Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8089 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   lovecrazy says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    yeah them southern boys I love em':)) that charm... ah sweeps me off my feet @ nawlunzguy..haha yeah I know its wild did you find me?

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  2.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    -Just popping back in... Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Shame it's winding down. Why is the work week so long and weekends so short. Must be something to with 5 days versus 2... LOL @friendly13 - So if I were in a (grocery) store, which aisle or department would be the most favorable for an encounter? - If it was a (department/clothing) store, same question. - If it was a (book) store, same question. --- Curious minds want to know! And thanks for the affirmation in your response to @Dannyco56. I blushed (a little) and smiled (a lot). @PetiteChick - Well if you can elaborate on getting your 'life back', please share. Seemed kinda tense and unsettling there for a bit. @lovecrazy - LOL You made me laugh when you indicated an uncertainty with the spelling of your (account) name. @mecca - Yes I hear those 'northern boys' lack the southern charm and grace we southerners possess. Over the weekend I opened the door for half a dozen unknown ladies (it's proper etiquette), helped a young woman start her car (she managed to lock the steering column at my dry cleaners), waved hello or said "hi" to countless strangers, and smiled at everyone (I'm just a happy guy). Perhaps a switch a bit further south of the Mason-Dixon line might yield positive results. G'evening all!

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  3.   Jenna says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    @ Friendly13 Hello my friend,glad you are back,hope all is well again! @Dannyco56 I have a serious thing for Asian guys,if you are Asian tall and sexy,you definitely got my attention.Tanned Latinos dressed totally metro wow! Seriously though,a smile would do it for me,not just any smile ,but a sincere,cool loveable type smile.I am very attracted to shy men!

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  4.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    Hey friendly! Hope all is going well. Where pray tell is Ms.Bamba? It seems like months since we've read her.

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  5.   lovecrazy says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    @ friendly13 HEY how r you!:))

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  6.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    Hello everyone...@ PetiteChick, Bamababe2k9, Godiva, MzBrOwNSuGaR, tatted2death, big eyes, Spice Princess, Mia, Jenna, WHITEMANS CHICK, Ms. M, asuprey, nusula, GreyEyedLady, lovecrazy @Scoff/Sarah, e-dub @Dannyco56, Sammy, Tom4Blaq, Rick Hayes, Tungata, Nawlunzguy, Dillon, Ichibod, Other brother, DaveinGeorgia @ all my new friends: seashell, Naseer Azizi from Afghanisan, emi009, chocolatelady, shelly, sam, Regina711, Elanco, Trigue, darkchylde, mecca, lovecrazy

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  7.   lovecrazy says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    @ nawlunzguy my full name on there is Alisha NicoleUnshakable Branch...if it doesn't pop up then I'm probably miss speling my own name how sad I'll go check:') I like you nawlunzguy you're a pretty cool person :) thankx@ dannyco56

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  8.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    @ Dannyco56 You asked "Here is a question for everyone that wants to answer. When you are at a store, a party, a gas station or anywhere else and you see someone of the opposite sex what attracts you?" Some of the physical attributes are big muscular arms, blonde hair drives me crazyj, a deep booming voice, tall, and big strong hands. If this person approaches me, I would then decide if I see myself as this persons partner...if I saw Nawlunzguy at the store it would definitely be a yes....

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  9.   mecca says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    someone posted whitemen like blackwomen in tennesee hmm well maryland whitemen suck. i have lived in europe for 9 yrs. with my lover who was british. i prefer men over europe really than american whitemales. men are men but some are just culturally different.

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 12 Jul 10

    Hey everyone my life is my own again. But I have work to do. Hope all had a nice weekend. Oh my goodness what a life I have. Peace and Blessings to all.

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  11.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    Hey ya'll still catching up...

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  12.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    Morning all! @PetiteChick - Hope you get things straightened out. @lovecrazy - I checked Facebook and don't see you there under the name Alisha Nicole Branch. @dannyco56 - Good morning to you! Hope all is well on your end.

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  13.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    @All Good Morning! I hope all have a good day, I will check the posts from time to time. @Ms. PetiteChick I am sorry that your account has been compromised and hope that they find the one who has done it. I hope that everything else goes well and you have a great day today. @Scoff/Sarah I hope that you will finish the story of how you both met. I believe that even those who have read it before will enjoy hearing it again. It is a beautiful story. @lovecrazy Glad that you are enjoying it here. The regular's love having new members join us. I hope that you have a great Sunday and a great week. @All Looks like LQ came back and paid us a visit on the 9th bless his heart. God Bless! Danny

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  14.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    @Shelly I see you couldn't find the "right" handle for an account? You are a fake, liar and full of much shyt. This stupidness is being investigated on everyone here with an account!

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  15.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10


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  16.   lovecrazy says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    wow super late on getting back on here its hard to keep up threw email @nawlunzguy thankx for that comment you're right about saying hello and things like neither to pushy or coming onto you like just friendly I'm open to that especially in this modern society yeah so thankx and still loving the love..love all you guys I will so my best to keep up with this blog I always get behind:') hope everyine is having a great weekend

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  17.   lovecrazy says:
    Posted: 11 Jul 10

    anyone on facebook you should me the names Alisha Nicole Branch:)) I'm on there a lot more than here I'd love to just chat with you guys.

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  18.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    Hello all. Sorry for being away. I had to help friendly with her porch demolition and replacement, the cleanup, and then the landscaping, whew! ... just kidding (I know some of you may have been thinking/hoping such was the case. [I know I was!]LOL) @trigue - No those (mentioned) qualifications aren't necessary, at least not with me. But I do have this lengthy "Request for A Date" Questionnaire I'll need you to complete in advance. - OK, sorry, I must have taken a double dose of 'humor' pills this morning. Good to see posts from @sam, ChocolateLady, Elanco, fkoi, emi009, Shelly, Regina711. To all the 'regulars', good seeing your comments as well. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. i'll be checking back in later! Ta-Ta for now.

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  19.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    @All Good afternoon to everyone hope all areenjoying their Saturday doing what they enjoy. I must enjoy working cause that is what I will be doing at home...LOL @friendly13 Glad you were able to get your computer up and running again. I hope you have a good weekend in spite of all the work you will be doing. How did the back yard cookout go on te 4th of July weekend? @tatted2death Glad to see your post. Thanks for responding to the query. I hope that you are having a wonderful Saturday and hope that you have a great weekend. I will check back later. God Bless! Danny

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  20.   Shelly says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    Neither of them work.

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  21.   Shelly says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    Waiting for more details too about the love affair of the century for Sarah and Scoff too. I enjoyed what I read so far. More please.

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  22.   Elanco says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    oops causian=caucasian

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  23.   Elanco says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    @dannyco56 Thank you very much for the welcome. I would love to someday share with everyone how my husband and I met. @Scoff/Sarah Sarah, I enjoyed reading about how you and Scoff met and are making it as a couple today. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pa and have witnessed many IR couples married and with children and that was the norm in the early 70s and even today. Matter of fact, the area I grew up in the children there now I would say about 80% are of mixed race. I apologize but I can't remember who the woman is that shared with us about her divorce from her black husband and now in a relationship with causian man? That is my story as well, which I will try to share at another time. I am wishing you all a safe and blessed weekend. We finally have some rain here in the Northeast.

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  24. Posted: 10 Jul 10

    Oye, Good People.... just stopping by to say "que paso"....(lol). Just wanted to answer the query posed by Nawlunz a few days ago.... The smile and the eyes are the kicker for me....He doesn't have to have "perfect" teeth or anything.....just a NICE SMILE.....and if I actually get a chance to hear his voice and/or laugh AND I find it sexy.....OH MY....(yessss....lol)..... Peace and Blessings To ALL tatted2death

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  25.   Jenna says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    @Petitchick,friendly13,Nawlunzguy,Dannyco56,Mia, MzBrownSugar,Ms M,and many others. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! May The Blessings Be!

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  26.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 10 Jul 10

    Hey ya'll, I have really bee missing the blog. I've been having computer troubles...got everything up and running again. Looks like I've missed a bunch of stuff....well, I am going to be getting caught up. Good to see all the new friends on here. In the meantime I finally got my old porch demolished and now I am putting the old one back....everythings a mess but making progress. I should be done by monday...behind on homework....well I look forward to reading what everyone has been discussing...my comments may come a little late but they will come....I am so excited....Hey Petitechick (hugs)

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  27.   darkchylde says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    white men who date black women are pitiful. black women are gold digging leeches. they only date white men because they feel ALL white men have money. i have no respect for a white guy who dates a black chick. stick with your own kind, there are plenty of white women out there. they outnumber black women 10-1.

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  28.   Shelly says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Hello Sarah I hope you do get the chance to finish that story. I enjoyed what I did read of it. I really am doing some comparison shopping for the next internet dating site for me. This will be the first inter-racial dating site but I was a member of some others. Give me something to look forward to.

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  29.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    @All Good Morning I hope all are doing well. Have a great weekend and be safe. @fkoi Welcome to the board! Yes to many on this board it may be completely foreign but to a few it is not. I hope that you will stick around and join in the discussions that interest you. @Elanco Welcome to the board! Glad to hear that you are in a loving relationship with a caucasian. Maybe when you feel more comfortable you will share how you met. I hope you will stay and post when you see a discussion that interests you or you could just start one. I have to get ready and go to work now will keep an I on the posts. God Bless! Danny.

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  30.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Good morning to all Just dropped in to say hello, if I get back to the coast in time today, I'll try and continue where I left off, (for those that want to hear the rest) again I'm still a little reluctant to repost this as I have already posted most if it earlier. When I get down to the Coast I'll talk it over with Scoff, as it concerns him also, I feel he should have input as well. My/Our main concern is we may be just clogging a wonderful site with something that a lot folks would rather not read. May God Bless Sarah

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  31.   Tom4Blaq says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Hello everyone! Ladies, gentlemen I wanted to stop by and wish you all a lovely weekend and to say keep up the good work! The discussions are civil as they should be. Will stop in when I return. Best to all, Tom Thomase.Harmon@yahoo.com

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  32.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 09 Jul 10

    Hey Regina711 or whomever you are, Men in Nashville, TN like Black women with long hair or short hair? What about their weight? What's wrong with a larger woman? Many men like larger women. Ohhhh yeah! There's a taste for everyone yanno! How's your writing project coming along, btw? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I'm falling out on the flo! Lord hab mercy!

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  33.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Sorry hit the wrong button to continue, during the conversation about the boys,who was good looking and who was not, we never even mentioned the white boys, with exception one day, as the summer progressed the white boys always worked with their shirts off, when we saw a well built boy off in the distance hauling some boxes upto the shed, one the girls mentioned is that a new boy, he's really cute, of course from the distance he looked like colored boy (one of our old terms), so we all checked out the new boy. Whoa, what a surprise as the boy came closer it dawned us it was a white boy with a very dark tan, black hair and the blue eyes. Later I learned it was Scoff, Sorry I keep floating away on these tangents, as if on cue we all said in unison, oh its just a white boy, and that meant he wasn't good looking as if we cared. Enough tying up the blog I'll try and get some more out tomorrow thanks again for indulging me and let me share this part of my life Love to all Sarah I know some of the bloggers have already heard this onece so please just scroll past it. God Bless Sarah

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  34.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    To continue: In the packing shed (a large hot open pole type structure with a tin roof) part of the time in the sun & part of time late afternoon in the shade. You are asking your self why is this important, well being a black person that morning sun burns me up, so I always wore oversize long sleeved cotton shirts accompanied by a large straw hat. With the exception of a select few all the black girls pretty much dressed the same. To regress abit to relate some of my Mother & Grandmother (Mom's side) by Grand mother was obiviously of some sort of mixed hertiage, French Cajun type, very bright skin tone to use one of her terms (you may still hear bright in referance to skin tone from some of the older rural blacks along the coast). Back to the topic, anytime I tried to change into something less cumbersome, my Grandmother would have fit, then start along dialogue how pretty my color was and I damn sure shouldn't let it get all burnt and dark from the sun. Looking back she was rather obessed with skin colors, the very dark black folks in the area she often referred to in some fairly ugly terms. I'm trying to give some of you younger people a verbal picture of how this scen appeared, with not being caught up into too many details. So continue us girls would gather up for lunch and being at the age and in intrested boys we would generally let out conversation direct to wa

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  35.   fkoi says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Ms. Sarah - I bet the world you describe is completely foreign to most of the folks on this site. A lot has changed in almost 50 years. True some things stay the same but the overall consciousness has been raised. That's a good thing. Some see Obama's Presidency as hopeful. Others drop the blame of his shortcomings on his Blackness. You remind us that 50 years ago school systems in Virginia closed down rather than integrate! A Black man in the White House was unthinkable then.

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  36.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    @All Hello and good morning. I hope all are doing well I have not seen Ms. Friendly13 post on here for a few days hope all is well. @Scoff/Sarah I enjoyed reading the first segment and I know where you are coming from when you say "but never even acknowledged the white boys existed." I kind have ran into that while stationed in Georgia. Even in the 70's and 80's there seemed to be some self segragation going on between whites and our dark skinned brothers and sisters. I am happy to see that the walls are coming down but there is still a lot of mistrust of us white folks so the walls are coming down slowly. You and Scoff are an inspiration to many on this board and many who will come to this board. God Bless you both! @ Ms. Sam You are quite right a lot of what holds us back is in our own minds. Enjoyed reading your posts. @Ms. PetiteChick There will always be some that are racist we will never see an end completely at least not in this life. They will try to keep things stirred up. Their success will be determined by the rest of us. I chose to raise my voice against any who try to pass on their racism to others were ever I encounter them. As always I enjoy reading your posts. I hope that when you find that latin gentleman that you are looking for that he is all you wanted and more. @Regina711 I enjoyed your post. I hope that you will stay with us and share your thoughts some more wit us. I have to go to work now but will keep an eye on this board. God Bless! Danny

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  37.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Good morning all. -just popped in to say 'hello' Sarah, you keep me on the edge of my seat. You missed your calling as a writer! I keep longing to learn more and dishing it out in 'small spoonfuls' is driving me crazy! LOL I look forward to more (much more)!

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  38.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Comment by sam on 8 July 2010: PetiteChick: you meet the guys you want to meet when ever you want where ever you want. No problem with me. About Obama: after this there is no office nor a job in US that is not at least in principle open for blacks. Nobody can’t say that black person is not suited for a certain job etc. Good thing. Sam: I agree. Just asked cause you wanted to feel "welcomed." Ha! I will choose well. It won't be from here though. Too much foolishness for me. A little too old for that. The two white gentlemen I met were under different circumstances and did not inviolve online dating. Well the point you make about our current POTUS is that it has stirred our country to the degree that many will say, oh see now Blacks are equal. There is no more racism. Further from the truth. Mean people will reside wherever and whenever they let the devil in! I am still American, sometimes disappointed but I know the devil lives everywhere.

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  39.   sam says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    PetiteChick: you meet the guys you want to meet when ever you want where ever you want. No problem with me. About Obama: after this there is no office nor a job in US that is not at least in principle open for blacks. Nobody can't say that black person is not suited for a certain job etc. Good thing. Oh shuuuuh, politics. For me it is ones own thing. I have my ideas, you can have yours, and if they match, fine. If not, well no problem. And besides, I'll bet almost any black woman can get a date with a white guy even over there. Just choose well, because there are nice guys and not so nice. Some how people seem to think that there is a huge barrier between whites and blacks, but it is just in between the ears. The real barrier is between men and women. And believe me, if a black woman shows a white dude that she's interested in him, that white guy will propably be more than flattered, excluding stone cold racists. I think some white guys just don't believe that black women could be interested of them. So if you are, just say it. If you get turned down, too bad for him. And good for you. He lost you, you lost nothing.

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  40.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Comment by trigue on 6 July 2010: So, do I have to be a Republican, Obama hating Black person to get a date with a White guy? ------------------- Say what? Why would you ask such as stoooopid question? I just saw this. So, there are no liberal White men? No moderate/centrist White men? Who do you think elected him? Don't slander our President please.

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  41.   Elanco says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Hello. I just wanted to state that I have been reading the posts here for the past two days and all I can state right now is WOW!!! I have been feeling kind of out of place for some time. I have been married five years to a wonderfully handsome and loving causian man.(I am a black woman) I am enjoying reading all the views and opinions here when it comes to culture and politics etc. I find it difficult to post my thoughts and concerns because I attend to get very lengthy and it takes a while for me to get my point across, but I just wanted to thank you all for giving me a lot to think about. Have a blessed day. We are also experiencing this heat index here in the Northeast.

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  42.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Comment by sam on 8 July 2010: Well, it was not me talking about Taye, sorry. No need to be sorry Sam! The same holds true for when President Obama was running for office and he visited Germany. All reports came back positive. People were lined up to hear him speak. The first Black man to be nominated to President of the United States. I understand what you're getting at. I have had several professors of African heritage who have lived abroad. Norway and Amsterdam to be exact! I get it. I worked in a building whose office housed either the Scandanvian or one of the other Nordic countries and they are tall, blonde and lovely to look at. Kind of makes one wonder if America is truly living up to her creed of welcoming all - equal treatment for all. Race plays too big of a role in the U.S.

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  43.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Comment by sam on 8 July 2010: PetiteChick: I have no recollections of participating this Taye Diggs debate, but I still hope that doesn’t make me not welcomed here ---------- Sam: I hope you won't kick me out of "the club" because I choose not to date Caucasian men on this site........ Fair enough?

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  44. Posted: 08 Jul 10

    @ scoffsarah that's a good start.

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  45.   sam says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Well, it was not me talking about Taye, sorry. Racism is over here too, but not so much as one might think. Mostly it is just ingnorance and/or fobia against anything foreign. I think for the vast majority here color really doesn't matter that much. Ok, they might be not used to different kinds of people, but very few have some kind of real racistic ideologies behind their thought. A very good example is this fact: In 1996 Lola Odusoga ( at present Wallinkoski) was elected with a huge majority of votes as Miss Finland. Her father is a nigerian. She went on to win Miss Scandinavia title in 1997 and was the second runner up in Miss Unverse competition in 1996. She become one the most famous finnish celebrities, she has done some acting, modeling etc. She married a white guy and is trough and trough finnish. And she is accepted by all. And she still is one of the most beautiful women in this country. Now when you think scandinavian or northern beauties, the first thing in ones mind is not a girl, whose father is from Africa. But she was the beauty queen for us and for the rest of the Scandinavia. Not a blond, skinny white girl, but a good looking black woman. And: she is funny as hell and has strong opinions. My kind of woman indeed!

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  46.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Okay for those that want to hear how two mis-fits happened to meet. Summer of 64, I was working in a packing shed, near my home along with most of the local youths white and black, by the way the pay was very little I think like maybe 35 to 75 cents an hour. As it was in that area it was the only work around for youths, the girls did the packing in the boxes & some picking when we were short handed. The boys did the loading and most of the picking. Even though we worked togeather in and around the boys, white and black we occasionally joked and flirted with the black boys, but never even acknowledged the white boys existed. As I have mentioned earlier to the best of my knowledge,I had never spoken to a white boy near my age, as well as even touched a white person with exception of very limited contact at the local stores. The reason I keep mentioning this point is an attempt to help some the folks understand to the extent we were segregated. Separate Schools, separate water fountains, separate restrooms, and on & on. I will say this as a youth we were very content, as we lived in a sheltered and naive enviroment. Our parents taught to be safe just stay away from white folks, to avoid any problems. I feel that it is important so to speak lay out the general social atmosphere we existed in; for some of the younger generation to understand why some of Black woman are the way we are. As this will take awhile to post, I'm going to keep it in short spurts, so as not to dominate the blog, as I think other bloggers have very important thoughts to post, as I know everyone likes to read a variety topics. thanks to everyone for enduring this short segment of my life Love & God Bless Sarah

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Good morning Sam! Forgive me, of course there can be more than ONE Sam! Here is what I was referring to: Comment by Sam on 23 June 2010: Taye, who. I love private practice but not because of him. He needs to love his wife and stop bringing up bw. He needs to stop playing the bw card in order to advance his career or at least get media coverage. Lame….not surprising. As for Slim thug, he needs therapy. I pity the women who get involved with him. His take on relationships is what men can get out of them. Not once did he mention what men ought to do for their women. Actually, the same traits he blamed bw for were the same he displayed but somehow in bm it was ok. Ladies, kick this trash out. Otherwise, I agree with your post. Human Race indeed. However, because of the nature and history of various cultures that settled in the US what you may find in your country is contrary to how American life is. It's unfortunate, but is the case. I am of the firm belief that it will never change so long as there are people whose motivations, greed etc, over power their will to see that the blood that runs through your veins is the same as the Chinese man, or the Filipino woman, or the Muslim man. Unfortunately Sam, it is the human condition. The only thing people of like-mind can do is to stick together. It is unfortunate that there are some amongst us who only have their hearts set to "use" others. This too, is part of the human condition taught to me by spiritual affiliation and the way I was reared. They exist. They will always exist so we should leave "them" stet!

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  48.   sam says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    PetiteChick: I have no recollections of participating this Taye Diggs debate, but I still hope that doesn't make me not welcomed here :-D It is very interesting to read what black women think about relationships with white men. Usually this kind of information is either wrapped in some academic form: "What we found out in our study is that 37,56% of the...", or hidden in some heated debate about race: "It is about the purity of our race blablabla that we as blablabla preserve our cultural blablabla..." Personally I don't believe that there are any other race but one: the human race. Some of us are tall, some short, some fat, some skinny, some are black, some are white, some pink (specially after too much sun) and some brown. We just look different and live in different cultures. I speak finnish, you english or something else. You may be a christian, I might be a heathen, somebody is a muslim and another is a jewish. Still, we are all the same: humanbeings. I think so.

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  49.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Regina711, I did view you profile so please don't take it the wrong way. LOL. Sometimes it's a knee-jerk reaction. Then in instances like this to get an idea of who you're talking to!

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  50.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Good morning Regina 711 Everybody finds Black and White relations whether romantically or otherwise a hot topic. It shouldn't be, but I suspect it will be in our country until the end of days. You mentioned something about hair and Black women. Well, I can only speak for myself when I say I've done just about everything there is to do to my own. Ha! Perms, braids, braided weaves, wigs. Personally speaking, I gave up perms a very long time ago. It had gotten to the point that they didn't take and last as long so I found myself needing to re-touch more often than not. Damage to my hair, etc. After using them for so long they actually changed the texture of my hair. Got tired of being a slave to it. Braided in weaves if not done correctly can look at hot mess. Where I live not too many nice shops around who can do them well. Travel needed. It ain't that serious, for me, LOL. Then there's the cost associated. Got tired of that and thought about how many pairs of shoes I could buy with that $$$. To have them done really well would cost upwards of 200 or more in NYC and that's at a good shop! Nope, no way Jose. Braids, I did for five years. When letting the perm grow out. I loved the various styles but many weren't suited to my face shape and the pulling began to take a toll on the edges. Today I wear various types of wigs. Got lots of em and love em! Underneath is a head full of healthy, non chemically treated hair. I had to nurse back to health. Problem with it: No clue what to do with it except once in a while a nice blow out. Other than that it stays moisturized, braided and I throw on a wig and go. I'm too tired to worry about hair.. On a more societal view of hair there are studies that show men prefer women with long hair. Unconciously and conciously. It has something to do with the male gender's idea of beauty and fertility. I believe Black women went the eurocentric look to please Black men. They also do it as a way to add variety to their coiffes! White women can't do what Black women can do with their hair. Depending on what wig I wear, I get many compliments on them. Typically they are afrocentric in their look. I personally prefer that because it I think it makes me look better and I'm tired of worrying about my hurrr.....LOL Finally, I don't want eurocentric hair features anymore. My preference is all. Hope this helps. BTW, I just recently told a fib to someone who flirted with me that I was writing a book! I ain't writing no book, but I imagine many are. Some may be using these discussions to use as part of their thesis as well. Hope that helps!

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