Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   asuprey says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 10

    hope i can meet a nice white man someday. kind of hard since all the black men around me think that is unacceptable. they think black women only belong to black men

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  2.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 10

    It hasn't appeared as far as I can tell.

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  3.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 22 Jun 10

    Hey I just sent a long post and I don't know where it went. I wait a minute to see if it posts.

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  4.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Good day everyone! Hope you all enjoyed a fantastic weekend. OK, I see I have a few particular posts to repond to... @ friendly13 -- I actually blushed by your sweet, complimentary words. Actually I am single (divorced) and there isn't anyone to upset. So if you're approaching me for a date, then the answer is... By the way I truly have missed your posts and glad to learn it was a tech issue that had kept you away. @Tom4Blaq -- Yes I was born, raised and educated in New Orleans, moved away to pursue career options and recently returned to my native state. I related to the posts from @Scoff & Sarah having experienced similar situations. And to EVERYONE else (there's so many more now, please forgive me for not identifying each of you; my fear is I might leave someone out and that would be unforgiveable), thanks for the comments, support and posts. What you share and add to this blog is the reason I return (and even comment) here. You know, I got to thinking over the weekend (yes, I know... VERY Dangerous LOL) that perhaps the blog might alternatively be entitled, "Why don't more caucasians like, love, date & marry non-caucasians". My reason for expressing this is simple: for the majority of my life I have been an open-minded individual, never allowing social pressure(s) to dictate my choices or actions. I've never seen color (I'm not color blind, however LOL), and have often chosen potential partners based on very subjective and selective reasons: personality traits, a sense of humor, shared likes and dislikes, and of course, attractiveness (although beauty is in the eye of the beholder), among the many reasons. It would be stero-typing if I made claims or assertions that certain cultures or races were this or that, or possessed certain views or attitudes. We are all individuals, uniquely formed by our Creator, although 'influenced' by our environment. With that said, my interest in a bw, or aw, or hw, etc., are pretty much equal. I don't wish to disappoint nor offend anyone here, but I seek someone that will be a joy to be around, who compliments my own personalities, shares interests, etc. I am interested in someone for WHO they are as a unique person and individual. Naturally, each person brings certain differences to the relationship. It would be a very boring world to be clones. IMHO, this allows us to gain a better understanding and perspective on a variety of subject matters and on the world-at-large. For those who embrace the scientific findings of DNA, we are discovering that the Biblical teaching of Adam & Eve is possibly more than just a story. Research seems to indicate we are all 'brothers & sisters', all part of the human race, and all very much blood related. The migration of human population, influenced by environment and evolution, caused height differences, skin color tones, shapes of eyes, etc., in those who are considered African, European, Asian, Hispanic, and the many other 'nationalities'. In summation, I freely admit that my selection is initially based on the 'laws of attraction', which is a very subjective and individual preference. It just so happens, and for reasons I cannot explain, that I find amber and brown skin tones, brown eyes, dark hair, etc. appealing... - all inherent traits that exist in bw, aw, hw. So there you have it. They 'mystery' is revealed and shared with you all. It's the reason "Why (this particular [me]) white man loves the black woman".

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  5.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    @All Have a good day and be safe in your travels. God Bless! Danny

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  6.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    @ bigeyes Hey girl. Good to hear from you again. What happened to your picture?

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  7.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    @ Scoff & Sarah I can relate about the stereo typing. I am also a republican and I get that a lot. Go Sarah and Scoff. I am not down with communism either. I am not saying anything against the President. I respect him as our leader and my heart goes out to him for everything he has to go through. But I am a republican and I get comments like...how can you be a republican. But I know the history and that is why I will always be a republican. For me it is a heartfelt conviction and there is nothing that can change it. Again, I applaud you Sarah for standing your ground and letting people know that you cannot judge a book by its color (cover). If they knew their history they should not have been so suprised. Ignorance always gets the best of people like that. One special thing about Obama though is that his mother was white. So many people forget that. He has both African and White in him. I think Michelle Obama is a great role model for black women in america. (a little off the subject)

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  8.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Sorry Scoff where id says sid I meant said did not hit the a hard enough. God Bless! Danny

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  9.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Good Morning, @Scoff Great post and excellent point. We do it without giving it much thought. It reminds me of what a gentleman told me about assumeing he sid when you assume you make an ass out of u and me; ass-u-me. That has stuck with me but I still do it at times. Looking forward to Sarah's on words of this encounter. God Bless! Danny

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  10.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Thanks Tom Sarah has promised to post in the next day or so, so be on the look out for it. We are counting the days until she can move back to the coast. Love & Blessings Scoff

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  11.   Tom4Blaq says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Dear Scott! What a wonderful post. Yes, we do as humans have a tendency to stereotype people. Box them into compartments and there is where they remain until others enlighten themselves. Excellent, thank you for sharing that story!

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  12.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Real Life & STERO-TYPING Yesterday Sarah and I took a short tour down to the Gulf just to see what's going on, as we stopped at one of the fishing piers to see if any oil was wahing up. A middle age couple walked up (white)anyway a conversation started, which ended up leading into a very strong pro/con Pres. Obama debate. The Husband and wife were obiviouly pro Obama, as they directed their comments at Sarah with the asumption that being black she would be pro Obama. I thought OH NO you don't want to go their, after politely and I must say very patieniently trying to avoid the topic. Sarah let loose, I thought to myself you have probably found one the few Black Republicans in this area. Myself I stay pretty much on the conserative Democrate side of the issues, which can bring up serious debates between Sarah and myself, okay getting back on track with incident. After Sarah let loose with a vigorous Glen Beck rant, the man and woman stood almost in shock. I had to turn my head to keep from laughing, at last the man tried to explain his point, Sarah was so offended she quickly cut him off, commenting just because I'm black doesn't means I support Pres. Obama, I can admire him for his courage and accomplishments, but his social agenda absolutely apalles me. With a shocked look on their faces the couple silently turned and (thankfully) walked away. On the drive back home Sarah ranted about stero-typing people, one day when we get time I'll try to get her to post her very strong thoughts on this subject. Just something to think about, when we start stero-typing white black asian ect. thanks for letting Post Love all of you Scoff

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  13.   Tom4Blaq says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Friendly13 in response to your question. I can not speak for other men; however, I can re-state my position as I have done in the past. I have dated many ethnicities of women. As you know, I travel a great deal and I am often gone for lengthy periods of time. The women I always seek out first and foremost are Black women. Whether they are from the states, or in other countries. Why? It’s simple. It’s your attitude! I recall getting into trouble with making a statement to a beautiful woman that was here earlier on. Recall a post where I mentioned snootiness? What I was attempting to say was that I find many Black women much more discerning and have higher standards for what they want in a mate. Curves, no – other women have them too. Loyalty, no – other women can be just as loyal. It is your attitude of doing what you have to do and often times having to make do with what you have. I also love that you come in many beautiful shades. In my opinion, it doesn’t get any better than that! It is extremely difficult for me to meet a woman for something long lasting because of my work. I am gone the great majority of the year. Many women find this hard to deal with and I can not complain about that. I have been hesitant to join on a full membership for this very reason. Finally, I have no interest in letting this site keep me in their stock as a member for a lifetime. Maybe I’ll get lucky when I retire. I just hope she will still be out there when I do. Good morning Mr. Nawlundzguy. I see that you are here engaging the lovely beautiful Black women. This is a good thing, considering what they have been through over the period of time I’ve been posting here. May I assume by you handle that you are from the great State of New Orleans? I hail from Boston, however every time I come home it seems like I’m coming back to some place new. I see that you are married or is it you have a girlfriend? You are indeed lucky! I have been in love before too. This, with a beautiful Black Brazilian woman. I am divorced as I was married to a Caucasian woman, who is the mother of my children. I am on my search again, here and on other sites, which exclusively cater to interracial dating. As I stated in an earlier post, do not let those who would come here to cause trouble, keep you from speaking your mind. This is how it should be. Good day!

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  14.   bigeyes31 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Hey all!Petite, Friendly,Bama,Ms.Godiva and all the new ones.Whew! taking me longer and longer to get back here,lol. I miss this place and the fun I've had just having and winning good ol' debates,but mostly just enjoying the discussion. Petite how's the styles coming? Great I hope. Friendly keep your chin up girl! Happy Fathers Day to all who are and hope to be fathers. Peace

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  15.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    I did not have the opportunity to date my black sisters growing up. Where I went to high school we never had any of my black brothers or sisters. My high school years were in the late 60's early 70's and I married young, I was 19 years old. The marriage did not last very long, about four years and a few months. Things had not changed much in race relations in the 70's. I entered the Army in 77 and was stationed in Georgia. While there I saw many of my beautiful black sisters but when I said hello they would say nothing. I can remember that they would look at me but they would never speak to me. I did not pursue it because I was paying child support and I was a private at the time so did not make very much money at the time. Later as I made rank I started doing better but really was not looking or ready for another relationship, and things had not changed very much in the three plus years that I was stationed in Georgia. Oh for any wondering about women in the unit while I was in Georgia; we did not have any, it was armored cav. We did not even have women in our mess hall. Also fraternization between male and female soldiers was highly discouraged. I would say that we white men would fall in love with our black sisters for the same reasons that we have been falling in love with white women. I do not know about the other men but with me the first thing is, am I attracted to her? If I am, I will try to talk with her and get to know something about this woman I find attractive. You cannot fall in love with someone you do not know. I think to love someone you have to get to know them in detail. What do we have in common? Some men may be hung up on education and a highly educated woman may intimidate them. I do not care if she has a better education than I do. I do not care if she makes more money than I do as long as it does not bother her. I do not think that a woman has to be highly educated to be intelligent. Education is important when it comes to a résumé or job application but it should not matter to two people that love one another and are in love with one another. There is a big difference in loving someone and being in love with them. You can love someone without being in love with them but you cannot be in love with someone and not love them. More to follow! God Bless! Danny

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  16.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    Thanks for the Fathers Day wishes friendly13 and bamabelle2k9. I agree with you bamabelle2k9 about mothers who are also doing the part of fathers. God Bless! Danny

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  17.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 21 Jun 10

    @friendly13 I certainly understand computer problems. I am glad that you were able to get the problem fixed. Hope that you have had a good weekend. God Bless! Danny

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  18.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    @ tom4blaq You know...you are right about that last comment. So, why do white men love us black women?

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  19.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    @ bamabelle You said "Happy Father’s Day to all the guys out there and the ladies who act like fathers. Much respect to you all." The pastor preached today and said the same type of comment commending mothers who play both roles in the household: meaning provider, protector, teacher, guide, mentor, leader, nurturer, fixer, dicsiplinarian, encourager, example, intercessor, etc.

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  20.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    @ nawlundzguy I hope I don't make your girlfriend mad but you are a babydoll. That is why boots is so up in arms. Fine whiteman like you on here standing up for us black women. Good to see you hanging in there.

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  21.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    @ Nawlundzguy I agree with your comment about ignoring certain posts. A concept that I learned in business was a management technique called managing by extinction. That is the theory that ignoring unwanted behavior with cause it to become extinct. When I see certain handles I just don't even read them. I just pass them by. I think that nit pickers who just take everyword people are saying to cause and stir trouble are like cancer. Once I realize that is what is happening I have learned to just simply not read and therefore will not be able to respond to what I don't pay attention to. I'd rather get input from you and my old friend @ PetiteChick, Bamababe2k9, Godiva, MzBrOwNSuGaR, tatted2death, big eyes, Spice Princess, Mia, Jenna @Scoff/Sarah @Dannyco56, Sammy, Tom4Blaq, Rick Hayes, Tungata, Nawlunzguy, Dillon and to all the new posters I haven't read yet.

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  22. Posted: 20 Jun 10

    Happy Father's Day to all the guys out there and the ladies who act like fathers. Much respect to you all.

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  23.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    @ all the gentlemen Happy Father's day.

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  24.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    @ MzBrOwNSuGaR Okay, I had some computer issues and am finally able to get back to the scene. I heard what you said. however, I disagree that what I said caused tension. I said what I said because of a discussion we were having about a video. I don't think that it is a secret to anyone on here about the history of past tension. I was pointing out some of the reasons for the black man's attitude about his sister dating a white man and wanting to have a relationship with him and him with her. Of course that was only an observation in comparrison with things that happen around the time frame that the video was referring to. I am for IR dating and not against it. I don't want to be in any drama that stirs negativity. We were talking about the video. What I said still remains true. I think that things have gotten better on here lately. But, I have not read all of the new stuff just got to yours and wanted to respond. I am not trying to hate only discuss thoughts about the video and assumed logic behind the behavior. I think that mature people like yourself can look at what I said objectively and not be offended. If I did offend any IR daters I do apologize because that was not my intention. But I do believe that what I said had some truth to it so I said it. That was my reasoning. Have love and respect for you girl. I hope that you did not misunderstand my intention.

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  25.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    Good Morning, I hope that you have a great day today. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers that visit this blog today. God Bless! Danny

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  26.   Tom4Blaq says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    Hello to all. It is nice to see civil discussions taking place, since my last visit here. However, I see no discussion about why White men love Black women. Let me state though, that you should not let distractors keep you from commenting. As I've stated before, I am single, love Black women and I am ready for another in my life. Thomase.harmon@yahoo.com

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  27.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 20 Jun 10

    Hope everyone is enjoying a good weekend. I decided to simply ignore and respond to certain postings, hoping we can get back to focusing to the subject matter: freedom to choose and voicing our thoughts on what is attractive about that choice. Take care all.

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  28.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @boots So you are including the time before the United States of America existed. You still haven't elaborated on why you think people today should pay you for what may have happened to your ancestors. I say may have happened to your ancestors, because how do we know you are a relative of a former slave in America. Your ancestors may have arrive after slavery was ended. But even if you are a decendant of a former slave reparations that may or may not be owed would be to this ancestor not to you. Those who had slaves should be the ones to pay these reparations not the taxpayers. You want a big payday from all the taxpaying citizen of the United States of America. I do not owe you a penney never have met you in person. These ladies certainly do not owe you anything in reparations. You can give yourself all the money you want to in reparations that is your choice. The point is if you feel that your ancestors are owed some land, money, gold, or what ever go after the ones that are responsible, the ones that held your ancestors as a slave. God Bless! Danny

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  29.   boots says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @ Nawlunzguy.....my voice on this subject(IR) may seem strident, but Iam only one voice, I cant dictate any thing to any body .why is it that all you proponets of IR seem to hate me so much..lol.lol..lol...bm bw wm ww are going to do whatever they want to do regardless of my opinion. Iam just here pointing out the folly of thinking IR marriage is bliss and the false notion that money,white privilege and status does'nt affect attraction,and self hatred,in the context of wm/bf relationships

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  30.   boots says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @ tatt......attention whore....lol........that's a good one ....if the issue itself was not one of concern then I think there would 'nt be much discourse at all...this whole issue of reparations and correcting past mistakes was alive well before my time, even freed slaves after emancipation were calling for the same thing........whites have tried to disparage the whole topic,however it's still a legitimate issue. And the idea of wealth and status and how that can influence attraction ,and fuel self hatred is all a part of this debate .....And as far as rhetoric is concerned y'all' in my opinion are feeding the rhetoric of IR bliss..... In all due respect. Iam not seeking your attention or anyone else...I will continue to voice my opinion on this subject both here and other places just as you are free to voice yours.

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  31.   boots says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @dannyco56....blks dont even hold 2% of the wealth of this country......think about that....and yes my friend this country did exsit prior to becoming a nation in 1776. Blks came as slave in the early 1600s perhaps even earlier. This country became great on the backs of blks with their free labor.This country at its inception was primarily agrarian so manual labor was most important,blk slaves filled this need, created wealth for whites and positioned this country for success in the industrial age.Today the issue of cheap labor(free/slave labor) is at the forefront with the immigration issue ,that's why it's such a tough issue for the U.S to solve.

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  32.   boots says:
    Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @ MzBrOwnsuGaR....all those above mentioned programs..food stamps etc whites benefited as well as blks probably more so.........you obviously dont understand the the real meaning of wealth transfer...whites left great sums of money including land to their great grand kids still alive today while your great grand parents had nothing to leave their children.......Please dont insult the record of history with such a shallow analysis with talk of food stamps etc....and yes perhaps if you would open your mind to the books that I have suggested just as you have opened yourself up to IR relationships then you too may see my point of view ..... since when is it haterd to hold those responsible for wrongs committed .why do you insist on calling it whinnig.....a wrong that goes on uncorrected...is still an uncorrected wrong. You sound just like many whites ....I think you have swallowed their same rhetoric concerning race relations in this country

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  33. Posted: 19 Jun 10

    @ Danny: I first saw Prof Amos's products on HSN. I have never tried it but they have gr8 call in testimonials and he demostrats how fast the drain cleaner works. Dunno if it's rigged or not. If it beats a plumber I'm willing to try it, lol.

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  34.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    Have a good day everyone! I will keep an eye out for any posts. I hope I will see some that are more on the subject "Why white men love the black woman". I am off to work now. God Bless! Danny

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  35.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    Tatt's Hey, girl!

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  36.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    @All I hope all have had a good night and that you are doing well. It is 09:45 here in Texas and have not seen many of you posting. I hope all is well with you. @Tatted2death Good to see a post from you. You are so right positive always seems to attract negative. You always put things in an easy to understand way. Thank you for your encouragement and for your kind words. I hope that your day is full of blessings. God Bless! Danny

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  37.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    -Morning all. I hope everyone had an AWESOME week and will enjoy an incredible weekend! @tatted2death It was more of an encouragement than a demand. Many thanks for the supportive comment, nonetheless. I look forward to adding positive thoughts on the topic at hand.

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  38.   Scoff/Sarah says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    Excellent and very well said Tatted, I'm going to have a big weekend @home (along the coast with Scoff), were just concerned about the oil really fouling the whole area. Remember us when you say your prayers Love all you my special sisters Blessings Sarah

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  39. Posted: 18 Jun 10

    Good Day, Good People I think we all can see that Sir Boots is trying to the void "Daffy" left empty here. Anyone who has frequented here any length of time knew that guy's role and there will ALWAYS....I REPEAT,.....ALWAYS be at least one like him. It a law of nature......positive attracts negative....plain and simple. I, for one am not going to "feed" this one. Because the more and more I read his rhetoric I am convinced that he is nothing more that an "attention whore", in a manner of speaking. I will continue to enjoy the communion of like minds here.....those that don't let other dictate to them what can or should make them whole and/or happy individual. I am especially elated to see newcomer, Nawlunz fighting the good fight......but I do warn you, brother....there is never a good outcome to telling someone what to say/post in here..LOL. Bama...I hope I am not getting on your nerves with the "props" I must continue to sail your way....LOL. You continue to be a beacon here as does Danny. Anywho....just thought I would stop by and say "toodles".....lol. Peace and Blessings to ALL tatted2death P.S. (in homage to our dearly departed "Daffy") HEY ICH......I SEE YOU (LMAO)

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  40.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 18 Jun 10

    @MzBrOwNSuGaR I have never even heard of it. Is it any good MzBrOwNSuGaR? God Bless! Danny

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  41. Posted: 18 Jun 10

    Has anyone tried the Prof Amos drain clearing or any of his products for that matter?

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  42.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 10

    @All I hope that you all have a great day. I am heading off to work. God Bless! Danny

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  43.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 10

    @boots You Said; I can understand your fixation on the blk woman and her lovely body ,skin ,curves etc…. My response; That is just what gets a man to find out more about this beautiful creature that God has provided man as a help mate. It is not or should not be the only thing. Attraction is what motivates both men and women to investigate further into this individual that attracts us. What keeps us interested is their intelligence, commmon interests, character, honesty, integrity, convictions, and the list can go on and on. Now about wealth and power; The real wealth and power in this country is heald by the top 10% to 15% and not all of them are white American men. The rest that fall into te middle class depending on education and the ability to utilize that education make between 30,000 to 250,000 thousand dollars a year. The key is education and being able to use it to your advantage. There many people who have obtained PHD's and Masters degrees that are only making 50,000 to 100,000 dollars a year. There are some who have none or very little college who make more than 250,000 dollars a year. You are definitely better off having a better education. You said; Wealth that has been amassed on the backs of blk people who worked 300yrs and recieved nothing for their labor except ‘the coin of pain’ there is no love without justice..Sir My response; You must be including some time when this country was a colony of England. The United States of America has only existed as such for about 234 years but lets say 250 years. As far as reparations are concerned they should be extracted from those who had slaves and given to those who were slaves. I have never owned anyone and I do not know anyone alive today that ever has been a slave owner. I do not think that there are any living former slaves either. So what you are asking for is to be given land or money which you do not rightly deserve from thos who do not owe you anything. Reparations would come from all tax payers including yourself and from others today that had nothing to do with slavery. There were not that many slave owners. MzBrOwNSuGaR has said it right! God Bless! Danny

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  44.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 10

    @All Good Morning, Looks kind of barren in here except for a few. Maybe it is because everyone is busy. I hope everyone has a great Thursday! God Bless!

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  45.   Ichibod says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 10

    Nice one, MzBrown!

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  46. Posted: 17 Jun 10

    Comment by Jenna: " He seems to have issue with black men and white women who date each other lol." Ummm huh I think that is the problem in a nut shell. LOL!!

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  47. Posted: 17 Jun 10

    @ boots: I do hope this is the longest post I will ever write. I am very serious about what I have to say. I think except for those born with a silver spoon in their mouth, inherited wealth, or those that gained their wealth from fraud and deceit, such as crooked CEO's etc., I think you would be surprised to learn that many wealthy white people gained their wealth from hard work. I think it is time to cut the “black people left out of the wealth of the country” crap. The doors of opportunity opened for those who wanted to walk in. Your claims does not hold water. Lemme tell you why. I will start with the crying for reparation. Now if you were a slave, yes you are due a great big ole check. I think it is safe to say you were not. So we will move on. Let's take a look at some the things allotted, by the government, to help people, especially black and minority. There is Food Stamps, Child Care INC. , Habitat for Humanity, Housing and Urban Development, WIC, grants, scholarships etc. to help in further education. Free lunch programs, free tutoring and special education for children with special needs. Homeless shelters, shelters for battered women, boys and girls clubs of America, 1st step programs.. do I need to go on? All of these programs and many more have been provided in order to ( help) us better ourselves, with assistance. No, we haven't received one gigantic check to blow in a few months on booze, partying, multi-million dollar homes and cars, but I would definitely say reparation has indeed been paid. I would go even further to say that it might be more enlightening to read surveys and statistics on the numbers of wealthy blacks in America today, including millionaires. And it would be even more interesting to see how those numbers compare to wealth y whites. I think many of us would be quite surprised. Yes our ancestors suffered. But instead of harping on that suffering, why can't we be thankful for the opportunities and blessing that have been bestowed upon us. We have young men and women who were raised in the hood, who knew nothing but surviving the best they could on the streets, rough, dangerous streets. Many in single parent homes, some raised by a grandmother, a sibling, some had to raise themselves. But, without an education from a prestigious college, using their GOD given talents, be it musical , athletic, or craftiness, they are now some of the wealthiest people in the country. We can no continue to say we have been robbed of an opportunity. And we can no longer blame slavery for our all of our misfortunes, and for our bad choices. It’s time to accept responsibility for the things we are guilty for. We are not flawless creatures who have done no wrong. It's time out for the hating and the whining. And no, I don't want to read any of the things you suggest, unless it will somehow be a betterment for me today. By betterment I mean helping my outlook on my presence and future, and that of others. Something that will help me to stay in a positive, productive and peaceful state of mind. I am sorry, but rehashing and wallowing in hatred, neither of which will change one thing about the pass, or improves anything about today or tomorrow. So save your advice, and good day to ya.

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  48.   Jenna says:
    Posted: 17 Jun 10

    @MzBrownSugar, You are so right about that,others do have their problems,but only make it seem like it's only us! His issue mainly though,was that of our black man's lack of respect for his woman and or family. The guy even came to my channel and left a comment,it was not negative,but it was worth pondering! @Dannyco56 The gentleman was speaking mainly about black men's lack of respect and preference for black women. He seems to have issue with black men and white women who date each other lol. That what I printed was only an excerpt okay!

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  49.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @boots "…lol..yes like I told you before I have a blk wife and 3 kids happily married 25yrs…..I care about blk people, those who can be reached..not you….besides there are 1000s of people that may read this blog and get the message…IR marriage is not the answer for our people" -Glad to hear of your successful marriage. Who died and left you in charge to decide for others whether IR marriage is or isn't for "your" people? Dang I need to keep checking my calendar. I must have been out of town for that election as I was for all that free money, power and status. Or was it a coup and you've assumed the role of dictator?

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  50.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @boots "…any amateur historian would know that slavery indeed(Afrcan) was in practice well before the Atlantic slave trade or before the so called ‘New World’ ever did exist….but how does that fact absolve the white world of the misdeeds that they perpetrated on the blk people here in this country." -I did not indicate the facts absolved anyone. However, I would suggest, if you're seeking an empathic ear, that you post your views and opinions on a blog dedicated to that topic. Bringing up the subject of slavery on a blog intended for tolerance and acceptance, as it applies to dating outside one's race, does not belong here. Kindly limit your replies and responses to interracial dating without pushing your views on past history.

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