Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   boots says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @ Bama ...lol..yes like I told you before I have a blk wife and 3 kids happily married 25yrs.....I care about blk people, those who can be reached..not you....besides there are 1000s of people that may read this blog and get the message...IR marriage is not the answer for our people

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  2.   boots says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @dannyco56......I can understand your fixation on the blk woman and her lovely body ,skin ,curves etc....I love blk women too always have.However Your wish for unity will not come to pass until whites share in the wealth/power of this country.Wealth that has been amassed on the backs of blk people who worked 300yrs and recieved nothing for their labor except 'the coin of pain' there is no love without justice..Sir

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  3.   boots says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @Nawlunzguy...any amateur historian would know that slavery indeed(Afrcan) was in practice well before the Atlantic slave trade or before the so called 'New World' ever did exist....but how does that fact absolve the white world of the misdeeds that they perpetrated on the blk people here in this country.

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  4.   boots says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @ MzBrownsugar...lol.... ...my dear lady... the statement about pouring water on a duck's back is not one that I was bragging about.....It was directed at you! and others who just cant seem to connect the dots...on this slavery/reparations issue....read THE DEBT(what America owes to blacks)by Randall Robinson....plume books, a national bestseller

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  5.   boots says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @ nawlunzguy.........you sound just like that dude Salsasin ...man ur late on this topic ..go back into the archives... we talked about this same thing 6 months ago.Myself I know a great deal about the slave trade AFRICAN,CARRIBEAN (US Colonial). Regarding money power and white status .you said'I must have been out of town that day' I missed out' 'should have checked my calender' etc..This is typical of white dudes who think they really know a lot....the fact is sir any white man(like you)could have arrived or emigrated to this country and became a citizen and at once recieved more rights, access to wealth, privileges,etc than a blk man who had been here for centuries....example during the 1800s the USA was handing out land claims to white immigrants from all over the world ,while blks were still in chains. As I said before you(and some of the sisters)dont really understand this whole slavery thing ....you went to wikepedia or something got a few facts about the slave trade and now you want to lecture me...FYI... Ancient enslavement(African,Roman and others) and Colonial Black enslavement were inherently different.I can give you a comparative analysis later if you would like , showing how each system had major differences.Two glaring differences were ,under Ancient enslavement slaves' basic rights were honored and no ethnic or racial group had preference. Under colonial slavery, slaves had no rights and blk skin was targeted .I would suggest that you stop reading your superfical history books or whatever and get a real in depth understanding of this issue.

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  6.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @friendly13 You said; For me the answer is very simple, during basic training I almost died from pneumonia. I had a bout with pneumonia myself but it was when I was about two years old. It nearly killed me. It is a very deadly illness and people should take it very seriously. I have heard of a number of young people that have died from Pneumonia. The last one I heard about was a young woman of 29 years of age. I am glad that you overcame it. God Bless! Danny

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  7.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @Ms. PetiteChick I hope all is well with you. I like the new picture, the blouse is beautiful on you. God Bless! Danny

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  8.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @Jenna I do not understand what this East Indian gentleman was trying to say. It sounds as if he was saying that only those people with dark skin (black)date or marry outside their race. If that were true who would they marry? If on the other hand he was saying that only the people in America with dark skin (black) were the only ones not to date or marry outside their race then that would seem more believeable. God Bless! Danny

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  9.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @MzBrOwNSuGaR I had a good Tuesday thank you MzBrOwNSuGaR. I hope that you had a good Tuesday as well. I hope that you have a great Wednesday too. God Bless! Danny

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  10.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @All Good Morning to everyone hope that you all had a good night of sleep. Wish you all a beautiful day. God Bless! Danny

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  11. Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @ Danny, good to hear you had a manageable Monday. Hope you had a terrific or tolerable Tuesday.. lol.

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  12. Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @ Nawlunzguy: You are so right. I think that if we took everything so seriously, we would be very miserable. Humor always lighten things up. Not trying to get preachy, but one of my favorite bible verses is : Proverbs 17: 22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. So much wisdom there. I can still hear the song that was so popular a few years ago.. "Don't Worry Be Happy"

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  13. Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @ Jenna, Others are definitely watching and see when we disrespect each other. The one thing though, black people are not the only race that has problems and issues. Really bugs me when others try to portray it that way.

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  14.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 16 Jun 10

    @MzBrOwNSuGaR - glad you enjoyed the humor. Gotta have a little fun sometimes...

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  15.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @MzBrOwNSuGaR How are you MzBrOwNSuGaR? It was not too manic...LOL It was manageable with a little patients...LOL God Bless! Danny

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  16.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @friendly13 You said; But I was very very feminine body builder. Yes, over time my back, and arms developed a lot. My abs were always six packish and I always had blocks for legs. My thighs are to die for. Well,I am not going to brag anymore. At least not for now. So there you have it. I did it for survival and then attention. I love attention. I’m such a baby. I say; Go ahead and brag sounds good...LOL I don't think that you or any of the ladies would have to worry about attention if there are any men around. I think you would get plenty. God Bless! Danny

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  17.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @boots I think we all understand how you feel and how you need to heal but are black women supposed to put there lives on hold until you feel like you have healed. Do you think that a wm and a bw can not fall in love? Do you think that a bm and a ww can not fall in love? Or is it that you think that they (bw) should not even let that enter into their mind at all? Do you think and believe that we should just stay divided because of the color of our skin. Do you believe that all bw should hate the wm because you do. I know you said you don't but you write as if you do. You think that wm could not love bw but I think you are wrong. I think you know you are wrong too. The reason that there have not been many wm and bw marring and dating is because bw have not opened theirselves up to men outside of their race, by and large. I think as more bw are willing to date outside their race, there will be moore wm loving and cherishing their bw. God Bless! Danny

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  18.   Jenna says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    He Everyone, OMG, judging from what I have been reading in these posts,you all had a hell of a day! I was on that broadcast site 'you....' and I was just browsing when I came over this comment by an East Indian gentleman about black people, it goes as follows...... Black people are the weakest of all races...no other race can say their are proud of their skin like black people but no other race marries outside their own either 70% black families are broken ones..where the fathers act like kids and don't take responsibility for their own actions in raising their own well... black aint always beautiful.Black guys use their race as method of living..their are proud of their skin but most dont find black girls as attractive as white ...thats why u get black guys in videos using pretty long haired WHITE girls ...not black girls... hip hop o crites.....as all non afro men state...not many guys find black gurls attrative but were not the ones proud to be black as were not. rarely get a white guy proud of his race then openly only dates blacks" Wow all I can say hate is like a cancer! Now all that negativity from a person who believes in the law of karma. People really need to check themselves, I say, and let people be who they want to be May the blessings be!

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  19. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Comment by Nawlunzguy: "-Confusion? What’s so confusing about a person’s right and freedom to choose who they wish to date and marry? I’ve never once been confused in my relationships with a bw, except this one occasion in which I was confused about giving her red roses or red tulips…" LOL @ you!!!

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    • Ruth116 says:
      Posted: 06 Sep 23

      I think both roses and tulips are beautiful. It's the thought that counts.

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  20. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Comment by boots on 15 June 2010: "my mother used to say talking to you boy is like pouring water on a duck’s back" I don't think that is something I would brag about.

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  21.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @boots I usually limit my posts; guess you must have "tickled my fancy" today. "y’all’ wont ever understand what I am saying I guess…….white status ,money and power = image = what we see and perceive." -Perception is NOT necessarily REALITY @boots. I suppose when they were handing out status, money and power, I was out of town that day. I knew I should have checked my calendar! Dang, I missed out...again! "Because blk people dont really understand our history and it’s ramifications" -That's probably true. I doubt you truly understand it as well, judging from your uniformed comments. Are you aware that slavery was performed in Africa long before the Europeans arrived? Slavery was practiced in Africa long before the beginning of the 'Atlantic' slave trade. Slavery and the slave trade was an integral part of African societies and states which supplied the Arab world with enslaved people for centuries before the arrival of the Europeans. The African slave trade provided huge numbers of slaves to Europeans and their African agents. The 1st 'Atlantic' system was the trade of enslaved Africans to, primarily, South American colonies of the Portuguese and Spanish empires. The 2nd 'Atlantic' system was the trade of enslaved Africans by mostly British, Portuguese-Brazilian, French and Dutch traders. The main destinations of this phase were the Caribbean colonies, Brazil, and North America, as a number of European countries built up economically slave-dependent colonies in the New World. Here's a thought for you... If African society had not practiced slavery, would historical events be different? Hmmmmm.... that ought to blow your mind! "if you are not calling for accountability/reparations on the part of the white world." -Are you seeking reparations from Africa? From those that traded in human lives? Or merely from the American government? And since the shippers were, in order of scale, the Portuguese (and Brazilians), the British, the French, the Spanish, and the Dutch, are you seeking reparations from these other government entities as well? "I never called for hate I dont hate people I do hate what has been done to our race … I WILL CONTINUE TO TRY TO EDUCATE YOUNG BLKS ON REALITY" -Then I'd suggest you get your facts straight before taking on such a venture. From my accounting, you don't seem to possess the knowledge required for that role. My apologies to all who post here with a sincere sense of inuition and genuine desire for tolerance and acceptance. I don't want to go down this path and my response to @boots is not meant as a jab, personal affront or attack on his views. But I find it irksome to be confronted by such ignorance of historical facts.

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  22.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Greetings all! Wow, the waters seem a little turbulent lately... @Boots, I honestly do respect your freedom of speech and the right for you to possess opinions that differ from my own. And hopefully, you'll be tolerant of my views which greatly differ from yours. By the way, and just so you know, I'm of European descent and my family arrived in America AFTER the civil war. Your statement, "last time I checked young blk men had an unemployment rate about twice that of whites…." -I'm really unclear how that ties in to the topic of dating outside one's race, which I believe is the topic and focus. "oh but that is no concern to any of these sisters on this site b/c y’all’ just want a white date…." -Again, I don't think this statement is an accurate reflection of the voices and posts of those here. I believe it's all about the FREEDOM to CHOOSE. "there will always be hatred and resentment,with violence too….b/c blks by and large have been left out." -I firmly disagree. Yes some bm might harbor feelings of resentment, as I'm sure some wm resent the outcome of certain laws and policies intended to create a sense of equality in all aspects of life irregardless of race, culture and creed. Try embracing diversity and drop the unforgiving and aggressive attitude. IMHO, a past does not necessitate future outcome. History is important; it can teach us valuable lessons and hopefully prevent future mistakes. I would suggest that as a result of those influences (mentioned above), as a society we have opened doors, torn down barriers and allowed every one of us to freely choose our destiny (including who we choose to date, love, and marry). Nothing and no one is perfect; resentment and harboring hatred will not improve things. Acceptance and tolerance for our differences is what will allow us to make a better future, IMHO. Your comment, "I think bm who date and marry ww are just as confused as bw who date and marry wm." -Confusion? What's so confusing about a person's right and freedom to choose who they wish to date and marry? I've never once been confused in my relationships with a bw, except this one occasion in which I was confused about giving her red roses or red tulips... "A race of people who have been injured needs to be healed first." -If that were so, I think there would be a huge outcry from those in the Asian community; you may recall many families, especially Japanese, were 'secured' during WWII. Yet, there seems to be exceptional tolerance and acceptance for interracial dating between their culture and others. @Boots, last time I checked, while our cultures may vary, the physical anatomy of a bm, wm, hm, am are all very similar (i.e., 2 eyes, 2 ears, a heart, and red blood in our veins). We're all human bro... susceptible to making mistakes, but still part of the human race.

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  23. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Boots if you have a wife (as you claim), a job and a good family then why should you care with other people do with their lives? We didn't earn those 40 acres and a mule, our ancestors did. They went through a lot for us to even get this point and now you basically want to take what belongs to them. Quite honestly, both my grandparents own land in Alabama so we got our 40 acres plus.

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  24. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    I haven't told anyone that HAVE to date white men but I see nothng wrong with it either. I think I'm trying to inform sistas that they don't have to hold themselves back because of some false belief that "we belong" to black men. Why should we remain single in other to please men like you? I don't see the point of you being here because I don't think you are going to change the minds of most of the sistas here with your rhetic.

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  25.   boots says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @ bama ....the past has already dictated much of your /our future....who owns most of the land and wealth in this country anyway?

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  26.   boots says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @bama just what are you trying to accomplish here ru trying to persuade others that IR are a good thing?... you r free to date whomever you please

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  27. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Boots I think most of us get it, but I think unlike you we refuse to let the past dictate our future and present while you use it as it excuse for why we can't or won't do better.

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  28.   boots says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    my mother used to say talking to you boy is like pouring water on a duck's back.....y'all' wont ever understand what Iam saying I guess.......white status ,money and power = image = what we see and perceive.How we see ourselves as well as other black people (blk men)how we view white men.It has all been shaped by what has happened in our past.Because blk people dont really understand our history and it's ramifications .although you keep claiming that you do understand it's clear to me you dont.if you are not calling for accountability/reparations on the part of the white world.I never called for hate I dont hate people I do hate what has been done to our race ... I WILL CONTINUE TO TRY TO EDUCATE YOUNG BLKS ON REALITY

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  29. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Thanks MBS, he is doing much better and I agree with you on this thing with boots. Boots I have to ask, with your comments what exactly do you think you are accomplishing? I mean seriously are we all suppose to just start hating white men because you do? Are we suppose to say 'well that does it, i'm going back to black men." LOL I think most of us know our history and are fully aware of it but my question is what does that have to do with today? So I am suppose to hold accountable every white dude I date for slavery? Seriously? I mean let's get real here. Dr. King said he wanted to be judge by his character not his color and aren't you doing the same to every white man out there? You are judging them on shit that really has nothing to do with them as an indididuval or us for that matter.

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  30. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @ princess spice, Hello there. Gr8 to see you. Hope you have a blessed day.

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  31. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @ boots: Dear, you are the one in a dire need of a healing. You have allowed your racial hatred to eat away at you like a cancer. Stop trying to spread it to others.

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  32.   boots says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @friendly 13..... your comment about blk men trying to stop blk women from being involved with white men.....in what capacity did bm ever have any power to hinder wm in their aggressive sexual appetites toward bw...bm could'nt even protect himself, wife or family from sexual advances of white men.Explain how have we, blk men isolated bw in any way.

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  33.   boots says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @ petitechick......you asked me to respond to bm/dating white women....and whether I was full of hot air..etc....you stated 'blk men started this phenomenon' for the record I think bm who date and marry ww are just as confused as bw who date and marry wm. A race of people who have been injured needs to be healed first.To your point who started what.........(The relationship which has the longest history and most complex psychological structure is the relationship between the white man and the black woman)BLACK RAGE by William H. Grier and Price M.Cobbs basic books pg 95. So when you say that blk men started this IR thing you are wrong. White men have had access to blk women(sexually) since this country began, by force indeed but also through mutual attraction ,albeit covert by nature. During slavery some blk women were more than willing sexual partners with white men, you need only to read some of the slave girl narratives.It may have been some type of a stockholm syndrome mindset.Remember just 55yrs ago emmit till was lynched for just a whistle at a white woman.Historically blk men have not had access to ww .Bm ww marriage and sexual relations is a fairly late development in the history of this country.With the threat of castration or death ,blk men would'nt touch a white woman during slavery or Jim crow. This was not the case for white men, it is only now that white men have begun to openly express what was before kept secret. White men are now willing to hold your hand and kiss you in public and Y 'ALL' SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT!

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  34.   boots says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Greetings to all ....I just love all this happy harmony horse sh#t that's being pushed around here latley....last time I checked young blk men had an unemployment rate about twice that of whites....oh but that is no concern to any of these sisters on this site b/c y'all' just want a white date....right!....there will always be hatred and resentment,with violence too....b/c blks by and large have been left out.

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  35.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    @friendly 13 @petit chick thats a lovely picture @mzbrownsugar hope you guys are ok and the rest of the forum crew have a good day guys @mudpuppysc that was nice of you to to say that about we black woman well said hun

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  36. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Comment by friendly13 : "Black men being lynched and put on death row for being involved with white women. Even then, that didn’t stop black men from whistling and being with white women. But they still try to stop black women from being invoved with white men because they blame all of them for the crimes of a very small few. In reality black women are nolonger allowing black men to isolate them anymore" Gurll, saying things like this is what has caused a lot of the tensions that we have witnessed here for so long.

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  37. Posted: 15 Jun 10

    Hi everybody. Nice to see ya Nawlunzguy and mudpuppysc, Danny, how are ya sir. Hope ypu had a luvly Monday and not so manic, lol. Ladies hope you all are doing good. Bama, i'm praying for you and ya family, and that your cousin has a speedy recovery. Was good to see ya Petite. Hi Jenna. Friendly, you doing good job holding down the fort. It is very refreshing to see things going in this peaceful flow and slowly, and finally, gearing toward the topic. I do hope others will now feel more comfortable to come in and participate.

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  38.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10

    excuse the errors not so worried about what people say,they are so free spirited except when they know they want ablack woman most do it in secret but they knw but dont realize most black women want the same

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  39.   Member says:
    Posted: 15 Jun 10


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  40. Posted: 14 Jun 10

    Girl nada trying to keep the fort down for my uncle and my aunt while they are at the hospital with their son and of course working. How are you guys?

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  41.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @ bamababe2k9 Hey, girl glad to hear from ya. What'cha know good?

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  42.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @ dannyco56 and nawlundzguy Yes, the time frame was around the 50-60ish time frame. We know that music video's are very abstract anyway. But it did evoke a lot of emotion. One thing that you guys need to understand also is the fact that black people, especially the men, suffered extreme consequences for dating whites not really that long ago. Black men being lynched and put on death row for being involved with white women. Even then, that didn't stop black men from whistling and being with white women. But they still try to stop black women from being invoved with white men because they blame all of them for the crimes of a very small few. In reality black women are nolonger allowing black men to isolate them anymore. I think that the commercial world made things easier for black men and black women to desire one another more. The white women were just made up so pretty and desireable becoming the pioneers for how women should look and act. A woman who didn't act or look like that wasn't conidered beautiful. I think that black women and white men have to make their own path because the early commercial world did not really support those relationships in that they said that black women were ugly through exclusion and misrepresenting black women as ignorant, uneducated, nappy headed, and ugly. Now we have Tyra Banks and Beyonce overcoming racial barriers in the media worldwide. Now the world is beggining to see black women as beautiful and white men are beggining to open their intrest up and activily seek black women and black women are also opening up to the options that they did not have before.

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  43.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @ Dannyco56 You asked "What prompted you to get into bodybuilding? When my unit at Fort Hood was retired I became a part of 3rd Corp. A while before my retirement I worked with a young lady who was blac who also was into bodybuilding. She said one of te reasons was to stay in shape but never really elaberated further." For me the answer is very simple, during basic training I almost died from pneumonia. I was an excellent cadence caller, but when I became ill I lost my voice for a while. I did basic at Ft. Dix New Jersey in the winter time. After surviving that experience, I was determined to get stronger to endure the tough training so I began to workout. As you are well aware, there are mostly men in the military. I was the only female patient in the hospital and I was pretty much the only woman working out at the light infantry gym. Well, the guys started telling me that I wasn't working hard enough. They started giving me things to do and pushing me harder. Then...well,I met this fine soldier. He was a bodybuilder. We started working out together and after a year or so the post competition came up. The guys at the gym compelled me to compete. So I made a routine and entered. I won! Then my company commander and first seargents were all for it. They wanted me to continue to compete because it made them look outstanding. Of course I liked the attention too. But I was very very feminine body builder. Yes, over time my back, and arms developed a lot. My abs were always six packish and I always had blocks for legs. My thighs are to die for. Well,I am not going to brag anymore. At least not for now. So there you have it. I did it for survival and then attention. I love attention. I'm such a baby.

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  44. Posted: 14 Jun 10

    Hello gals and dolls, just saying hello. Still in the wonderful state of Georgia for at least another week. My cousin had his operation last week and is doing well hopefully he'll be home soon. Seems like I've missed a lot this past week. lol

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  45.   Nawlunzguy says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @dannyco56 True, the video inserted scenes from a 'recent past' (not sure if the time period was the 50's though), but, IMHO, Alicia's lyrics seem to conflict with the video message itself. It was an accurate portrayal reflecting on values of the period. Dating, falling in love, marrying, etc., someone outside your race and culture was "unthinkable". The lyrics seem to indicate a readiness to put aside 'antiquated' values and customs for love, but the scenes from the video don't convince me. I share these thoughts as a result of past experiences; my 'readiness' went beyond words. They were acted upon by crossing those barriers.

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  46.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @All I have to get ready for work now but will follow the boards from my phone on e-mail. Unfortunately I will not be able to respond until Tuesday afternoon as I can not respond from my phone. So I will respond Tuesday afternoon if there is a post for me to respond too. I hope to read lots of posts and lots of discussions...LOL God Bless! Danny

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  47.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @friendly13 and Nawlunzguy, On the Alicia Keys video I think we have to be aware of the time frame dipicted. It appeared like it was in the 50's. America then was a totally different place then. Just a thought. God Bless!

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  48.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @All Good Morning! Just another manic Monday...LOL I hope that this is a beginning of a good week for everyone. God Bless! Danny

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  49.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @friendly Thank you for your service! I actually arrived in Monterey Bay area the end of December. Rented an appartment in Marina just a couple of miles from the airfield. I did not in-process until March as I went to Virgina for ANOC in January through the first week or so of March. What prompted you to get into bodybuilding? When my unit at Fort Hood was retired I became a part of 3rd Corp. A while before my retirement I worked with a young lady who was blac who also was into bodybuilding. She said one of te reasons was to stay in shape but never really elaberated further. With body building you are not toning muscles but building muscles and adding bulk to your arms legs and body. Just wondering what your goals were at that time. God Bless! Danny

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  50.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 14 Jun 10

    @ Jenna Oh that babydoll. There is no way that I could have not gone out there. I would have been running out there to that truck.

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