Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick Hey, seen any guapo puerto rican hermanos seniorita? Andele! Andele! Ariba! Ariba! Hey, here is one of my favorite videos by Enrique Inglesias - Bailamo - from the Wild Wild West (retrieved on June 7, 2010 from Soundtrackhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkEpnkJvxm4.) He is so fine even with the mole (that he eventually had removed according to the online biography. Girl, I could just sit and watch this video five times in a row...if my boys would let me. No they want to kick me off the computer so that they can play computer games. Guess what, I caught my 4 year old playing chess yesterday on the computer. He was losing miserably. But with a start like that, I know he is going to be the chess king by the time he is 8.

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  2.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ the ladies and white men who love the black women: (Intentionally skipping over Queenie and Malarki5's comments and moving on to something worthwhile) I am about to enjoy my juicy bbq chicken wings and slow cooked hand picked collard greens....mmmmm. ttyl. I'll be back with music and looking for relevant stimulating and intellectual conversation. If not, then I will continuie eating and enjoying my cookout meal with my handsome little boys.

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  3.   Malarki5 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    friendly13 said: My father is a wonderful black man. He never sat around and talked this way. But one thing I know is this, if I marry a white man he will not be tripping over that. Menelik replied: is that your biological father or your adopted father? Either way, I simply do not believe a word you say. Under no circumstances could a "wonderful father" raised a self-loathing and vengeful woman like you! Stop making stuff up, and go get you a Tom Willis, and leave my people alone! Menelik Charles London England

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  4.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    QQ Delusional Friendly said this... "Yes, we are no longer in chains anymore we are free. We can vote, we can sit anywhere on the bus, we can even become the president of the United States of America and I can be chosen by a man of any color. No more restrictions for he or I. Queenie can’t take that from us. He can’t stop us from getting attention from white men who come looking for us. Why because we are strong and beautiful. Sometimes a white man wants a woman who will have his back too. That is one thing us sisters will do and that is support the man we love through the good times and the bad times because of everything we have to endure to survive." Last time I checked it was the white men that put your ass "in chains". I really don't know how you equate that to me. It was the white man that told you get to the back of the bus. The white man even arrested Rosa Parks she was like 60 years old. LOL How sick is that? NOW ,you know what 'the white man wants". That is funny, I rarely see them type about it here (QQ around). One guy is always talking about have a "blessed" day and leaving the board like he got diarrhea. He must be smoking something saying all the ladies are beautiful. Let me move on concerning that guy. This victimization talk is interesting. I guess that only 4 percent of black women will ever know what a white man "really truly" feel about them. What happened to all of you here? if white men are so great how come you don't got one? Oh yea, you can read about it on various blogs by sellout black women authors that make it a point to "rub it in" when they finally get a white man. Afters years of being with "black men". LOL I can picture the headline like the "Everest College commercial".A black women saying this, " I got me a white man, why don't you??? Hurry up and make it happen you ain't doing shit" (Disgusted look) That gave me an idea for a blog. That "Everest commercial" cracks me up.

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  5.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick Hey, I got to go burn some Chicken wings on the grill. I have them soaking right now in salt water. I have to drain them now and marinate them in Coke before I season them to put on the grill. Holla at'cha later. I am going to have some more music too. I think I am going to post some from everyones favorite selections that you inquired about.

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  6.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    The reason that I like white men is because even though they go through things they don't sit around and cry about woe is me....the world has just done me so wrong...why some of them are rapists and murderers...like the idiot hater black men on this site. I know all men are not idiots like Queenie. My father is a wonderful black man. He never sat around and talked this way. But one thing I know is this, if I marry a white man he will not be tripping over that.

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  7.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ princess spice you said "(i will always stay positive) So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key” ******** Yes, we are no longer in chains anymore we are free. We can vote, we can sit anywhere on the bus, we can even become the president of the United States of America and I can be chosen by a man of any color. No more restrictions for he or I. Queenie can't take that from us. He can't stop us from getting attention from white men who come looking for us. Why because we are strong and beautiful. Sometimes a white man wants a woman who will have his back too. That is one thing us sisters will do and that is support the man we love through the good times and the bad times because of everything we have to endure to survive.

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  8.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ Mia you said "I agree Friendly13, his mouth is loose he needs to put something in it." ******* You said it right girlfriend.

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  9.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ dannyco56 Be blessed and have a great day at work.

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  10.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ Queenie You said "Dear Danny I don’t need your advice. Give those terms to everybody not just me. You have a “blessed day”." That is because you are a complete self-absorbed idiot. I will be glad when they throw you off of here for good. You are an unwanted thrid wheel. Get a life.

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  11.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ The Beautiful Ladies, and The Gentlemen, I have to go to work now hope that all have a blessed day. @Laurelton If I were you I would read the terms of use again. Especially the part about cyber stocking and harassment. God Bless! Danny

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  12.   Tungata says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Dear Sammy, I am a white guy from South Africa. I love women. When I like a girl, it is not because she is black, or white, it is because she is female and beautiful. I am imeasurably impressed by some of the logic I read on this site, specifically where it relates to your approach to our collective history as humans. I see in SA, the black men and women that I respect most, are not the ones complaining dayly about appartheid and raceism. It is the ones that respect me as I do them. The ones that work and strive and save and drive themselves to succeed. Or some who wash cars for a living but do a decent job!! I take my hat off to people wwho allow themselves to focus on the futre and let go of the crutch called "history". I love history, dont get me wrong. But my future is not guided by what the English did to my people, of what my people did to blacks. My future is best guided by the way I think and live and love and treat other people. Women are undeniably beautiful, in any color, although I have some preference for shape : ) Tungata

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  13.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ Sammy You said "...A lot more Black men date White women than the other way around. Sounds like a few brothers are just lonely and bitter if you ask me..." ******* You tell a truth......

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  14.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    I like that term ETHUG LOL !!!!!!!!!!! LAUGHING

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  15.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    I agree Friendly13, his mouth is loose he needs to put something in it.

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  16.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    What, Queenie got a cop on his butt now!

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  17.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    i not here to get a grammer check, and you are the last person on this thread to talk about grammer. You are a parasite that loves to prey on people feelings and twist things around. I can go all day honey bun ; but you are not worth it.

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  18.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ Sammy You said "....@ Princess It may be brutal but look here. I’m a cop and I see these ignorant fools get called on for cursing and hitting their girls. Same fools and hiding in their house and calling because a REAL grown man is outside waiting to fight them. Punk ass comes to fight ladies on the internet. E-THUG! Laurelton should change his name to: Queen Laurelton." ****** You tell the truth

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  19.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10


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  20.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Dumb i dont think so, Graduated from Nova Univeristy Master degree in Business International Science in Marketing going for my PHD, graduated with a GPA 3.8 BABY. My mother and father taught this 25 year old to be smart and to know what i am worth. You get a Bump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  21.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    UNLIKE ONE PERSON WHO CLAIM TO HAVE WORK TO DO, I must get some things done for real. UNLIKE ONE PERSON ON HERE WHO LIVES EATS AND HIS VERY EXISTENCE DEPENDS ON WHAT GOES ON IN THIS THREAD, I'LL TAKE MY LEAVE FOR THE MOMENT. But I'll be back. Like I always do. Comment by Sammy on 7 June 2010: @Laurelton Man, if I ever heard a pathetic fool like you talking to a sister like that in real life I would knock your head off. YOU are the reason why sisters date White men!!! You claim to be working yet you comment more than anyone. You are a bitch ass fool! THE ONE WHO HAS WORK TO DO BITCHES AT WOMEN WHO HE THINKS IS WEAK, AND MEN WHO ACT LIKE GENTLEMEN. BUT NOT A REAL BROTHER! Ha! Later punk

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  22.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Wow you just describe your mother, and by they way you low selfesteem loose mouth trash will be the first one to get on your knees.Honey rat face sorry far from that chica, i dont have repect for man like you.

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  23.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    NO WIFE, NO CHILDREN. No family and you're jealous of the women who have that. The woman who might have given you children probably put on her tennis shoes and hauled ass away from your pathetic self.

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by PetiteChick on 7 June 2010: Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 7 June 2010: Oh yea, if I had a wife and family. I wouldn’t talk shit as much as I do. I don’t put my family in a vulnerable position pussy! Since I am a single man. I want you to come knock my head off. I don’t need my brother to “defend me”. I am 5ft 10 190 and my brother 6ft1 240. Bring whoever you want. LOL I don’t lift weights for no reason and box. ------------------------------------------ I didn't know you had a wife and a family. Do you? If you do why you on this board? My brother doesn't have a wife. HE HAD ONE. Ahhh, see how phucked up you are? I know you're recalling a comment I made a while back about his exe's daughter! Yes, I see now. My brother is a free agent!!!!!!!!! If he had a wife and family? Have you ever had at least one? NO. The so called fiancee you had left your overbearing ass.

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @petite chick ill surely do remember that as i said it before and i will say it again again AM VERY SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANY ONE WITH MY COMMENT

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  26.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 7 June 2010: Oh yea, if I had a wife and family. I wouldn’t talk shit as much as I do. I don’t put my family in a vulnerable position pussy! Since I am a single man. I want you to come knock my head off. I don’t need my brother to “defend me”. I am 5ft 10 190 and my brother 6ft1 240. Bring whoever you want. LOL I don’t lift weights for no reason and box. (Laughing) -------------------------------------------- What is a vulnerable position by hitting up someone right here on the internet? You talked smack and I told you to address him and not me. Have you done that yet? You made the threat by saying you lived in Laurelton, Queens. Bitch. What was that for? What was that to say come get me? My brother didn't threaten you. You'ze a pussy! He's a man. You could address him right here. I have you his handle. What? You don't Menelik to know you hitting up another dude? Well trust my brother doesn't swing that way. He don't do "dyck like you."

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  27.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @Mr Laurelton Queens you have the nerve to call us sell outs, what planet are you from. For you to be a man your mouth is so loose bitch !!

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  28.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by princess spice on 7 June 2010: (i will always stay positive) So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key” ---------------------------- Please be reminded then, that when speaking positive you don't insult others with your opinion about their dating preferences. Thank you!

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  29.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @Mia Comment by Mia on 7 June 2010: I am from florida but i live in new york, which i just moved there two months ago. ----------------------------------- Welcome to New York. (I think.....) LOL. Just kidding. New York is going through a rough patch fiscally is the reason I say that. But if you can make it here you can make it anywhere! Again, welcome!

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  30.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    YES ITS TRU, EVEN GIRLS THAT ARE IN THEIR TEENS IS PICKING THIS SHIT. I just want my sistahs to stop listening to this trash and run far away from men that have a complex problem.

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  31.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    (i will always stay positive) So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key"

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  32.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Looit Prince I don't know what your deal is. You made a comment about individuals not liking White men because they were either selfish or something. Now, I KNOW DAYUMED WELL, YOU READ THE MOST LATEST, where I reiterate my preference. I don't discuss my preference on here ad naseum, I just talk to my sisters about men in general. All of em, any of em that look good. Including White men. I don't do this because this is their thread. But I can stay and have discussions with them. I like them. They're smart, educated, worthy and some of the best dayumed Black women you will come across. So, having the knowledge that I'm sure you have, it was an insult to me the comment you made. See? Fight, I don't have to argue with you. I'm simply pointing out it's none of your business who likes who. Further you ought not join the ranks of the others with the psycho-babble about WHO SHOULD BE LIKING WHO. I speak with the nice White gentleman that come here because they are gentleman! I'm not interested in dating them, however. THAT'S MY CHOICE. Just like if you wanted a blue bodied, green eyed monster with a red tongue. Thank you!

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  33.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    I am Kissimmee Florida "Rose" from 227 right now. This is where I live old lady. I got a lot of mouth because I back it up. Keep black men names out of your mouth when you worship white men you sellout. All that other shit I could care less about. We get on the phone it will be "why you disrespect my sister". I am going to say she 67 with fishnet stockings on and micro minis. She disrespected herself. I just keep it fucking real man. Mia entitled to her opinion. I can multi-task at work. I do all this shit through my own personal email. Wait. let me go get my BABY BROTHER TO CALL YOUR BABY BROTHER. LOL Hilarious

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  34.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @Laurelton As I said before I did not know you and would respect you until you showed me yo did not deserve that respect you are just about there. Now you have the focuss on you that is what you want isn't it. I know many black men that are real men and know how to treat their sisters even if they do not agree, but you do not fall into that category. You are what is known as a bigot. You are also a control freak. You and the other guys that come on this board and speak down to these ladies. You all have closed minds and are exactly what a lot of these beautiful ladies are trying to get away from. If you can not address the issue in a cival manner with out using names, like a child that doesn't get his way then you should find another place to play. Laurelton this blog is not for angry white men or angry black men. God Bless! Danny

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  35.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by Mia on 7 June 2010: Yes , thats true but look on the bright side, thats no longer our problem my sistah. I love the fact that we are now outspoken about our feelings. I am from florida currently residing in new york my husband is in the military, and let me tell you something sis their are so many beautiful black sistahs that come through their with their husband that are proud to stand by their side. Yes are tired of them talking down on us but you know what they have a problem that we cant fix, stay away from them. We can definitly do without them; we dont need them. ------------------------------------------ That's just it, I don't bother them. Now I could see if I did. I come at them when they provoke me. The women laugh and joke up in here and talk about all kinds of things. Never will let us be. We even offered an olive branch to let things just be and to develop healthy dialogue. They didn't want that either. So.....we go about our business. Hair, food, music, famous Blacks, books, whatever. Never fails. They are bitter and who want to have the stain of their bitterness dragging behind them all the time? These other women have been going through this for years now. Years, so I'm told. I had no idea. They live, eat and breathe this mess.

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  36.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @petite chick am not on anyone side and i am highly disapointed in you i will nt fight you it mk no sense to be fighting someone who worth my mom at all it mk no sense i will nt devote my time on hear am a very busy woman the reason why i do respond is because it had so many bad comment i find that was rediculously stupid and i do believe many of us woke up on the wrong side of the bad this morning you should nt be nasty towards me thats not nice @sammy can't believe it thats bad why people should hit they love one

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  37.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    I am from florida but i live in new york, which i just moved there two months ago.

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  38.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ Mr Laurelton Queens you sound truly pathetic. You have alot of mouth to be a man. I am beginning to think you are a women ;real men dont talk like this.

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    NO I WON'T BE DOING NO FIGHTING. I'll fight you verbally. You said you be around Laurelton Queens all the time. But you in Flor-i-dah!!! Which is it?

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  40.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Yes , thats true but look on the bright side, thats no longer our problem my sistah. I love the fact that we are now outspoken about our feelings. I am from florida currently residing in new york my husband is in the military, and let me tell you something sis their are so many beautiful black sistahs that come through their with their husband that are proud to stand by their side. Yes are tired of them talking down on us but you know what they have a problem that we cant fix, stay away from them. We can definitly do without them; we dont need them.

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  41.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by PetiteChick on 7 June 2010: Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 7 June 2010: Dear Prince With all due respect. You know that is not true. I am not abusive. I just don’t put up with that bullshit. A big difference in my response to her. -------------------------------------------- So y'all friends and she only been here, she say's for two weeks?

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  42.   Sammy says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ Princess It may be brutal but look here. I'm a cop and I see these ignorant fools get called on for cursing and hitting their girls. Same fools and hiding in their house and calling because a REAL grown man is outside waiting to fight them. Punk ass comes to fight ladies on the internet. E-THUG! Laurelton should change his name to: Queen Laurelton.

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  43.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    YOU DISEASED RIDDEN PIECE OF SHIT. PHUCK YOU. MAKE THAT CALL YOU BITCH! How many times you had your dyck up Menelik's ass?

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  44.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Remember they abandon us as we stood by their side. We dont owe them no explanation;Fuck him. All of my friends from college received a master degree or higher and they are definitly opening doors to interracial dating,my strong black smart, beautiful sisters that dont give two cents about what people say. Come on girls lets have fun, its so many sexy as men out there all over the world. -------------------------------------- YES THEY STARTED IT FIRST!!!! Then now that the tables have turned they want to get mad at the sistahs about doing the very thing they've been doing for years!

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  45.   Member says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @sammy lol thats brutal@dannyco56 i hate it when people fight

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by princess spice on 7 June 2010: @mr laurelton queens well am glad you dnt think about it when ur of the computer but i still think you guys need to stop fight at each other hope ur having a goodday and all the rest of the people on the forum @petite chick dont get me wrong hun i just had to let it out sorry if i offended you in any way everyone is responsible for they own action god bless ------------------------------------------ You didn't come here in peace. You came here with bullshit. Tell that shit to somebody who you think don't know anybetter. I can't spot a bullshit artist a mile away. Thus, the reason I didn't engage you very much. Fake ass. No...god bless you!

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  47.   dannyco56 says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @pricess spice, You may be right if Laurelton had a wife and family and a job he would not be in here all hours of the day and night.

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  48.   Mia says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick do not let this individual make you cuss like that sister. You know what u are worth; yes we are all reading his message and can read between the lines. I notice black men love to justify why they date out of their race but we cant, those days are over more and more black women are opening up and getting smart. They want us to sit around a wait on them , well sister get smart and stay away from these kind of men that hate you because of your skin color and your beautiful african features. Petite its obivious he is a black women nightmare and a white women dream , they try to come on here and make us feel bad by their smart comments, its a new era black women are definitly done and its on and popping. I love it !!!!!!!!!!. Remember they abandon us as we stood by their side. We dont owe them no explanation;Fuck him. All of my friends from college received a master degree or higher and they are definitly opening doors to interracial dating,my strong black smart, beautiful sisters that dont give two cents about what people say. Come on girls lets have fun, its so many sexy as men out there all over the world.

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  49.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    LET ME REPEAT THIS.... Comment by Sammy on 7 June 2010: @Laurelton Man, if I ever heard a pathetic fool like you talking to a sister like that in real life I would knock your head off. YOU are the reason why sisters date White men!!! You claim to be working yet you comment more than anyone. You are a bitch ass fool!

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  50.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 07 Jun 10

    Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 7 June 2010: Dear Prince With all due respect. You know that is not true. I am not abusive. I just don’t put up with that bullshit. A big difference in my response to her. She went and got her family involved in a board situation. This is the type of shit she do in real life. Why the fuck would you put your family in Jeopardy like that? But when I don’t back down. They say I am the bully and abusive. I don’t pick on anybody. She opened her mouth to the point where she felt “comfortable” just talking to people anyway she want too. Maybe, she a scared old lady. I don’t know what it is. Once I am off the computer I don’t think about it. What was she thinking I am going to get on the phone and be like “oh sorry sir” I ain’t mean it. I am going to tell you I said that shit. Now what? What’s up, there a problem about it? I only speak what is the truth.I don’t need to lie about an old lady. She riding the fence and I kicked her off the fence. You don’t mess with white men, she says this. Because allegedly one wanted to hump her all the time. White men won’t respond to her because she is not “their type”. I keep it way real. I told the old lady let it go. She don’t want to listen. We can keep going. -------------------------------------------------- YES AND BE READY CAUSE YOU MADE A THREAT!!!! You are a liar. I can't count the number of times you have called me out my name. Whilst I'd said nothing to you. You badger me, like you do the other women here with this sellout crap. ALL THE TIME. Half the time I don't even say anything to you. I don't engage you in conversation about shit. I ignore you. Soon as you "think" somebody is saying something about YOU, you come running your ass in here with sellout and nappy headed comments. You sound like Don Imus. White man calling Black women that! Maybe you really do want to be White. THE THIRD LEG YOU GOT DOES NOT MAKE YOU A MAN. somebody told you wrong. A MAN HAS INTEGRITY. A MAN HAS FAULTS, RECOGNIZES THEM AND WORKS ON THEM. A MAN KNOWS HOW TO TALK TO PEOPLE WITHOUT BELITTLING THEM. A MAN CAN BE STRONG AND PROTECTIVE, YET SENSITIVE TO HIS FELLOW [wo]MAN. You have talked so badly to other men and WOMEN on here you have no idea how badly it makes you look. You keep messing with me and expect me to sit back and act like a dunce. I'm not that chick. I'm just not! YES, WE CAN KEEP THIS GOING, BUT THOUGHT YOU WERE WORKING? YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED AWAY FROM HERE. THAT'S WHY YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE CHALLENGE. YOU KNEW IT AND I KNOW IT!

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