Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8089 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   Bird_S.A says:
    Posted: 19 May 12

    Doesn't it just annoy you when u meet up with a guy on a dating site andd he never gets back to u again, after meeting u for the first time. Well, haven't met any1 on this site yet and I hope I will.

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  2.   Seryndipity says:
    Posted: 18 May 12

    You'll never know whats out there once you venture out of the "norm". I was always told not to look for anyone, that they will find you. Thats a load... ladies prince charming is not just going to appear out of the blue on a stallion. Its ok to approach, whats the worst they can say "no" Rejection is truly not the end of the world. Live to fight another day! Ok enough with the corny cliches.. But serious ladies all women are sexy wearing confidence!

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    • cresentdark says:
      Posted: 21 May 12

      You should It's hard to think you have not yet, I met a black girl online Facebook and we are going to meet up sometime next month. I have always like black girls since I was a little kid now if a black girl thought I was not interested she just did not know me I don't really do the whole I approach her thing. Sometimes I did some white guys just as with black women are afraid of rejection or they think there is no way she or he could be interested witch is not the case. To me there is no difference other then skin tone. I prefer black women with their natural hair, although I like women with long hair really as long as a girl as long hair I’m happy not into the bald look. There are some white guys just trying to get it out there system same with some black girls witch can be ok as long as both parties know what’s going on. To me a black women with an education and knows how to dress is sexy to me. I like a girl who is shorter than me I don't have too much to worry about I’m 6, 2. But I’m also healthy I personally if I stay in shape I think a girl should to just like if I shave the girl should shave to. My biggest fear was because I cannot drive so it's a turn off for most women although she said she would teach me loll I just never got my license that’s along story in itself. Or another important thing is not all guys are circumazied so when it comes to sex should let the person know if it goes that route because some women have never seen what one looks like witch the same just not when it's small. Always tell the truth because you can decide where it goes from there I was up straight and forward I work at a gogo bar with girls wearing bikinis I’m a bouncer.

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  3.   GeminiGemm says:
    Posted: 17 May 12

    Yeah, tell me about it. Well I live right outside of DC, which is pretty diverse, and only get hit on by black guys.

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  4.   GeminiGemm says:
    Posted: 17 May 12

    I've dated white guys before, but that was when I was younger. It's funny how somewhere or another I've heard white guys love black woman, and yet I haven't been approached by any...ODD. Why is that? I'll go one further...met an italian guy on this site, he seemed [and said] he really liked me, the chemistry was there, and we spoke a few times, supposed to meet again and stood me up; never heard from him again (2 mo. ago)...I just DON'T get it.

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    • jenebee says:
      Posted: 17 May 12

      Omg. How rude. Yeah, I hit it off with a guy on here about 3 mos ago, he seemed interested and out if nowhere just stopped talking to me. I live in Los Angeles, no white guys try to talk to me. Only black and hispanic. :-(

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  5.   jenebee says:
    Posted: 16 May 12

    I like men of all colors. I grew up in a very diverse town and went to all diverse schools. I have dated men from all backgrounds and colors. But I feel white men aren't attracted to me and only want to be my friend. I never thought it was because I am black, I always assumed it was because intimidated them, being that I am a strong, smart, and confident for the most part, woman. I am also tall (5'10") and a plus-size girl. So I thought that was a reason too. I see A LOT of bwwm couples and the girl is never a chunky or big girl, she's usually skinny. Do white men not like chunky black girls???

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    • sec9811 says:
      Posted: 16 May 12

      I can't speak for all white men but I like women of all shapes and sizes. To me looks aren't everything it's what in yhe heart that matters when your looking for someone to love. Just hang in there and your fine what your looking for.

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  6.   sec9811 says:
    Posted: 15 May 12

    I have always loved black women but never been with one yet. But I am looking for a sister to love. I like what I have read in peoples comments and I agree with a lot that was said

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  7.   abu1925 says:
    Posted: 14 May 12

    Im a Filipino and I prefer more a black woman,,,They seem to be more aggressive and hot...I believe performance is matters most for a long lasting relationship...

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  8.   Bird_S.A says:
    Posted: 09 May 12

    OMG.... so i have nothing to worry about after all. i have always been attracted to white guys and always been a bit embarrassed about it because i have had more negetive comments than positive, besides the fact that i feel like no white guy will ever look, let alone want to say anything to me, even as little as 'hi'. i have been alone for over 2 years now, because i just am not attracted to any black guy, yet they are always the ones to approach me and the white guys that i am attracted to seem to not take any notice of me, at all. i am so glad to find out that there are white guys who are attracted to black women, even if it's not me.

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    • poisonivy7 says:
      Posted: 14 May 12

      I agree with you wholeheartedly _@Bird. Especially in the South you can barely get eye contact with them but they will text or email you all day. I want a relationship!!!!!!

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      • justmike14 says:
        Posted: 28 May 12

        Maybe Poison and Bird need to move up north- just sayn

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      • Blk_DeVah says:
        Posted: 29 May 12

        Poisonivy7 I'm from Louisiana so I totally feel your pain .Its aggravating sometime but I still have hope .....I think :0/

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      • Trace_MT says:
        Posted: 12 Jun 12

        True, there are a lot of hard - headed individuals in the south, but there are ALWAYS exceptions. I'm from South East Texas and I have a great attraction to non-white women. I don't know why, but I cannot find white women attractive, even the one that scientists say is the "most beautiful woman in the world." I have plenty of black friends of the opposite gender as well as friends of other ethnicities. However, the only black woman that acts like she wants anything to do with me is already taken by a white guy in another state. Never give up. Just know that if you really cannot find someone where you live, it is not the only place in the world.

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    • Summersnite says:
      Posted: 19 May 12

      Same here....its as if im invisible. But I am attracted to all shades of men...not just white.

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  9.   Lovechelii says:
    Posted: 09 May 12

    I've dated Black men in the past but to me I feel White men cherish, love me better. My family is didn't teach me color or race. I was thought to treat everyone equally.

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  10.   jacque says:
    Posted: 07 May 12

    i think its time i dated a white guy to break the monotony,hope it will be different from the disapointment i have to go through

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  11.   tim1975 says:
    Posted: 06 May 12

    As a white man, I find the skin contrast very exciting, whether we're holding hands or participating in more intimate activities, lol. In my experiences, the "angry, domineering, black woman" is a myth.

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  12.   Chrisix9 says:
    Posted: 04 May 12

    Beauty is beauty and lets face it there are a lot of beautiful women in every race on the planet. I love a beautiful black girl. It's the face.

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  13.   niomimonroe says:
    Posted: 03 May 12

    It's funny to me how in my adolescent years I remember my first kiss being the neighbors son a white boy. Then as I grew up dating black guys but the first and only man I've ever brought home happened to be a white man. It never occurred to me that my family wouldn't approve because color wasn't mentioned in my house. My Dad later told me that he was surprised but he knew this guy must have been special because He was the first and only guy I've brought home. I believe I'm hooked. Black men are great but I'm completely in love with white men. I thank God for his creation. There is someone for everyone and vanilla is for me.

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  14.   Nana says:
    Posted: 02 May 12

    iv dated black men all my life now i want serious n i want to try a white man n make cute kids so where are u i cant find u??????????? a a faithful kinda a gal i know that so am looking for one who is serious n who will tek care of my heart,feelings n the whole of mi. are u there

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  15.   ashly87 says:
    Posted: 02 May 12

    I hope I find one that connects with me in all aspects.

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  16.   Ziplok says:
    Posted: 02 May 12

    since i was young i always have been liking them looks wise and the music i was hearing was even twice as good as the looks and I just cant get over the fun personalities and all that good stuff its just fun to be with black women far more than white women.... i wont give all the secrets but the sex is 100 percent hotter and more affectionate. the leadership is far more there when it comes to making important decisions and we could go on and on and on and on. being from New Hampshire there is not really any black women there or any to choose from and it has been hell bringing out females from different states to satisfy my difficult tastes. Anyways yeah Black Women get nothing but love at least for this century!!!

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  17.   dthepoet says:
    Posted: 01 May 12

    It is hard enough waiting for that special one. Why care about race? If they really love and care for you that's all that MATTERS!

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  18.   delo34 says:
    Posted: 30 Apr 12

    This has been an interesting site. I am african-american woman and I have always been attractive to white men because of were I grew up it was unheard of for a black woman to date a white man. Once I joined the military I was surprised on how many interracial couples I seen. Seeing this allowed me to be open to all races regardless of what people might think. I believe I will find the right man for me so I'm not giving up hope.

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  19.   PRESCIOUS says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 12


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  20.   PRESCIOUS says:
    Posted: 28 Apr 12


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  21.   LaFemmeNoir says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 12

    Ive always liked white men, and I appreciate all types of white. Russian, Scottish, Italian; If they're white, intelligent, tall, and are an atheist, I will probably be interested in them. All of the "I accept all beauty" and "you should accept all people in your dating life" comments rub me the wrong way. I dont have a problem with people loving all types of women or men, but If you have a record of dating a certain race, why not just say 'I love dating ____ men/women'? Why make general statements about accepting everyone's race? I love dating tall men, so you will never hear me saying "I like tall men, but I would date a short guy too". Why? Because it is simply not what I am looking for, and I would have enough respect for a man to tell him directly he's not the one for me, and vice versa if he was lacking in height. I accept black and hispanic men the way they are, but I have love for white men. I prefer them sexually, and could not see myself with any other type of man. I have also dated white men who exclusively dated black women, and I must say the chemistry was always much more intense than with the guys who were "open" to any race they date. I like exclusivity. I sometimes feel as if people expect women to be more open, because we outnumber men. We should be more attentive, and pay more attention to what a man can offer, rather than liking the outside before we get to know the inside. Bullshit, I tell you. Its human nature for women and men to have their own personal sexual desires. If a man likes busty women, would you tell him that statistically there are less women that will be able to satisfy his needs, and insist that he opens up his options? I doubt it. People like what they like, and the people who reside in the middle will have to make a choice eventually. So why not make sure you get exactly what you want? When it comes to attraction, and a persons preferences, it is usually very black and white. (No pun intended) That's life, embrace it.

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    • Ziplok says:
      Posted: 02 May 12

      your damn right about that chemistry opposites attract like woaaaaah!!!!! : )

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  22.   Contented says:
    Posted: 24 Apr 12

    I love this site! I have never dated a white guy. I live in the Caribbean and there aren't many available white guys and the ones who are here, don't seem to be interested in black girls at all. That said, I've always wanted a white husband. I don't know if I'll ever meet a white guy with whom I can share my life, but I am really happy to know that things are changing in this world and that more people are beginning to think like I've always thought - race is not important in love! I love to see interracial couples - not just black and white - any interracial couple! All the best to you white men in finding your special sister. It takes courage to deal with the ignorant who think in terms of race. To my sisters, this interracial thing goes both ways, don't be upset when our brothers like white women. It is all wonderful! Love is blind to color. Oh and by the way, for those who haven't seen it yet, Mr and Mrs. Loving has paved the way for us all! Try to see their story its in a movie now. :-)

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  23.   Lol says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 12

    Keep on dreaming, the good the bad and the ugly comes in all shades.

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  24.   saxyman says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 12

    thats a good idea a convention to meet

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    • Summersnite says:
      Posted: 19 May 12

      In my dream the convention was filled with single professional people who were open to dating outside their race. How much would you pay to attend an event like that?? In order to attend...each person had to agree to background check.

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  25.   HappyErin says:
    Posted: 23 Apr 12

    I agree with loveshopper and Jasmine..I have always been attracted to Caucasian men ALWAYS! and I too have been apprehensive about approaching one because of the way things STILL are...I wonder how we could change this...I wish I had the money and time to create a interracial convention lol...

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    • Ziplok says:
      Posted: 02 May 12

      i think ur a cutie so i bet i would come up to you to talk anytime. : )

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    • EddyReady says:
      Posted: 05 May 12

      @ HappyErin True that,you can count me in with bells on ! Why don't this site have one :) ! Might just turn out to be a blast ! EddyReady

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    • Charli_27 says:
      Posted: 08 May 12

      ...An Interracial Convention would be awesome!!:)

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    • chris1969 says:
      Posted: 15 May 12

      HappyErin,,,"the way things still are",,,,,I have only been in USA once for few months so am not sure the whole situation there, but I had no problem with chatting to black women and the seemed to be friendly to me also,,,,so I didn't experience any problems in Virginia. But realy I think you most likely don't need to feel extra shy about chatting to a white guy! We are human also haha!,,,AND,,,,How do you know if that white guy you find attractive isn't shy also?,,,maybe he would find you attractive EXCEPT many women accuse guys of being perverts if they stare at an attractive woman too long,,,,so I often try to hide my glances and I know my friends do also! I am shy sometimes and am sure most men are at times. But the friends I have are all in the oil/gas industry so are well travelled and many have had mixed relationships anyway,,,so I don't get the exposure to issues as some people do. So try not to feel shy,,,after all it doesn't take much just to ask when the next bus is coming, or the time, or where the nearest taxi stand is, or any other question to test if he has a friendly smile with his reply? Chris,,

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      • ladykay0216 says:
        Posted: 15 May 12

        thanks for the advice. :) Even though on my mother side of the family we have a lot of interracial relationship; because she was raise in Belize and they were no racism. Everyone waa treated the same no matter what shade thier skin was.They were all Belizians. Now I'm curious ; but I felt like Jasmine. But thanks Chris. But the only thing is that how I felt about men in general. that if you approach them they would think you were not a lady. (smile) I'm somewhat shy until I see the person is okay with me.

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  26.   Jasmine says:
    Posted: 22 Apr 12

    I have always thought white men were hot but I never approached them because I was scared they wouldnt feel the same way. Im single now i would love to date a white boy but i dont know hwre to find them

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    • Dannyco56 says:
      Posted: 26 Apr 12

      Jasmine, They are all over the place darling! You are beautiful, all you need to do is smile and the will find you. Good luck and God Bless! Danny

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    • Ziplok says:
      Posted: 02 May 12

      hit me up Jasmine anytime

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    • EddyReady says:
      Posted: 05 May 12

      @ Jasmine It's true what DannyCo said below ! You are a very beautiful woman :) ! You should not have to find a white guy,they should find you ! When are you moving to Kentucky :) ! EddyReady cares !

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    • chris1969 says:
      Posted: 15 May 12

      Jasmine,,,,you never approached them?,,,,silly girl!,,,,,look everyone can be shy at times but just because a guy is white doesn't mean you should be extra shy!,,, But how about doing something like,,,ask for directions even though you don't need them,,,then ask if there is a coffee shop on that road,,,,,,if his two answers crack the ice for you and you feel daring you could ask him to show you?,,,, Pretend your watch is broken and ask the time?,,,,, Once you have got over that first few words and cracked the ice then maybe you will find us white guys are just the same as black guys,,,,we just may have thought you were attractive but WE were too shy to ask you also! hahaha,,,, Chris,,,

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    • shyone70 says:
      Posted: 16 May 12

      Girl,it is true what Danny and the others have said. A smile can work wonders. You'd be amazed at how many you get back in return. Stay Blessed.

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      • Summersnite says:
        Posted: 19 May 12

        You know I have dreamed about creating such a convention. In my dream, my company had run background checks on everyone who had a ticket. In the dream it was very successful....hmmm maybe i should follow through with the dream....maybe this is a sign?

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    • justmike14 says:
      Posted: 28 May 12

      Jasmine trust me, do approach them as they probably feel the same way as yourself. And being a women you should be good enough at reading men to allow your instincts to tell you whether they look like the type that would be open to your advances. Men, black, white, yellow or green are always flattered by a woman approaching them first. peace Mike

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  27.   loveshopper says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 12

    I am a mixed black woman that thinks that smart, kind, honest, thick, strong white men are the BIGGEST turn on in the world. I live in Montana and still can't find one.

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  28.   CHARRHIM88 says:
    Posted: 18 Apr 12

    It is true Black women are very speciall as same as white woman for me all in my life i cherished white women more dan black women for which i dont know why, am still searching to find de one i love and the one who is going to love me too, all ladies are speciall whether Black or White we are all de same only dat de colo changes but we are all creators of GOD and GOD loves us all.AM SERIOUSLY SEARCHING FOR A WHITE LADY.

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  29. Posted: 16 Apr 12

    There easy

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    • urbanisqe says:
      Posted: 25 Apr 12

      Looks like Tonybone is referring to his mother.

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    • chris1969 says:
      Posted: 15 May 12

      TonyBone,,, It depends on which part of town you meet them. White women are easy if you are in the area where they hang out. Chris,,

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  30.   Evilyn says:
    Posted: 16 Apr 12

    I was brought up that love has no color. I have always liked white men, it think it takes a special man to want to date a black woman, and put up with all the racial comments. Hats off to all the white men that like no love black women, and to all my black sisters, I say if you have never dated a white man, give them a chance, they will surprise you, I still have love for black men,

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  31.   missbosss says:
    Posted: 15 Apr 12

    I have not always liked white guys, superficially. Now, i like them, but i cannot find one who has a different approach to sex. And one who can look at me and see anything other than i am black, sexy, or both. It is like meeting the same person but trapped in another body all over again.

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    • mayday2073 says:
      Posted: 03 May 12

      Very true. When "sexy" comes up it makes you wonder if it's you they are interested in or the myth.

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    • ramba says:
      Posted: 04 May 12

      Wish you would have been more detailed here. Without knowing your situation, you seem to be meeting men that possibly never dated anyone outside their race and feel like they are just dating you to get that experiment/experience. I guess I cannot blame men for being curious about dating outside their race, its exciting and ever since I have, I have been dating black women exclusively and love it... Wish you luck!!!!!!!

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  32.   Paladin84 says:
    Posted: 12 Apr 12

    Race doesn't matter to me, or my family. My parents always taught me, that we're all sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, and that when you die, nobody will remember you for your race; only character, and accomplishments. My wife is black. Actually first met her when I moved from Boston after my mom passed away- this was during my high school days. Instantly became attracted to her, when I saw her on my first day of school, and was especially happy when she had to show me around the school hehe. After becoming friends, we later stared falling in love, both of us have a lot in common, we both come from Christian, conservative, military families. We both love history, and video games- and I don't care what race you are, any girl who is a gamer is automatically awesome ha. She's an artist and I enjoy her work, and watching her work. She's also in the medical field, studies medicine because she likes taking care of people; Its especially good for me, because I fight, and train (mixed martial arts), and work at the fire dept- so she can fix me up when I get hurt ha. I remember when my grandpa had a stroke, he lost the ability to speak English, and so spoke only German. It was difficult to communicate with him, because I didn't remember my German; and so then she insisted that I learn with her, so we could talk to him, and that was one of the most awesome things ever, especially to see my gramps so happy and feel more relieved. She helped me and my dad take care of him a lot- which was amazing. My dad later told me that I had a really great woman, and he was proud of both of us. Her family is also awesome, I'm friends with her brother- who is now also doing MMA, Getting to know her family made me see why she is such a great person. HA Her father definitely felt relieved to see how protective I am of her, and while I'm not uptight prude- I do have a bit of an old world view of how a good man should treat a lady; and her father respects and loves me a lot for that. The thing that made me fall more in love with her, was when I had finally came home for good; from the military. I was dealing with some PTSD, fell into some deep depression; especially after my grandpa died. She was there for me a lot, constantly reminded me why she loved me, and how great of a man I am, a good man- and would pray with me a lot. She's a huge reason why I've gotten better, and I thank god for bringing her into my life. We now have 2 kids, boy and girl Ahren (6), and Eve (4). Its hilarious and fascinating how our son looks more like me, and our daughter looks more like her; they're awesome kid- and I'm so proud of em and couldn't be happier.

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    • hajime says:
      Posted: 13 Apr 12

      your wife must be one lucky lady! wish you all the best in your lifetime commitment.

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    • jasmynita says:
      Posted: 15 Apr 12

      wow! your wife is one lucky woman! and you are an incredible man!!!!! i wish you and your family a lifetime of happiness and more beautiful mixed babies! :) god bless you!

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    • dthepoet says:
      Posted: 28 Apr 12

      Thanks 4 sharing paladin84! Awesome! I am open to dating white men and hopefully marriage too one day!

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    • ann says:
      Posted: 29 Apr 12

      What a terrific family you have. Yes, most AA women are very devoted to their men and families. Good Luck!

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    • Lizamod says:
      Posted: 04 May 12

      OMG...you have a beautiful wife. Not a lot of people get to have a spouse like her. She is truly a member of your family...how she learned German to speak to your g-pa is awesome and loving. You'd better protect this love but then again I will. That is so beautiful and colorful - God bless your family. So sweet.

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      • smiley_face says:
        Posted: 05 Jun 12

        This is absolutely lovely. I'm glad the two of you have such a strong relationship. Please tell your wife congratulations and thanks for showing a superb example for black women. I'm sick of hearing people say..."You're not like other black people" or "I thought all black people are ghetto". Real black women do not act like the trash that is displayed on Basketball Wives. We are very classy, loving, caring and will take care of home. I've always been open to all races and honestly speaking, the dates and relationsthips I've had outside of my race were the best ones. Thank you for sharing your story and keep enjoying life at the fullest with your family.

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    • smiley_face says:
      Posted: 05 Jun 12

      I read the post you put up about you, your wife and your family. This is absolutely lovely. I'm glad the two of you have such a strong relationship. Please tell your wife congratulations and thanks for showing a superb example for black women. I'm sick of hearing people say..."You're not like other black people" or "I thought all black people are ghetto". Real black women do not act like the trash they see on Basketball Wives. I've always been open to all races and honestly speaking, the dates and relationsthips I've had outside of my race were the best ones. Thank you for sharing your story and keep enjoying life at the fullest with your family.

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  33.   Desiree10 says:
    Posted: 10 Apr 12

    As an African American woman, I must first say that, I love pleasant & mature black men; however, I also find Caucasian men very interesting and attractive! I think that society has put a label on white men whom opened their minds and hearts up to the fact that "We make beautiful wives, mothers, lovers, and soul mates" beside a white man as well as a black man! God bless all white men with such open & mature mentality;)

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    • EddyReady says:
      Posted: 05 May 12

      @ Desiree 10 Very well said,Desiree :) ! Smart and classy ladie's like yourself are so awsome ! Stay sweet. EddyReady cares !

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    • tinapame says:
      Posted: 06 May 12

      The white man loves with true feelings which is very transparent. I appreciate them a lot. Hoping to get hooked to one for a lifetime partner.

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  34.   Davania30 says:
    Posted: 10 Apr 12

    This topic gets heated! I love men from all ethnic backgrounds...embrace love and tell everyone else to mind their business!

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  35.   Kinjo22 says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 12

    Thanks 4 the gud comment abt african women.

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  36.   lovshy says:
    Posted: 09 Apr 12

    African women are very desirable. When I visited Europe I saw many European men with beautiful African women . The issue in America is that we hang on to our victimization role of the 19th century. Its the 21st century now and we must liberation our selves from this destructive mentallity of race. Mixed race is a supeirior gene for surviaval of the Human race. I belive in love, love will conquer all. To all the sisters out ther,e I honor and love you. From my heart a brown Hispanic Man.

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  37.   rickm says:
    Posted: 05 Apr 12

    I have been interested in black women since I was in the 5th grade when we had a black girl to join our class. She was the only balck person in our class , and was more developed than the white girls, so I found her sexually attractive but was to shy to make a move and it was 1965. I have dated black, and white women all my life and up until recently was married to a black woman who gave me my beautiful daughter. I have nothing against white women, but I prefer the black ladies.

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    • jrebs43 says:
      Posted: 23 Jun 12

      I prefer black women all the way.They are the best. I would like to find me one and date her and live happily ever after. They are more beautiful, laid back,to me than white women and they just got it going on!!

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  38.   nickieb78 says:
    Posted: 03 Apr 12

    Personally I am a eye gal, that is the first thing I notice on any guy. I do not know why I have always been attracted to white guys with beautiful blues but it is what it is. I am not opposed to dating a black guy, I am 33 and have not found a black guy that Im attracted to. I know that there are wonderful, beautiful black me out there but I am just not attracted to them. I mean it boils down to perference and there is nothing wrong or racists with having a perference.

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    • Lady_Dy says:
      Posted: 09 Apr 12

      @ nickieb78 - I agree 100%!!!! It is preference and the objective is to live and let live. No one should have any dominion over your choice. Choice is free. You walk in your life and your choice. Be free in what you choose.. And there is nothing greater than waking up to a great morning coffee, divine breakfast and a nice set of baby bluezzz...lol. You have my vote! I think it's interesting to read of the various reasons why as various walks of lives, we've chosen our roads as we have. Everyone seems to have a similar foundation of choice, but different path on how we got there. Live, love and be successful in all areas of your lives...

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  39.   Broncos006 says:
    Posted: 03 Apr 12

    I would love to date and marry bw but in idaho there are not many here I am on the site I have been married to ww but I love bw but, I am not going to down grade ww or any color I am just in love with bw. Look me up on the site no photo but working on that.

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  40.   browna says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 12

    I have only dated white men for over 20 years now..and I agree with carolhe1 why is this still a topic.. we are all individuals and we have preferences... It's like asking why you prefer apples to oranges

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  41.   Lady_Dy says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 12

    I agree with almost EVERY statement placed since my last post and I applause each of you for having the courage to share your insights and personal feelings displaying your desires. Whatever your choices, make sure your happy no matter your choice. Love yourself 1st, so you're sincerely able to love NO MATTER who your with. I always ensure that I'm loving me, so that I can openly love my significant other without walls. Whitemama, I agree that a state of class is of great importance. Nay, you too hit a very good point. We must remember, we attract most times, our desires. Not always realizing the hidden secrets and behaviors of the person we've attracted.. The difference comes in once you've realized a behavior that is not pleasant...walk away. I assert my behaviors towards positivity and walk away with as much concern for both parties without looking back. Knowing it is in the best interests of both parties.

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  42.   carolhe1 says:
    Posted: 01 Apr 12

    unbelieveable this is still a hot topic

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  43.   Karrma1 says:
    Posted: 31 Mar 12

    I would like to add, people treat you the way YOU allow them. I have no problem with men of any race......the men I've meet in my lifetime ...black, white, brown, yellow...they were are great....I just can't decide which one lol

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  44.   Karrma1 says:
    Posted: 31 Mar 12

    WOW some of these comments are as ignorant and bad arse backward as the people typing them. We all have preference for one reason or another, it doesn't make the other more or less than the one you choose....and that goes from skin tone to ice cream. I personally perfer vanilla ice cream over chocolate ice....just my preference, nothing wrong with chocolate. So to blame the "insert race" ___________ man/woman why you chose to date outside your race is a coward way of not standing up to what YOU chose to do. Believe me the are good and bad in all races. my .02 cents.

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  45.   pro_diverse says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 12

    Well I am 19 & I will most definitely not feed into the statistics, you live & you learn...i think if you truly desire love you most likely wouldn't be one to perpetuate stereotypes, because 'I' feel in a sense that stereotyping is a form of preconceived notions about race and racial segregation. I would never take my experience(s) with men from any race and dump them on someone else and declare them the same solely based off of their race. Anyone is capable of being understanding & caring just as anyone is capable of being a selfish prick. It's called a SOUL MATES not SKIN MATES. On another note, congratulations to the ones that have found love & good luck to those who are still on their journey :)

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  46.   terrorcide says:
    Posted: 30 Mar 12

    All physical aspects aside, and Lords know I won't deny them their impact, the simple truth IS the confidence and personality, the individuality and strength of a woman that attracts me. Now, I'm white, but it wouldn't make a difference what color I might be, that wouldn't change the fact that those traits are the most attractive in any woman whether she be black, white, purple, polka-dotted. Just seems to be easier to find among black women.

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  47.   Chuchu36 says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 12

    Love is good.it's an indescribable feeling and it's wounderful when you actually experience it. Different strokes for different folks. Every one have had their shares of heart breaks in relationships, be it with a white or black guy.I have had mine and all I have to say is we should not put the black guys down, for there are nasty white guys too. My motto is whatever that makes and keeps you happy go for it regardless of what people will or may say. Your joy and peace of mind is whats really important. As for me still searching for my own happiness .my own white male

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  48.   Hazelnut09 says:
    Posted: 28 Mar 12

    When did the color of skin become an element of attraction or love? :/ SMH

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    • der1939 says:
      Posted: 30 Mar 12

      I agree Hazelnut09. This is silly. Let me tell you why. I don't like a woman because she's Black. I only contact a few number of Black female members. I was reading a magazine on break. There was an advertisement for Thai Airways or something similar. This ThaI stewardess in the ad was gorgeous. And my friend says I didn't know you were hot for Asians. And I said I love all gorgeous women. I did an Asian woman and a Jamaican Canadian. The trouble was the different cultures. The disagreements were about matters I'd never considered. Personalities, upbringing, expectations, shared goals make or break a relationship not colour. You are attracted to whoever you are attracted to. And if God will allow it that person of your desire will feel the same about you.

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      • der1939 says:
        Posted: 30 Mar 12

        Please excuse my typographical error: The third paragragh should read: "I did date an Asian woman and a Jamaican Canadian woman." Again, I'm sorry.

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  49.   justbehappy says:
    Posted: 26 Mar 12

    I am a white male and just love a black woman. A black women doesn't put in 100%. if you treat her right and don't lie or cheat she will put in 1000% and love you and do right by you forever as long as you do the same. She is a beautiful QUEEN who deserves to be put on a petistole and pampered to death and I love em :-) as long as you give her the same love and respect as you want in return no matter black or white she will fight side by side with you forever. She will love you forever. Give her her respect as a beautiful sexy female and cherish her and she how she responds.

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  50.   Nay3100 says:
    Posted: 24 Mar 12

    LOVE has no COLOR!! and I will say that after my first relationship with a white man about two years ago, I wouldn't mind dating another white man again because it was a white man that I fell in love with for the first time, explored almost all of what I was interested in doing for fun, kept me smiling and laughing, he was gentle, and of course handsome..but I never got to experience these things with a Black man; not that it makes a white man better, I didn't experience before dating a white guy. So after doing so, I find it only natural for a man or woman, (black or white) to then be attracted to a person with the same characteristics to the last person who would possibly give them that happy good butterflies in the stomach feeling again!! or maybe thats just me ;-) But I will not say that all that I prefer is a white guy or just a black guy or etc...It's all about the approach, chemistry, character, how he carries himself, and personality that catches my attention and most importantly the man would have to be a God fearing man...& feel that you can find whatever that you find attractive in any race. I try to stay away from labeling people..gosh we are all people, but with different shades :-) we have to get out of this mindset that we should only stick with our own race..I find that very foolish and is making sure that I instill love for all people to my babies simply because God does!!

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