy use them for sex. They will never say much about it. They figure "hey I am dating him as a second option and I hope he doesn't notice it". You actually deserve to get used by white men for playing those games. I call it desperation. Even, if black women saw so called "good men" in front of their nose. They would still make the bad decision. They keep throwing out statistics about 40 percent of black women never getting married or never been married. That is there fault. Other women can "close the deal" on getting married. Black women make excuses and never point the finger at themselves. Good day

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  48.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    The thing about it is we never discuss is why relationships between black women and black men are breaking down. We go back and forth accusing one another of different things but the issue at hand is never addressed. I think education is one reason. The gap between black women and black men going to college is HUGE and I'd like to know. Another thing is the lack of eligible black men as well. I believe I heard a stat that there are more black women then black men so if that's true what are black women suppose to do? Never get married which apparently is happening to a lot of us. Or explore their options which a lot of women are starting to do. Sometimes these issues aren't as simple as black and white.

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  49.   Dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    Petitechick, Hello! I saw you on line early this morning. You and tatted2death were up real early. I read your response and will answer your question later today. I am trying to do this from my cell phone and it is taking to long. God Bless! Danny

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  50.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 25 May 10

    *Not so fast* because many African American WOMEN still hold out for Black men. But this trend is changing as evidenced by the numbers. The numbers will continue to flourish so long as race relations continue to improve. Menelik replies: the numbers of marital relationships and inter-racial dating between Black and white men will continue to increase as relations BETWEEN Black men and women continue to DETERIORATE! Fact! Menelik Charles London England

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