Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8089 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    @Nawl What I’ve experienced here in terms of my attempts at inter-racial dating is limited. Most of it was more like cross cultural dating. was because I had already dated that way but limited. replace with: What I've experienced in the past in my dating attempts was more like cross cultural dating rather than inter-racial dating. African, Haitian, etc., then inter-racially with the two White men, all of which was limited.

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  2.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Good morning, good morning everyone! It's a beautiful day.... @Nawl's jokes, well now whould've thunk it? Teehee, made me laugh a little. OK, I'll get you back one of these days. LOL. I will explain (in case you didn't know) the reason my participation is limited here with my sister friends and the decent White men. It is really quite simple. We are not of like mind in terms of our dating preferences at the moment. I arrived here some time ago to talk to Black women because I believe we as a group are NOT as bonded as we should or could be. Some may agree, some may disagree and tell me to mind my business. LOL. That's ok too. Don't care - I do what I do out of concern for Black women whom I consider my sisters. Somebody's gotta love us and I do. We get hit with so much crap from various segments of society and I came here kind of fed up with it to be honest. Of course there were "those men" who have Black mothers who treated the ladies here as though they were mere scales after a good sloughing of a foot. Their reasoning: They don't want to see us happy. Continuous barraging of negative talk at us and often not "to" us. Black women have a right to be happy with whomever they choose. Whether I want the same really doesn't matter. What matters is our happiness overall. I do have limited dating experience with White men as I have only dated two. Married for 20 years to a Black man with 2 children and I'm divorced. We don't hate each other but we don't love each other either. LOL. Not a lot of dating immediately thereafter. One long term relationship with another African American male, a few other ethnicities and two Caucasian men. What I've experienced here in terms of my attempts at inter-racial dating is limited. Most of it was more like cross cultural dating. was because I had already dated that way but limited. So I came with great hope and expectations to find more knuckleheads than not. Unfortunately, from all ethnicities, but primarily Caucasian men. It felt like someone opened up the cages and let all the crazies out. Some of the things I questioned and that you so graciously gave insight on is what has me dismayed. So, I said ok, I'll limit my options as a result. I've been here for months. I think my sister friends have more experience because they've been at this longer than me. Aside from that, this site is a breeding ground for misfits (much like many other dating sites). Crazies and plain down nasty men. Somewhere in all of this - in the midst of the haystack I still hold out hope that there's someone who shares my views on relationships and how to go about getting and keeping one. Gotta be one, at least. LOL. I've always wanted to know what it would be like to date a Latino man! Caliente! As you can see there is not much blog discussion on it and I am very confused by that. The world isn't Black and White. It is Black, White, Brown and so much more. Fought FOR my sisters against tyranny; fought with them for them to have their right without being admonished by the very men who don't want to see us happy. African American men were once included "as I went all ethnicities at the very beginning. But of course I got no attention from BM. I did get more attention from Caucasian men, much of if I don't like. A few nice ones here an there who would disappear (but men in general can do this). Thus, the reason for my questions in the other thread. So I also thought about what the princess from London said as well, even though my sister friends are here and we don't share the desire for the same mates at this time. That was, "why am I here?" I already knew that if after our efforts to make peace with the vitriolic banter that went back and forth between the men and women that I would leave the fray so to speak. Never forgetting my sister friends but leaving them to have discussions with those they want and desire. That doesn't include me. At least not on "this site." LOL. I have no doubt that there are some nice Caucasian men, I've met two and know many and am friends with many. I just can't see wanting any of them I have come into contact with this site. Again this speaks to the quality of the site. Soooo, PetiteChick is and will always be her sister's keeper! Thanks for reading... @Dannyco hmmmmmmm, foot fetishes? Men do that more, I think. To me, the shoes just tell me more about how he will dress (I like em neat, suit and tie if I could have one who dressed that way the majority of the time). Ok, ok, I know he can't wear a suit and tie ALL the time, I mean not ALL the time, LOL. That's a major for me. These first impression kinds of things are snap judgments as well. What he's wearing on the outside could never overshadow what he is on the inside. First impressions do count, but only to a small degree for me. @Sam are you the same "Sam" that engaged in another discussion about Taye Diggs? If so, good to see ya! @all: As usual I will pop in and out of here to say hi to all, ask a question as long as my sisters are here I'll be close. Not a total participant, but I'll be close! Enjoy!

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  3.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    LOL, no worries Miss Petite, and yes it was all in fun to joke back. Let me know how that bar-b-que tastes when it arrives. You're welcome Danny. I look forward to learning the motivation. -G'night all! Nawl

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  4.   Regina711 says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    I don't know if this will help anybody but I will put this comment in. I never thought about a White Man I just thought about him being a man and having some of the qualities I was looking for in a man and that's how I came across a white man from CL. He asked if I had been with a White Man before and I said no but I'm sure it will help race relations. I've been dating White Men ever since my divorce from my Black Ex-husband which we are still friends. I think when we are young we go for people who look like us and when we get older its who we feel we have things in command. For me I just find that the white man treats me better and is not cheap here in the South. I feel that each state might have something different & I hope to keep expanding my knowledge on diversity in relationships w/other nationalities. One thing on this White Man & Black Woman I would suggest the movie "SOMETHING NEW" its a great love story & the black actress said it best is that she can be just herself & the white man excepts that. It makes me think in a black on black relationship are we trying to be more White in our hair as blk. females or what. That's what I went thru in my blk. & Blk. relationship. These are just my thoughts but if anyone would like to comment please be my guest. I'm just doing alot of relationship issues as I was once a reporter & market researcher this is very interesting maybe theirs a book I can do on the subject.

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  5.   sam says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Thanks Danny. Will be back from time to time.

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  6.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    @Sam from Finland Sam welcome to the board. I hope that you have liked what you have seen enough to return and share some more with us enjoyed reading your post and agree there are many beautiful ladies that you mentioned. I also agree that it is so much better when a woman says what they mean and means what they say. God Bless! Danny

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  7.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    @PetiteChick and Nawlunzguy Thank you both for your answers. Ms. PetiteChick I had not thought about shoes but I see your point although a shoe fetish would have benn an interesting discussion....LOL :-) Nawlunzguy I agree if a woman smiles or is emiting tons of aura/chemistry she would deffinately peak my interest. I enjoyed reading both of your responses. I hope some of the other beautiful ladies and the men will respond to the question I posed. I think it will be enlightening, I will wait for a few days to give those a chance to respond that want to but have not yet had the time. After that I will reveal the reason I asked the question. I am calling it a night it is 1:21 in the morning. God Bless! Danny

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  8.   Member says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    To all that want a good poster of the President and the First Lady, google strong men and women series done by virginia dominion power and select 2010 honorees. You can also see who has been honored over the past 20 years of them doing this series. Best wishes!

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  9.   Member says:
    Posted: 08 Jul 10

    Hope all had a great 4th of July. Just found out some poor marines were gaurding a helicopter in california that went down in the LA just before the holiday. They are still gaurding it. I wonder how there 4th of July was. May god bless all the servicemen and servicewomen who continue to serve our country.

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  10.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Hi Nawl, trust that I was joking when I "offered." LOL. Your insight DID help me a great deal. More importantly, what would a weekend with my gal friendly have to do with my "perceived" indebtedness to you? LOL. She's supposed to be mailing barbecue to me via Fedex! Ha! I also teased MzBrownsugar about $$$. I joke a lot, talk a lot. I know you two are indeed getting extremely close and I know you do not think for one minute that I would try to come between that. I'm not like that unless I fear someone will say or do something to one of my sister friends. That's how I got here, Nawl! I'm gonna stick with Nawl if that's ok with you. I'm just very grateful when people show kindness towards me, forever grateful and humbled, more importantly, forever my sister's keeper! Always. Best, Mr. Nawl!

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  11.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @PetiteChick - you are most welcome and I was happy to oblige. I hope you accept my apologies for the slight delay in responding. I never take on anything unless I can give it my "all"; I'm hoping that from the vast dribble offered, it provided the detailed insight and opinion you sought. I could never take money for my efforts; I'm content knowing you found it worthwhile. If you truly feel indebted, perhaps arranging a weekend with friendly... As for the 'New' versus 'Naw', I was unable to secure the name Nawlunzguy for my profile. Apparently it was already taken and I settled for "New..." I agree, locals pronounce my hometown using 2 syllables instead of the 'proper' 3: Nawlunz (versus New-Or-leenz). @Shelly (aka 'the Lurker' LOL) - welcome and please jump in and share a few thoughts. Would you kindly share thoughts on what brought you here, or perhaps what posts/comments interested you sufficiently to drop by? -that goes for you as well @ChocolateLady. Please offer a few inner thoughts with us. @Scoff/Sarah - I share Scott's favorite verse and EVERY time I read the comment, "Oh my God I kissed a white boy, what will people think?", a huge grin appears (see my photo LOL). And I, too, am anxious to learn the details of your meeting. @dannyco56 - Thanks for the support. I was glad to offer my take/insight for @PetiteChick. I gave your question considerable thought. A 'chance' meeting, such as you propose, limits my interest to personal observation. This has a tendency to focus on merely the person's outer qualities. I don't necessarily zoom in on any one particular aspect; rather it is the total sum of parts that trigger my receptivity. This could include anything from posture, to the clothes (or lack thereof) worn, to the hair style or makeup... But I will admit that if there's a smile adorning her face, or this person emits tons of aura/chemistry that reinforces the notion she has personality and a sense of humor, that will send electric shocks coursing through my veins. I think it normal and acceptable, under these circumstances, to reveal that physical attraction is likely based on this initial assessment.

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  12.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Oh my Dear Friends, Way back when Scoff first found this site; he and I would read the post and comment to each other about their contents. Finally Scoff got brave enough to post about us and how we met, then (as most of us Ladies think) we needed to step in bc we know we can do it better. I will try and get my thoughts togeather and repost how we met, & how we (remet) on a lonely farm road in 2003 when where ect. So please bare with me on this as I really don't want to bore the ones that have already endured some of it. Just remember; mid 1960's rural Alabama, a black girl like myself hardly evwer interacted with white people more so white boys our age. (Scoff's favorite), Oh my God I kissed a white boy, what will people. I really love you folks, stay the course, Ms. Godiva you get a BIG HUG Love & God Bless everyone of you Sarah

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  13.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @Shelly You will enjoy this blog. You should stay. Again thanks for providing your point of view!

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  14.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @Dannyco: "...When you are at a store, a party, a gas station or anywhere else and you see someone of the opposite sex what attracts you?" I have to stay to answer this one! IT WOULD BE THE MAN'S SHOES, FROM THERE STRAIGHT TO HIS FACE. No I don't have man's shoe fetish. I just believe you can tell a lot about a man by the shoes he wears. Silly isn't it? LOL. also "...You provided a very detailed and intelligent response to Ms. PetiteChick. Very well done!" Yes, and I feel like I owe him some money! Wonderful what he did for me, can't thank him enough!

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  15.   Shelly says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Dannyco56 Thank you. I have not decided if I want to join this site as yet. But from reading this blog, I see a lot of nice discussions taking place. Some of the dating sites I have been on don't have blogs. This is fun!

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  16.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @Nawlunzguy You provided a very detailed and intelligent response to Ms. PetiteChick. Very well done! Hope that you have a great week. God Bless! Danny

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  17.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Hey Mr. Nawlunzguy Which one do you prefer: Newawlunzguy or Nawlunzguy The way you log on to post or your profile? In my head they sound different. LOL. Nawl New Anyway thanks again!

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  18.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @Shelly Welcome to the board! I a glad that Scoff/Sarah has got you to quit lurking...LOL :-) I hope that you will stay with us awhile and share. God Bless! Danny

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  19.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @Scoff/Sarah Good to hear that you are moving your things back home. I trust that your daughter is well enough to handle things. Always nice to read your posts and I to would not mind reading again your story of how you both met. God Bless! Danny

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  20.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @All Hello and good morning. I hope that you have a great day today. Here is a question for everyone that wants to answer. When you are at a store, a party, a gas station or anywhere else and you see someone of the opposite sex what attracts you? God Bless! Danny

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  21.   sam says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Just found this site, and want to say hello from Finland. I was in US couple times way (lived there twice for a while) way back and met some nice black women. I had some nice conversations but things did not progress any futher. Maybe because I'm uglier than your worst nighmare, something between Quasimodo and cave troll. Any how, on the topic. Actually I don't care about the color. What I found attractive with these black women I had the honor to meet was their personality. They were frank, funny and intelligent. They did not have hidden agendas, nor they did not speak in double meanings. They said straight what they where thinking and I like that a lot. They had a great sense of humor, told good jokes and seem to love life in general. And, ok, I admitt, they were damn good looking too. White women, whom I also find attractive as well, have in many cases too much baggage in their minds. They worry about their butts, tummies, eyelids, ears, teeth, opinions, toenails, diets, magazines, friends, work, coffe mugs and what ever. That is sometimes little too much. On the looks, well, Queen Latifah is good lookin, but so is Naomi Campbell too, Serena Williams is good looking but so is Halle Berry. Come to think of it, I don't know any really ugly black women. Each looks herself and that is fine with me. I really don't have any preference by racial standards, skin tones or such, but I like women who are real. From my experience I can only say, that I found black american women to be just that. Have a nice summer over there and survive the heat wave!!

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  22.   Shelly says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Well I'm a newcomer of sorts. I've lurked here for quite some time. I'd be interested in hearing this story as well. Thanks.

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  23. Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @Scoff/Sarah Please finish the story on how you met and then married Scoff. Sounds interesting to a Newcomer to this site....

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  24.   emi009 says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    hello to you guys and dolls. i must say i stepped into this site by mistake. but g****d, how refreshing to hear people getting along so well, with no worry that you might step onto someone else's toes. im a black sista, being with my white coffee brother for over 2yrs. i must say, all i feel is love in the air. yes, quarrells are there,day in and day out. but nothing we couldnt mend over a good kiss. we've taken our relationships to bigger heights, we've tied the knot and been blessed with 2 handsome young boys.life couldnt be more sweeter. also, living in S.A(joburg), its a little bit hard to find friends. hope to continue keeping in touch. luv all around!!!!!!!!!!

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  25.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Good morning - it's a beautiful day! Biggest shout out to Nawlunzguy for indulging me in my quest to learn more about "men's dating strategies." Thanks, Nawlunzguy!!!!

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  26.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    Good Morning to all Just dropped by to say hello to my special Gang, Love all of you, take care and watch the Heat it can be a killer. Well started moving more stuff back to my place, Scoff helped this week-end getting things back in order, & accused me of being a Drill Sgt. Hmmmm can you believe that lololo. I gave a hug and a big kiss and he got back to work. Love and God Bless Sarah

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  27.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 07 Jul 10

    @PetiteChick - My apologies. I did indeed frequent the post, “Online dating: Men’s strategy” posted by James. I also viewed the “Ask Your Tango” Video, and read the majority of comments. Last I visited your profile in the hopes I would be clear on how best to comply with your request. It was a bit more of an undertaking than I planned and frankly, I became confused as to how to respond or comment. It got late and ultimately I put the promised reply aside until I could better gather my thoughts in order to provide you with an informed, intelligent response. So here goes… My initial reaction to the “Ask Your Tango” Video was mixed. I neither support nor deny the views expressed. What I feel it lacks is an unbiased and non-stereotype response. Do some men view online meeting sites as “sport”? No doubt they do. Does the opposite gender use these same internet platforms for personal gain or for reasons other than they’re intended. Of course they do. Each person is an individual with their own unique perspective and motivations. Having had posts on social sites for the purpose of meeting someone, I considered that a lengthy, all-telling bio would indicate sincerity. It would lead one to think so, or so I thought. But I actually received comments that it was “too much to read”. This was confusing to me. Here I was pouring my very heart and soul into an internet site divulging my interests, likes and preferences, with marvelous detail and inclusive of my style of humor. I felt that if you have but one chance to make a good first impression, I was going to tackle the task with honesty, sincerity and completeness. It was my hope the viewer would be able to gain some insight about the “real me” from such effort. My reasoning was that if I could at least capture but a small bit of interest, I could then “fill in the gaps” with additional email texting and perhaps at some point, meet on Skype or Yahoo Messenger using a headset to “meet” and experience a ‘live’ conversation and exchange. To answer the questions you pose in the post, “Online dating: Men’s strategy”, I cannot understand why Caucasian men contact you. You clearly indicate you are seeking only “Latino, Multi-ethnic or Islander ethnic origin” clearly indicating that WM or BM are excluded from your interests. As for the non-existing photo, in this day and age of digital cameras and scanners, it is hard to ‘believe’ someone is unable to provide a headshot of themselves. I do not personally subscribe to the notion that one must remain “anonymous”, or is incapable FOR ANY REASON. That’s just me. Continued viewing would seem to indicate an interest; a reason for not contacting you might merely be the person is a non-subscriber to the site or service and are therefore, unable to send anything except a free ‘flirt’ or “interested”. Again, for me, if there’s ANY indication of mistruth, including areas where they live, I brand the person as someone who is capable of fabricating other details and write them off. I wasn’t clear on what you meant by (they) “Disappear and then return the same way they left as though no conversations ever took place?” so I have no comment. Those that indicate an interest but don’t “qualify” based on your profile criteria either cannot read or are simply “wishful thinkers”. Insulting replies reveal a juvenile mindset which is why they don’t ‘get the hint’. I am unable to offer further thought as to motivation or ‘strategies’ as you classify it; I believe I have covered this in some respect. I cannot vouch for the reason there is a preponderance of WM who seem to perform the aforementioned tasks. I don’t think WM have the market cornered on this notion, but cannot explain the abundance of interests you experience from this group. As for your profile, I see nothing unusual about it. It offers a seemingly clear picture of what you seek, provides details about your personality, and is accompanied by a generous amount of photos. I will make one observation, are you truly interested in a LTR with an 18 y/o or someone 99 years of age? I realize age is merely a number. But you might consider narrowing the field some to indicate a more sincere preference range. You also don’t classify your body type which seems obvious from the full body shots you’ve posted; I wasn’t sure why you might not select from the range of descriptions offered. OK, well that was a mouthful and I hope my reply provided some answers to your query. I would be happy to clarify or provide additional insight; you need merely ask m’lady. G’night all. Hugs and warm wishes to one and all.

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  28.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    Hi all hope everyone is managing well in this HEAT! @nawlunzguy I see that you took a gander at the profile I was hoping for some insight from you if you would. Mind you, the profile has changed numerous times since I've been here, this to keep it fresh and appealing. I stopped that and started expressing my displeasure. Funny thing happened on the way to the bank...Many more Black men view and flirt. I ain't interested though. Amazing! What say ye, Nawlunzguy?

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  29.   trigue says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    So, do I have to be a Republican, Obama hating Black person to get a date with a White guy?

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  30.   edward, says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    i always have a good time with black woman and everytime ive talked to white ones thier either bored or thier dont care about anything but themselves, If a black lady and white guy like each other and it works out then they should be together, dont ever see what others tink as most of the time it'll be negative,Life is too special to not be with the person that likes you for who you are and not falling into the so called conformity of white woman, white guy, blackwoman, black guy, thats totally stupid,

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  31.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    @Ms. PetiteChick, tatted2death, friendly13, godiva61, MzBrOwNsUgAr, bamabelle2k9, bigeyes31, Jenna, Mia, princesspice, Ms. M, lovecrazy, auspry, blackonwhite, GreyEyedLady, Nusala, seashell, Scoff?Sarah, Nawlunzguy, Tom4Blaq, DaveinGeorgia, Naseer Azizi from Afghanisan, Rick Hayes, Tungata, Dillon, Ichibod, Other brother, bob white I hope I got everyone if I left anyone out please forgive me, but let me know. I have not seen recent posts from many so hope all is well with those who haven't posted in a while. I hope it means that you have found someone and are enjoying your time with them. Do not forget about you on line friends...:-) I hope that you have a great week. All who have posted recently I hope that you have a great week and I hope all find that special one for you. Remember they may not be on here they could be at the station, the store, or the local restaurant or a number of other local places. Hope you find them. God Bless! Danny

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  32.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    @lovecrazy It is good to see another post from you. Glad that you like the ambiance. We are enjoying it as well. God Bless! Danny

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  33.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    @Nawlunzguy I hope you were out of town enjoying the weekendand not business. Hope yo have a great week! God Bless! Danny

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  34.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 06 Jul 10

    @godiva61 Hello Ms. Godiva61, thank you for your kind words. My wife and family are doing well thank you so much for asking. Wife spent most of the day at church and I spent part of the day there myself and then had to go and get some of my hair cut off and pick up a few things to stop a dripping faucet. We stayed home and watched a movie instead of watching the fireworks. How about you? Did you go out and watch the fireworks? I hope that you had an enjoyable time what ever you choose to do. Take care of yourself and be safe. God Bless! Danny

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  35. Posted: 06 Jul 10

    Hello to everyone, especially I want give thanks to Ms. Tatts2Death- for her words of wisdom, Friendly13- for her humor and honesty,danny- for his knowledge,Nawlunzguy- Thanks for kind your words, and Godiva- Thank you(I think) and to everyone else I didn't mention, I want to say hello and I hope that you had a woderful and safe weekend. I went to my family's cook out in NJ and I felt like I was melting. I am asthmatic and I was sitting in the shade and still I was hot. it's going to be hot tomorrow. I enjoy this type of weather but I have worry about my asthma acting up.So I go somewhere to cool off before I do any activities. I'm sorry that I've jumped off the subject. I just wanted to share. @ Danny and Nawlunzguy- I don't names bother me and I hold my head up and be proud of who I am inside and out. Some of my friends told me that some men feel intimidated by me. And they say that I'm too aggressive. And I tell them that I don't have the time nor space for B.S. and mind games. I always try to be true to myself and others. I can't stand ignorance, and I try avoid the negative. I don't see color, I see everyone as brothers and sisters. My daughter's father is white and I am Black and Native American. I love this song "Follow Me" by Baltimre Club. There's a deep message in this song. It's a big hit in clubs and cook outs. I got to go now. Good night

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  36.   godiva61 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    Hello to everyone! I hope everyone is doing well, loving life, and keeping cool, it is hot!! I'm ready for Autumn and football!! To all the new voices and faces here, it's good to have you, hope you stay, looking forward to new insights, and all inspiration! So welcome, DaveinGeorgia, mia, jenna, the lady with Grey eyes(nice handle), my friend from Afghanistan, and to all who are new to this site. So many new faces, I'm sure I missed a few names, please forgive, but welcome!! Where is Bama and Ms.BrownSugar, I hope all is well with them both! Friendly13, you have such a gentle spirit, and you are quite hilarious, you had me cracking up the other day, laughter is great! Ms.Petite, here's a hug for you, to go with my smooches from you, hug, hug!! Ms.Tatts, I'm just waiting on a friend(lol) Tatt and I are Rolling Stones Fans!!! Danny, you are so sweet and such a gentlemen!! Here's a hug for you as well!! How is your wife and family?? Scoff/Sarah, I love you both!!! Sarah, I'm so glad that your daughter is being blessed with recovery, thank God!!! Nawlunzguy, hello to you, thanks for being here! Bigeyes, you are wearing that new hairstyle, I love it!! Hot Natalie in Hot Houston Texas(lol) Ichibod, do I need to put out an APB on you??? WorldCitizen, wherever you are I hope that life is smiling on you and your Mom, I miss you!!!! For all that contribute here is a positive way, a big Thank You!! It is long overdue and very nice to be in the presence of non-antagonizing males!!! Let all the women say "AMEN"!!! love godiva

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  37.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @Nawlunzguy to help! /fyooz/online-dating-men-strategy.htm

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  38.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @Nawlunzguy: Comment by PetiteChick on 3 July 2010: Nawlunzguy: I can’t say that I am brave enough to take on such a topic. I can say this, however I believe my sisters have a right to be with whom they desire without backlash from others. I posed a series of other questions in another thread at least two days ago about White men’s approach to online dating as it relates to “ME.” I must emphasize “ME.” I am hoping for some feedback because I have a small amount of experience dating White men and none of which has been lengthy. There are some things I don’t understand and would like to get clarity from the horse’s mouth so to speak. The questions I posed can only be answered by “White Men.” My presence or limited presence in this forum thread (at this time) speaks to the questions I posed in “Online Dating - Men’s Strategy.” I’ll let the experienced WM/BW daters answer your querry as I try to get answers to mine! Best, Comment by Nawlunzguy on 5 July 2010: @PetiteChick - I would be happy to share any thoughts or provide answers from my own perspective or experience, if you wish. I am not aware of the thread you mentioned. If you share the link, I’d be inclined to visit and comment. You may also (and this goes for anyone here), write me at my Yahoo email address using my IR dating screen name, nawlunzguy, if you prefer a more direct response. Petite: Nawlunzguy, I'm sorry but I won't venture to reply to or use an email address with Yahoo.com! There has been a spate of trouble with it for some time now and some I know have had major problems with Yahoo, including me. I do appreciate your offer of course, and am more than happy to read you, therefore, I shall take you up on it! *smile* The thread I refer to again is "Online Dating - Men's Strategy." It is right here within the Blog discussion topics. There is no rhyme or reason from what I can gather as to how the topics are arranged but it should be fairly prominent. I do so appreciate it. *smooches*

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  39.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    Hi all. Sorry, I was out of town for the weekend and without a pc/internet access. So I hope everyone had (and is still having), an extended weekend for those that celebrate the 4th. I have some catching up to do... @seashell - I concur and agree completely. It would be a WONDERFUL world if we all became 'color blind' and simply just accepted one another for the folks we are. Happiness is a universal right. Also, welcome to the post; I enjoyed your thoughts immensely. @Naseer Azizi from Afghanisan - Welcome to the post as well! I hope you share additional comments. @PetiteChick - I would be happy to share any thoughts or provide answers from my own perspective or experience, if you wish. I am not aware of the thread you mentioned. If you share the link, I'd be inclined to visit and comment. You may also (and this goes for anyone here), write me at my Yahoo email address using my IR dating screen name, nawlunzguy, if you prefer a more direct response. @tatted2death - Thanks for the tip. I have been dying to see that movie. I definitely need to view this one. And I enjoy having you in my 'friendly' cheering section! Go pom poms! LOL @lovecrazy - I was neither offended nor insulted. I envisioned your comment was intended to indicate a non-desirable partner. But I will share this one comment: In this modern age we live in, don't be afraid nor hesitant to simply say 'hello' or open a brief conversation with someone you seem attracted to. Any respectable guy is not going to consider it improper. In fact, I'd be flattered if approached. Nothing wrong with possessing a sense of confidence nor starting a conversation. Being passive might mean losing out. @friendly13 - Thanks for your thoughts. The question I posed was generic in nature. There is no office co-worker. And if I were in Indiana, I'd personally deliver the yellow rose. @ChocolateLady - Welcome to the blog. Hope you add your own thoughts and share your views. And @lovecrazy (Alisha) - Glad you are enjoying the warmth we offer and share. Don't be bashful; feel free to add to the blog. and to all my many other friends, @dannyco56, GreyEyedLady. DaveinGeorgia, Ms. M.... (and those I've missed by name) - Hope you all are doing fine as well.

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  40.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @Ms. PetiteChick You could not offend me by this sweet gesture. I think that it is a friendly gesture that you do with those you are comfortable with. I hope that you are comfortable enough with me. :-) God Bless! Danny

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  41.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @Naseer Azizi from Afghanisan You said: The reason why i mentioned worthless life, in my point of view we are here for a while, no gaurantee when you will leave this world. As a matter of fact be aware of your every moment of life, never give up and trust strong to God. Its really All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. You are so right our time on this earth is but a moment in time. I also agree with the rest of your post but sadly I a also aware that not everyone believes as we do. We can only do what we feel and know is right. And hopefully maybe we can convince some of those who do not believe as we do into believing. God Bless! Danny

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  42.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @seashell Welcome to the board! I did not see your post on the 2nd of July until now. Sometimes the posting is a little slow. I agree with you we all want love and respect and I think if you love someone you should also respect them. If you say you love someone but yet you do not respect them, do you really love them at all? We should respect all people. I hope to see more posts from you. I hope that you find the man you are looking for who will fullfill all that you are looking for in a man. God Bless! Danny

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  43.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @All I survived the 4th of July...LOL Watched a movie which I enjoyed very much. I hope that all had a great weekend. I know for some it may not be over. Many places are taking Monday as a holiday. So for those who are also off today be safe and enjoy. I however have to work this afternoon and evening so will keep an eye on things. God Bless! Danny

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  44. Posted: 05 Jul 10

    Hello Everyone, I just dropped by to say "HAPPY 4TH. Check yall out sometime this week. Good night. One love to you all.

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  45.   lovecrazy says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    so lovin the love everyone is showing on here:)) its amazing guys hope everyone has had an awesome 4th!!!! love Alisha:)

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 10

    @Dannyco: No, no, no. I didn't want to OFFEND you when I dole out smooches, as I know you have a wife. I am not offended in the least - was hoping I didn't offend you, sir! Hope you had the best 4th ever!

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  47.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 10

    @Ms. PetiteChick I hope I did not offend you. I am sorry if I did. I just wanted to thank you. I understand that people write hugs or hugs and kisses or smooches to those they feel comfortable with as friends on line. I am honored if you feel commfortable enough to include me as one of those friends. God Bless! Danny

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  48.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 10

    Oh and anotherone....they did Rogers & Hammersteins Cinderella with the R&B singer Brandy was also done with interracial couples. Whoopi Gholdberg and Victor Garber play the parents of the prince who is played by a very handsome (rephrase that) FINE philippino actor. Here's a clip (retrieved on July 4, 2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdKuDJnjE8E)

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  49.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 10

    Hey, I thought of another movie that features diversity and interracial relationships: Princess and the Frog If you haven't seen it check it out. Here is a clip the features my favorite part (retrieved on July 4, 2010 from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJT0uhfcCkw)

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  50.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 04 Jul 10

    @ Tom4Blaq Happy 4th to you also and to everyone. On this 4th I will be grilling my famous bourbon and coke marinated ribs and chicken wings....wish ya'll could be there.

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