Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8089 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1. Posted: 12 Aug 10

    My delimma is I'm married to a white European. Firstly he's 15 years older than me, secondly he's not the average guy I would date in regards to his looks, but he has a heart of gold and loves me for who I am, not just for my appearance. Yet, I find that since we've been together he has this most annoying problem with keeping his eyes from staring at other attractive ethnic women. He naturally has big eyes and widens them when he speaks or looks at something and tends to stare a lot without knowing it. I've pulled him aside many times in public or have just made comments that got him to stop immediately. Now whenever we're together and we are passing an attractive ethnic woman, he'll put his head down, but my concern is why does he even care so much...I don't get it...I'm the one that compromised with his looks and physical appearance! So why the bloody hell does he behave as though I haven't? Can someone please help me understand this?

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  2.   markinnnh says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 10

    I was raised that all peoples are created equal and not to be prejudice, I have dated Hispanic woman, Asian woman but never Afro-American woman. One day I took a wrong turn and ended up at a Kmart store, decided to go in and get some tylenol for a headache. As I was walking through the store I saw this beautiful black woman walking towards me. Apparently seen spotted me at the same time. She smiled and I melted, we talked for close to an hour and I gave her one of my Business cards and said: If you would like to have dinner some time give me a call and we can maybe get to know each other. Two days later she called me we had our first date. Here it is 17 months later and we are planning our wedding.

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  3.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 10

    Hey Rick, I have heard that black women like it when the men takes the initiative to im them first or contact them first. So maybe you should hunt through the profiles and do some messaging yourself if you haven't already because I don't think many people that are on this site proportionally read these blogs. You might want to try tattoed2death above. She might be a good match for you.:-) Just a lightly mentioned suggestion.:-) Joseph Moyer

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  4.   Member says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 10

    One black woman wanted for some inter-racial correspondence with this white guy. IM me.

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  5.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 10

    Some people should stop being so shallow and such haters. And I would be the last to stereotype black men as being deadbeats and leaving their lovers. If the females would wait until marriage and sought counseling, maybe their marriages would last and they wouldn't have to be stuck raising their kids along and keep their kids. And if they had the morality to wait until marriage before having sex, then it wouldn't be so easy for their baby's father to run off on them. Again, hedonism and looks consciousness help disintegrate our society black and white just as the gentleman who totally goes by looks as inadvertently indicated in his entry. Physical attraction has been scientifically proven to not lead to a lasting relationship and there have been countless studies on that to prove it. Commonality of interests and goals and commitment HAVE been proven to lead to lasting relationships. Maybe be if more black man in this gentleman's life had based their relationship down south on the things that are scientifically proven to provide lasting relationships, all those poor abandoned mothers wouldn't be forced to raise their kids by themselves and be abandoned by their male. That truly is a sad fate for any child as studies again and scientifically proven that a two parent household is much more stable and healthy for a child to grow up in and be happy and emotionally stable when he grows up as opposed to single parent households. It has proven that children in single parent households are more likely to turn to crime and drugs and have terrible relationships as they grow older. So I agree with that gentleman that male blacks or any race shouldn't abandon their children stereotypically as he mentioned. And I agree that one should act out what they believe because I just hate hypocrisy and always act out what I believe. That's part of being a good Christian Pastoral Counselor as others have claimed I am that know me in person. Joseph Moyer PS I see two individuals that share the same morality above in two recent posts. Maybe they should hook up or something.;-)

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  6.   blm70 says:
    Posted: 12 Aug 10

    I Was googling the same issue, and found this great blog. How about a follow up how-to blog on how to find black women who will date white men. Upon thinking about it, how can you not be racist and not ever date outside your race? I grew up in the Deep South, stuff I had to fight against... like riding bikes with my friend after I was told not to because he is black. Twelve years in the military did a pretty good job at making us all see each other as equals. This blog brings out something I really haven't thought about. Since the issue of stereotypes have been let out of the bag, I guess 'tenacity/achievements' is dead on with black women. Stereotypically, the black woman is left with children to raise, to turn into little men and women. And to figure out how to put food on the table (and not to mention cook it too) All these responsibilities while the baby daddy has already run off to find some new booty. Or white booty. Or is in and out of jail. Whatever, just an absentee parent. So that was the thought that popped into my read reading your blog. Since I haven't really thought about the non-physical aspects of WM-BW relationships. So anyway, attraction is all physical for me. I'll try to keep this a PG rating. There are alot of sexy black women out there! Alot I am instantly attracted, some I only become attracted to them after I get to know them (grows with age?) The curves, the butt!, couple of unmentionables, seems 'more woman', less passive attitude in bed! and most of all - the soft smooth natural feel of their skin. wow (which probably helps them age so well) The black women I dated were all just.... normal women! In college, working, normal girl stuff. I have yet to date a black woman who wasn't in college or working. I have dated more than one unemployed white woman (usually their parents took care of her kids). The whole 'black women have tons of kids and don't work collecting the gov't check'... is a myth. ps: with the advent of continental travel, we are going to slowly mix interracially until we are all grey skinned!

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  7. Posted: 12 Aug 10

    This was nice!

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  8.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 10

    Sitting on the bench we quickly tried to catch up on what was going in each others lives, me at school, Scoff his military career, or as he referred to it time in servitude. Pausing in our conversation for a few seconds we become aware of the two new soldiers standing their taking the whole scene in, I looked at Scoff as he looked at me then we both starting laughing, Scoff turned to the soldiers, smiling he again thanked the two for helping him, and if they didn't mind could he have a little private time with this special lady. Both red faced and embarrassed quickly apologized and continued on their way. More relaxed now both of us sunk into our own little bubble, chatting , holding hands, and even kissing occasionally, not a long kiss but one that is ok in public. I then made a decision to check the bus schedule and see if it would be possible to adjust my schedule to spend a little more time with Scoff. When I presented this idea to Scoff his face glowed, I quickly left to consult the ticket agent, as I explained my situation, the agent again asked what bus was I to catch, he responded with well young lady your in luck that bus is broke down, and the last report I have it will be at least an hour to get a replacement on the road. So there we sat for over 3 hours, talking even walking out side, we talked about our future, more so mine as I was further along in my schooling. Scoff still had another 18 months in the Army to do, as he said I'll have time to decide by the time I get out. On a more touchy side of the conversation we discussed any relationships, I freely admitted to Scoff that I dated some but had yet to find anyone to get serious with. Laughing he said good maybe one day you will wait for me then we both laughed. I think more than anything although we loved each other we knew that the time and space was too far for us to hope to be together at that time. Still we talked, and chatted about our summers together, often falling into silence as we gently leaned against each other. Eventually I summoned up the courage how was he injured, or wounded. I'll try to use the narrative that Scoff used that day as I think it is rather unique in it's perception I will add this is one of the few times he shared exact details of his combat experience. Sarah you know when I first got to Nam for the first 3 months all I did was fill sand bags and burn sh--, of course I had no idea what burning sh-- was but Scoff laughed as he explained. Then he continued, myself and others were used to replace an infantry unit in the field holding a landing zone, okay it was fairly quiet most of the just a little harassment mortars once in awhile. Then the deities in charge decided we needed to patrol, be more aggressive. That's when we started talking hits, until that time to be a 100 percent honest I can say I was never threatened in form or fashion. With about 10 and half months in country, as well as 25 plus patrols under my belt, I adopted the same attitude as my fellow soldiers, theirs not much you can do if a bullet has your name on it and so far I didn't think one had my name on it. So one day on patrol we were running charlie around, getting a few, and taking a few causalities. Toward dark we had enough so a helicopter was order to pick us up, setting in a clearing half asleep we heard rifle fire, sitting up I saw specks of dirt kicking up by my leg. Puzzled I thought what the hell is causing that, when the idea finally came to me that I was being shot at, it was too late that joker had put two rounds in my leg. I stared at Scoff a few minutes, glancing at his row of ribbons, I pointed at them as I asked okay what are all those for? Blowing me off so to speak he commented everyone gets a couple for showing up, but these two are for being stupid, later I learned they were Bronze Stars with a v for Valor. Again this is getting too long, so I'll finish up the rest later. Thanks again for letting us share this Love and God Bless Sarah

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  9. Posted: 11 Aug 10

    Sarah This is such an amazing story, you two were destined to be together in this life. This is a perfect love story.

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  10.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 10

    Traveling back to Tallahassee after the Thanksgiving break, I had gotten so use to the bus routine, that I either traveled by Trailways or Greyhound. Trial-ways being slightly cheaper I always leaned toward using their services when their schedule fit my travel plans. Back in the day of bus travel we had express, or regular route, as the express was not available I had to use the regular route, which meant that I would have to stop at every small town along Highway 90 all the way to Tallahassee. I thought I would just give you folks a little background, why and how I was at a bus station in Pensacola for an hour and a half layover that day. Settling on a bench I started reading a book I had brought along to keep my mind occupied, occasionally I would glance around at all the soldiers coming and going. I could tell the new ones as they had no patches or ribbons, but the real dead give way was the shaved heads. The veterans I noted were rather quiet, and had just this look about them that was real had to explain, their eyes seemed hollow, or blank, I noticed that they seemed to to travel in pairs or small groups. Very quietly they would sit and talk in very low voices, ignoring the new recruits totally even when they approached them to engage in a conversation. I sat silently taking all this in, thinking may God take care of all them. Turning my attention back to the book I was reading I heard another bus pull in to disembark it's of load passengers, now being a little fascinated with my observations, I started to key on each soldier as he exited the bus. First out was young black soldier, then a white soldier both obviously fresh out of Boot Camp. Instead of continuing to get their baggage, they stood at the door as if waiting on some one, this seemed odd causing me to focus more on what they were waiting for. Then one of soldiers stepped to the door to help someone down the exit steps, he reached in and came back with a set of crutches, it was then that I saw a veteran soldiers using the hand rails as a guide ease himself to the ground. Talking to the two soldiers he thanked them for their help, as he was okay now and could make it the rest of the way by himself. Again I turned my attention back to the book I was attempting to read, when I heard the soldier on crutches speak in a loud voice, not that one the duffel bag next to it. Snapping my head up, I recognized that voice, looking closer I knew immediately it was Scoff. Containing my emotions, as I really wanted to run to him, but using restraint I casually walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulder. Turning with a puzzled look, he broke out in a smile and literally enveloped in his arms, almost falling into me as he let his crutches fall. Whispering in my ear oh my God its you Sarah, I missed you so much, I love you. Whispering back I said Scoff I love you I'm so glad your back home safe, come lets set over here, as I pointed to my baggage and books on the near by bench. The two soldiers stood dumbfounded, as he hobbled over, turning he asked the soldiers if they would mind bringing his duffel bag over to the bench. In union both replied sure thing Sarge, Scoff added I want to talk to my girl a few minutes before I catch the bus home. I know this is long so I'll stop for now, and continue with the conversation later maybe tomorrow, as I mention earlier Scoff like so many of the others had that far-way look that soldiers get when they return, I think maybe its from seeing death for the first time, not the clean death of old age, but the first hand death of talking to some one one minute in the next minute seeing that person dead, gone forever, not to mention the civilian deaths, women , children gone the innocent ones. That thought I gleamed from Scoff through the years, as he hardly ever talks about his experiences. Bye for now Thanks to every ONE for letting us share this Love and God bless Sarah & Scoff

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  11.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 10

    Um...if one is secure in their sexuality and heterosexuality, then one can compliment men without being gay or bisexual. Try not to be so shallow as to debase my sincere compliments as honest pastoral counselor who just calls it as he sees it. I do lot of marriage and premarital counseling and guys ask me a lot of times if they think women would be attracted to them plus listening to the ladies say so often what they find attractive gives a person an idea what women in society find attractive in men. So chill out and grow up. And gay men don't find me appealing because I know that they like too.;-) So if you have a problem getting a man, don't blame me. Maybe it is your insecurity but don't try and slander me and try to put my motivations down as anything as base as sex. I personally don't think from that perspective and it goes against my particular branch of Christianity and my moral beliefs. So please find someone else to attack and spend more time talking to guys you are interested in and less time hassling guys like me who are on here for intellectual and studying reasons. I have read tons of blog entries and over a thousand profiles and I tell you that sistas aren't making a good impression on me so far. They all seem to be caught up with shallow things and rather than admit someone else isn't as shallow as them, they attack their motivations and try and bring them down to a shallow motivation that they CAN understand. You should check out blogs by Moon who is a real African female, not African American and is someone for everyone to admire, male and female. So try and be more constructive with your endeavors and leave me alone because I am not and was not ever talking to you. Joseph Moyer who thinks African American women on this site are generally crazy because first he gets accused of really being a black man and now he gets accused of being gay!! Next I will be a gay black man!!;-)

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  12.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 10

    Good afternoon to all; Made it back my daughters in Atlanta today, just sitting here thinking or reflecting on the past. To be more exact, those wonderful summers when I was so young in love, and rather innocent. I'm not one to offer advice, thinking I will make an exception this time. For all you young folks out their, enjoy yourself, follow your heart,and last, I really can't stress this enough-Keep your minds clear.... Some time in the next day or so I'll get the last part of our saga posted, I just want to think about it for a day or so. Love and May God Bless Sarah

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  13.   RickHayes says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 10

    Any "non-anglo" women interested in swapping mail?

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  14.   RickHayes says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 10

    white man/man

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  15.   RickHayes says:
    Posted: 10 Aug 10


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  16.   jillwaren says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 10

    Black men love bbw women! BBW= Big beautiful women! If you are interested in meeting people in the BBW community ..you should go to my bbw dating site..and see the beautiful people for yourselves. You don't have to be a size 4 to be gorgeous! My dating club has over 20,000 single bbws and single men. Come view the photos. http://findmybbw.com BBW dating, BBW personals plus, large friends, men seeking women, chubby chasers, bbw singles, black bbw, bhm dating, dating site, dating personals website, big beautiful woman, big beautiful women

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  17.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 10

    By the way decentman73, I checked out your profile and it is very impressive. I am being totally serious and have no beef with you. And I am really impressed that you are raising three kids yourself. That is really courageous and hard in my mind and I as hell couldn't do it. You are what more Fathers should be like. And I am being totally serious. Sorry you find me so offensive. Regards, Joseph Moyer

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  18.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 10

    Sorry decentman73 if you feel that way. If you think I am so bad, you are welcome to report me. I won't mind at all.:-) Take it easy. Shalom Joseph Moyer

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  19.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 09 Aug 10

    Chill out!! If you read all the blogs, you will see that he and I made up. He is totally cool as far as I am concerned despite our political differences and the different way we view Christianity. I apologized already for saying he was racist if you bother to read what I wrote which he did. And of course I am a fat white man. I made that clear a long time ago and that I am one of the ugliest guy if not THE ugliest guy on this website so you are wasting your breath trying to insult me by stating the obvious. And you are psycho if you think I am someone else as always. So please chill out because he defended himself excellently and doesn't need your help in defending himself. I think he is a really handsome and hot also and an on the ball kind of guy. And I admired his Christian convictions because at least he is Christian. So you are wasting your time trying to attack me and just using defending him as an excuse. Grow up and give the man some respect. Everything is cool between us. Sheesh it sucks when people are too lazy to read the entire blogs that both parties have written. Take a chill pill and ignore me and leave me alone. I wasn't talking to you at all or about you so there really is nothing for you to say to me. So don't insult his dignity by running to his aid when he doesn't need your help. This was a discussion between to men and wouldn't understand so don't try to. Joseph Evan Moyer "Maybe you can help make up for the fact that I can’t get around anymore and represent a non-prejudiced white man for me, eh?;-) Joseph Moyer"-a direct quote saying that I admitted above that I was wrong about him being racist.

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  20. Posted: 08 Aug 10

    Nice to hear from you Sarah, we are enjoying each and every word from your love story with Scoff. Please contnue when you have time once you return back home. The Saga musst go on....

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  21.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 10

    Godd Morining to all; I'm still down at the coast and enjoying the cool breezes, I will have to say that the afternoons are past being hot, to the point of being unbearable. I bliss the air conditioner every day lolol. Again on the porch with a cup of coffee, Scoff is reading the paper, and I'm on his lap top, I think maybe I'll have to get one, and the wire less thing is great. Back to where I left off, in all we spent three summers togeather, at the end of the summer's, I know I always made a oath not get involed in this emontional roller coaster ever again which I quickly ignored. In the fall and winter months we were not able to have much contact, but being young and very enterprising, or just damn sneaky we did find a few ways to meet. Our last Summer togeather was our most reckless, we threw caution to the wind and indulged ourselves in some very risky behavior. I'll just leave it at that, as I have no intention of telling intimate events that transpired between us. When I get home on Monday I'll fast forward to perhaps the worst day of my life. A time when I knew I really loved Scoff and had to leave him when he really needed me. All of this occurred by a chance encouter at the Trailways station in Pensacola, as I was traveling back to school, and Scoff had just gotten back from Vietnam enroute home on leave. Sure the summer's were filled with good times and bad times. Times that would appear to come out of a romance novel, my favorite was horse back riding under the full moon, holding tight to Scoff, feeling so safe and secure, just wishing that we could ride forever and just vanish from the reality of the world we lived in. Just being young and feeling so invicible, that nothing or no one could ever hurt us. After I post that days events of November 1969, I feel thats enough about us. Some folks are proably near the flood stage with our story, or saga LOLOL. God Bliss to all Love Sarah

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  22.   decentman73 says:
    Posted: 08 Aug 10

    Hey serenity33. Are you clueless or what? It's not enough that you've been off topic with every post but you seem to enjoy insulting folks as well. WTH? If you have issues with different colors seeking or dating each other, why are you even here? Take your nonsense elsewhere.

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  23.   Twilight101 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 10

    Hello Sarah and Scoff, I hope that you are doing well. I have been checking daily for the continuation of your story. Please drop us a line and let us know how you are doing. Twilight101

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  24.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 10

    You insult my integrity and what I say at every turn, it is quite obvious and you don't need to hide behind Sophistry they way you do. Your insults and insulting attitude and tone are evident enough. And self-restraint isn't defined by long blogs, self-restraint is when you hate someone as much as you hate me and not using every chance you have to attack that person. Everyone knows you hate me if they followed any of the insults you make on other blogs about me constantly so try and have some self-restraint and not attack me even though you hate me. That is the self-restraint I am talking about. You can make your blogs as long as you won't and you won't ever see me complain. I never have nor ever will complain about the length of someone's comment. So let it go please and try and practice the peace that you proclaim all the time by not attacking me. I have no ill feelings towards you. I am just weary of your constant attacks on me. I sincerely apologize if I have offended you and ask you kindly to stop attacking me outright or with insinuation. Joseph Moyer

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  25.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 10

    I don't believe I was talking to you and again your hatred towards me is obvious. Try sticking on topic and insulting someone else if you are capable of that. Do you think you actually have the self-restraint not to insult me on every blog I am on and find something more constructive to do? It would be greatly appreciated. Joseph Moyer

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  26.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 07 Aug 10

    Hey Newawlunzguy. I also wanted to apologize for not reading your earlier posts. I admire your Christian faith and fully support it despite our political differences. There is a guy on another blog that just got done criticizing me for equating faith(Christianity) with goodness. I wish you would give him a peace of your mind and quote some Glenn Beck to him!! I wish more people lived out their Christianity as well as you do.:-) Regards, Joseph Moyer

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  27.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 10

    I moved around a lot on the East Coast and did many things so I couldn't keep in touch. All of them are married and have families and kids and I am still single so I don't like to intrude. Plus now that I have had my spinal injury and can barely walk, I don't get around as much as I used to. Plus a lot of them I met jobs I no longer work at and also at College and then Seminary and that was down south. They are down there and they left as well when they graduated. I am glad you have friends of all races. Maybe you can help make up for the fact that I can't get around anymore and represent a non-prejudiced white man for me, eh?;-) Joseph Moyer

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  28. Posted: 06 Aug 10

    Thanks for the offer but I am a Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly kinda guy myself as I prefer news WITHOUT a spin. I know very little about rascism as I don't see color. You see my Christian faith supports the notion and belief that all are created EQUAL in the eyes of God. You wouldn't have to ask me that if you'd bother to read the previous posts I've made. Obama may be a good man, he's just a HORRIBLE president. I don't know him on a personal level and don't judge. You write you "have HAD plenty of African-American male friends... that I really admire although you wouldn’t know any of them" which makes perfect sense since I neither know you nor travel in your social circles. I guess the difference then is that I still HAVE many friends in all shapes, sizes and skin tones. So what happened to these friends that you no longer HAVE? I wasn't looking for an argument nor insulting you. You made a comment regarding the idiot in the White House and I merely offered a different opinion on the guy. Peace.

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  29.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 10

    Well I am a Jon Stewart and Colbert Report fan and they seem to be very honest and straightforward about pointing out what's what in politics and they can defend Obama much better than I can. So rather than trying to defend him and doing him a injustice due to not being as competent as those two shows, I will let them defend Obama and you can watch them if you want a rebuttal. You don't happen to be racist against the black man while liking the black woman do you? Just curious. Anyway, that isn't the topic of this blog so this is not the place to debate it. The only real thing I was trying to point out in my mentioning Obama was that he was a good black man that many, not all as shown by you, can relate to. But I have had plenty of African-American male friends and plenty of African male friends that I really, really admire although you wouldn't know any of them. The only African-American male on this site I have talked to is Ichibod and I really admire him although I have never met him. That's it. So don't look at me for an argument about politics and I would appreciate you not insulting me for my view because I am not going to insult you for your view even though I could as well but we aren't in kindergarten as a moderator of this website once told me. No need for name calling just for different political views. Shalom. Joseph Moyer

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  30. Posted: 06 Aug 10

    @serenity33 - God Bless America where you have the freedom to voice your opinion, even though they have no basis in fact and are mere speculation. You seem to possess socialist-liberal viewpoints; that or you are completely naive. The guy in the white house has no regard for the hard-working individual on which this great country was founded. Obama has altered the Gettysburg Address words "government of the people, by the people, for the people" replacing them with "government of the president, by the president, for the president". The man is hell bent on taking this nation from capitalism to socialism. When the nation screams "we don't want your healthcare program", and he moves forward with forcing his agenda, when citizens in multiple states yell, "we are enacting immigration laws to protect our citizens", and he challenges that, when those along the Gulf of Mexico clearly demonstrate not once, but twice, in a court of law that oil drilling IS safe, and he continues to play politics appealing BOTH court decisions and creating unnecessary econmic hardships, when even his own party no longer supports him, you reveal a man who has a PERSONAL AGENDA, not a man who represents the nation. I have faith in the November elections and those 2 years from now when we can finally breath some sigh of relief by removing the "worst president this nation ever had."

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    • kissime says:
      Posted: 24 Oct 10

      Newawlunzguy, I strongly disagree with you. President Obama is NOT A HORRIBLE president. He is not taking the nation from capitalism to socialism. President Obama is: Social Capitalism / Social or Compassionate capitalist. Beginning for Accountability! Social capitalism recognizes the unique success of capitalism, particularly under appropriate social supervision. The essence of social capitalism is that markets work best and output is maximized through sound social management of the macroeconomy. Social capitalism posits that a strong social support network for the poor enhances capital output. By decreasing poverty, capital market participation is enlarged. Social capitalism also posits that government regulation, and even sponsorship of markets, can lead to superior economic outcomes. Social capitalism does embrace tenets of traditional capitalist theory. Social capitalism validates traditional capitalism as the "invisible hand" of the marketplace. I believe the government MUST intervene to prevent more damage. Are you blind to the foreclosure crisis and the economy? Obama Administration is protecting American Families From Unfair, Abusive Financial practices. We need to be ensure that banks are no longer allowed to own, invest, or sponsor hedge funds, private equity funds, or proprietary trading operations for their own profit, unrelated to serving their customers. Too many responsible American families have paid the price for an outdated regulatory system that left our financial system vulnerable to collapse and left families without adequate protections. He is protecting and empowering families with the strongest consumer protections ever. Why did you not speak up doing the Bush administration when he was destroying America? The Bush administration’s criminal inattention to the victims of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was emblematic of his disconnect from human reality (New Orleans is still a shell of its former self). It was pathological neglect like this that spurred much of the Obama Green Deal. Obama links a need for a new social compact with employment, education, and environmental concerns. Do you mean when the little voices in your head were screaming “we don’t want your healthcare program” ? I'm in Health care. I've only heard complaints from some of the physicians. I wonder why. I have yet to hear disappointment about the health reform from patients Typically capitalism as a business model revolves around exploitation of the workers and the market squeezing profits from an underpaid workforce and over charging the consumer. The old system produced waves of credit bubbles and real estate booms followed by severe financial shocks and damage. Lets be honest, former president Bush is the down fall of America. And was kept for 2 terms. Prevention of terrorist attacks should be within the United States. There was no need to send our soldiers in the middle east. Who sent our soldiers oversea? Where are the weapon of mass destruction? Why are our Soldiers oversea? And now they have to stay there to clean up the mess made by their extremist government . They were sent there because of a lie.

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  31.   serenity33 says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 10

    I personally believe that every man and woman should be taken as an individual and not as a race. I personally don't care what race they are even on this website. I go strictly by how interesting the profiles are and the depth and maturity they present and personal insight into their own personality's. If they are shallow and have qualities I dislike as mentioned in my profile, I don't bother to talk to them no matter what race they are or how pretty they are. But if they are good morally and preferably Christian, I am more inclined to initiate contact with them again regardless of their race. I don't ever talk to anyone who has kids which I noticed a lot of men do that also on this site. I do it personally because most of their children are illegitimate and that to me doesn't show moral fiber or restraint or good Christian values. And the age old argument of, they did it when they were young and didn't know better comes up, I bring out my patented phrase, "I was never that young" and I never was. I had a good Christian background and despite having had chances to have illegitimate kids, I turned down the opportunity despite the heat of the moment because some people can have self control, even men.;-) And I am wary of divorced women because they carry so much baggage. They should have had premarital and marriage counseling to make sure they were getting married for the right reasons and to make sure they stayed married for the right reasons. I am course am biased because I do marriage and premarital counseling from a Christian perspective and I see so many marriages that could have avoided divorce if they married based on commonality of interests and goals rather than looks consciousness or other shallow reasons like our society indoctrinates us into believe is a valid criteria to choose a spouse. So their divorce could have been avoided before they got married and many times, if the couple is willing to grow and mature as individuals together, they can even save their marriage and NOT get divorced. The Bible is the best manual I have ever seen and that coupled with other counseling techniques can almost guarantee a healthy marriage like my parents who have been married for over 50 years despite their vast cultural differences that often caused trouble. It was their commitment to Christ that caused them to work out their differences and now they are still happily married and glad they didn't take the easy route of divorce when things got tough. The Myers Briggs test is a good non-Christian test to test compatibility as are Fowler's and Kohlberg's scales of moral development. If we use the tools at our disposal, we don't have to base things on stereotypes and preconceived notions of races and racial profiling. Then everyone would get treated as individuals and we wouldn't as human being take chances on fetishes like white men chasing black women, white women chasing black men, or any other fetish that causes us to overlook the individuals personality and go by wrong criteria for dating or marriage. Break the shackles of media and consumer indoctrination by corporations to exploit stereotypes and put them out of business by not being another mindless conforming clone. Treat everyone as unique individuals and don't give preference based on race or discriminate based on race. Take each person as an individual human being who is precious in the eyes of God and see how compatible their personality is with yours. Let lower divorce rates and single parent households rather than increase them like we have been doing steadily each year as our society gets worse and worse and corporations get richer and even help corrupt our politicians even worse than they are already as scandals rock our government at every level. Obama is the only one I have faith in in our government anymore. Joseph Moyer

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  32. Posted: 05 Aug 10

    Take Care and Good Luck in all your endeavors. Best Wishes and much happiness with your Significant other. S.

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  33.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 10

    Sorry to see you go Friendly but I understand girl, somethings take greater priority sometimes especially a new love interest. :)Keep us posted

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  34. Posted: 05 Aug 10

    Greetings all. Please forgive my extended absence; I have been devoted to launching a real estate enterprise here and it has been all-encompassing. I have not had an opportunity to comment or post lately but have tried to keep my finger on the pulse of the blog. @summerfox - I am indeed a single male. Coffee is one of my favorite beverages in fact. Having been born & raised in New Orleans, cafe' au lait is my usual 'java-cup-of-choice'. :)

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  35.   decentman73 says:
    Posted: 05 Aug 10

    I'm a newcomer to this site & to this blog. As I was skimming through, I noticed the verbal battle going on between petite chick & nikkle as they went tete 'd tete. Intermixed were some wonderful recounts of Scoff & Sarah & about they met & came to be a couple. Some additional side notes & comments. Thank-you for sharing your experiences & perspective/ Please forgive the newcomer but, I the OP was about why white men love the black woman. It appears the thread has gone a bit astray. On a personal note, how could you NOT fall for someone like nikkle with a mind like that? Man, bring on the intelligence!! My 2 cents. The 1st item is, I get on my soapbox every time I read or hear someone refer to a person of a different color, as being another "race". Hate to break the news to you but, there is only I race, human, but many different colors. Not to get side-tracked or bogged down in biblical discussion but, if you believe the recounting of the story of Noah, we ALL originate from 1 of 4 couples. Meaning we're all related & can reproduced amongst each other, as evidenced by the many flavors of people we see today. It may be semantics to some but, it really isn't. I feel every time that "race" is used to describe someone of a different color, it seems to drive the wedge a little deeper into the masses. My 2nd item. I grew-up in a house that was not overtly prejudiced against people of color. Some of the troubling areas were when my mother when talking about black's she would say something like, "there are some really nice ones & I enjoy working with them but, I wouldn't want to live next to 1. Or occasionally, when driving & a black person did someone to tick my mother off, she would refer to them in some racially way. WTH? I tell this so that you can understand, that even growing-up in that environment, I came to appreciate & respect black people. 1 of my proudest achievements as a parent was raising my sons to be color "blind". I purposely chose not to refer to people as " my white friend this or my black friend that". I'm trying to demonstrate that you can conscientiously decide how to respond & act. It isn't simply a matter of upbringing or regional location, although it can serve as an antithesis . 3rdly- I simply think black women rock. The striking features & beautiful skin. It's also the way that God so wonderfully crafted them. Their openness & honesty, especially in matters of sex, are an extreme turn-on & refreshing. Well, at least for this white guy. I fell for a beautiful black woman when years back I had a chance to see a production of "Aida". The lead was this dark-skinned beauty I couldn't take my eyes off of. I don't think it's a matter of jungle fever or to be viewed as an experiment. I believe there are enough stereo-types to go around on both sides of the table. Although, it may be so for some.

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  36.   Twilight101 says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 10

    Hi GAgirl! Do you mind sharing a little about your situation? Where are you located and what have you encountered? Twilight :)

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  37.   GAgirl says:
    Posted: 04 Aug 10

    The interracial thing seems to be a bigger issue here in the south. I'm ashamed to say that in some places idiocy and racism are still thriving. It seems that most of the white men view the black men as being slow and stupid and any white woman that would involve herself with one is just trash. Funny thing is that these same white men (i'm speaking of a few specific individuals) have about half of their teeth missing and have family trees that don't fork. It's amazing to me that some people don't even consider that these two people have come together because of common beliefs, understand one another, and (OMG) genuinely love one another. Not to say attraction doesn't play a role here ;-) . You also get the biblical argument a lot. But I have yet to find in the Good Book where it's a sin... I found where it says do not yoke yourself to a non-believer. Nothing about race... hmmmm. You love who you love. I can take the stares, I just hope they have the good sense to keep their mouths shut. If not, well, I won't be saying "well, bless your heart."

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  38. Posted: 02 Aug 10

    Thanks TOM and warm thoughts to you as well. Peace tatted2death

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  39.   summerfox says:
    Posted: 02 Aug 10

    I am so feeling Nawlunzguy.... BTW, are you single? I would love to meet you for coffee.

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  40.   Tom4Blaq says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 10

    Dear everyone: It is a pleasure to see the love story Sarah of Sarah and Scoff. Thank you Ms.Bambababe2k9, I hope that you have been well and enjoying your summer. Ms. Petite, Ms. Friendly13, Ms.Godiva61 and gentlemen, best wishes for you all. Warm regards,

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  41.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 10

    On the front porch drinking coffe (again), this is getting to be a dangerous combination,LOLOLO. Good Morning to all: Getting back to the topic on inter-racial relationships. I know sometimes we all stray off on these tangents that at times seem to have no connection to this general topic. However if we start making exceptions, in that we eliminate any of the dynamics that affect the black/white relationship we are not being honest and true with our selves. Again in our day, laws, culture- distrust, traditions,and the Civil Rights struggle that raged around us consumed alot of our converstions. So putting my foot on the brake, I'll make a U-turn and go back to that conversation Scoff and I had that afternoon. Sometime while I'm down here with Scoff we will post what we each got out of that conversation. You may ask why is this so important? Just our way; how we were able to bridge that wide gap to make our relationship work. Not that we had the perfect solution, as their is not perfect blue print to fit everyones personality. Time to get another cup, and enjoy the day. Scoff and I send all of our love God Bliss Sarah

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  42.   midnite says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 10

    The love story that the couple is writing is beautiful and romantic. I used to love reading romantic novels.

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  43.   Twilight101 says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 10

    @ Sarah, Ditto, ChocolateLady! :) Sarah, I agree and understand totally, and that's what makes what you share so interesting. We can get "academic" history many places, but this is your life. When you reference love for Scoff, Jim Crow and race riots--in first person--you were actually there--that's so coool (to me, LOL). It's cool because I don't have to wonder about things. I can ask you! Isn't that Cooool! :)

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  44. Posted: 30 Jul 10

    Dear Sarah, This gets Better and Better each day. Enjoy your Breakfast, & hang to Scoff. Chocolate Lady

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  45.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 30 Jul 10

    To continue: With a cup of coffee, on the front porch (Scoff's Lap Top), I will put my thoughts togeather a little better than I would of yesterday evening. I was in one of my teaching moods, which can very often have an adverse affect on the point that I'm trying to make. So this is what I learned from history, dig deep and I mean real deep. Their are alot of personal letters, and diaries available on line as well in the libaries. Remember most of these writings are my your average person. This enables you to get the prospective from people who had to deal with every day life. One of my favorite sites is interviews with former slaves, made and recorded somewhere in the 20's or 30's. Every time I listen to them I gain so much, to realize where I'm at now because of what they endured. Back in my academic days @ Florida A&M (1966-1970) I took a American studies course,(because I needed the extra credit) I was in it's first class, the professor was a young black man from England with a charming british accent. I fell in love the course, as the professor would not take just any work he made you dig deep on all the papers, he was never satisfied with just a general conclusion. His favorite method was to take a rumor or myth that we all accepted as fact, then investigate it to the ump-level. To our surprise, so many of these half truth were not what we expected. True a person my age and background can give you a glimpes into the times that I lived, just remember it is personal view and as most personal views are subject to be tainted with opinions and value judgements. Ms. Twilight I'm so flattered, and to all the members here I'll promise not to get on my Soap Box again. Got to go for now Scoff's got my Breakfast ready,I told he pampers me. I do truly love all of you God Bliss Sarah

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  46.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 10

    Ms. Twilight History oh HISTORY The problem with or without, do you want a negative prospective or a postive prospective. I must warn you I'm at the coast, and I'm being pamered, and yes I have had a couple of glasses of white wine. Which means you have caught me in one of my(no very) philosophical moods. will continue later Love and God Bliss Sarah

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  47.   Twilight101 says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 10

    @Sarah, Wow, so much history! Cannot wait to read your blog!

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  48.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 29 Jul 10

    Mr. looking4life; I never really thought much about which name appears first, thinking back Scoff is the one that first entered this site, then shortly after started me reading and commenting on this subject. Just naturally left the names as they first appeared. If I get a chance over the weekend, (I plan on being down at the coast) Scoff and I will try and repost the conversation we had that day. I know some of the younger members will wonder how we could know so little about each others culture, after living among each other for several hundered years. Just a few thoughts to help you understand, Military-intergrated 1948 1967 Courts struck down most Jim Crow laws, including a ban on inter-racial marriages Not to mention, all the other issues that ocurred, Troops in Little Rock High School (1954???) not sure on that date. Love and God Bliss Sarah

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  49. Posted: 29 Jul 10

    hey freindly, you gotta keep an eye on nawl...lol i think he swings both ways he was giving rick hayes the big ultimatum last week...lmao i am certain you can take it nawl your a light hearted fellow. good luck to both of you, you both seem like great people. sarah and scoff, i also have enjoyed reading about the history you share, it puts a more personal spin on a time that we have only read about up here. thanks so much just 1 thing though scoff's name is first???

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  50. Posted: 29 Jul 10

    LOL......as a side bar.... Man, I wish you could start your own threads here....I would start my own "pic gripe" section... Addressing issues such as Why did the pics get SMALLER??....Why are some of them SOOO dayum grainy (A problem I have with my own AND I used a "high quality" camera"....LOL)....Why do some people use certain "lighting techniques" and "angles"(insecurities)....LOL. And personally, sometimes I just feel like if you don't have a pic YOU NEED TO BE IN YOUR OWN "SPECIAL" blog....LOL ok.....of the soap-box Peace People

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