Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Yeah, scoot on off now ya hear. Scoot on off..... WHY DO YO DISLIKE BLACK AMERICAN WOMEN?

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  2.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Somebody done got on his nerves.... Teeeheeheeeheee, that was the whole friggin idea stupid.

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  3.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 6 June 2010: (Listening to Petite) I won’t leave your ass alone. Every time I see that wig , fishnet stockings and micro mini skit. I am going to respond to your ass. I ain’t respond much to you before. Now you got on my nerves with bringing your baby brother into your battles. I don’t care what sellout black women are looking for. You bash black men and I will get on your ass simple as that. I don’t care if your son, granddaddy, Uncle Rufus comes on the board and responds.. I got to cut this short. I got a woman to see tonight. Later. ---------------------------------------- YOU AIN'T GOT NO WOMAN MAN! How you gone see me in that attire? Unless you go looking at my fotos? Do you look at them Laurelton? Ain't nobody scared of you. I keep telling your dumb ass that. So that's you making up handles to view my profile? Teeheee.....Can you keep up? I change them often. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA I'll be back tomorrow! The day after that, and the next day punk!

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  4.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    (Listening to Petite) I won't leave your ass alone. Every time I see that wig , fishnet stockings and micro mini skit. I am going to respond to your ass. I ain't respond much to you before. Now you got on my nerves with bringing your baby brother into your battles. I don't care what sellout black women are looking for. You bash black men and I will get on your ass simple as that. I don't care if your son, granddaddy, Uncle Rufus comes on the board and responds.. I got to cut this short. I got a woman to see tonight. Later.

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  5.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton You've not answered a lot of my questions..... You wanna call it a wrap for the day?

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  6.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @laurelton he can't answer you, but if he could, he'd tell you no. Reason, I didn't date the two white dudes long enough. Secondly, I don't concern my brother about my relationships unless bodily harm is involved. Then it just ain't my brother. It's my hood type nephews from PA (the ones I block on facebook) and others. Even my ex! Even I did date the White men he'd tell you no. If it's a Latino or Black man he'd tell you no, cause I can handle myself. Like I said I don't need to my brother to do nothing! He nosey is all and extremely protective of me and my daughter as well as his own daughter and my sister. You see how I do things on here. Don't you? C'mon you can come better than that. That's the way my Black father with southern roots raised his black boys. It is the way I raised my son. It is the way my daughter is raising my grandson. I am loved by my family Laurelton. Perhaps you have no concept of this. My daddy was ornery too. A Leo by the way. But he loved me and didn't yell at me. My brother doesn't care what kind of man I want. Long as the man doesn't harass or consider bodily harm. So that dumb question you asked him is just that..DUMB.

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  7.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Sorry wrote that response in a rush. Does Petite send her baby brother after white men she dated before? I ain't even met the woman and I got a baby brother upset. Trust me, if I was dating your sister. I could understand you saying your piece about the alleged disrespect. It never fails I always get into it with the "baby brothers' of black women. (Smiling) It comes with the territory.

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  8.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Before you give me your answer on the challenge, please answer my question. This will be the third time I'm asking Laurelton. Why the hesitancy? WHY DO YOU DISLIKE AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN? BLACK WOMEN BORN IN AMERICA?

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  9.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton Now since you can not accept the rules of engagement with regard to "the challenge" I propose the following: YOU DON'T BOTHER ME, I DON'T BOTHER YOU You make comments ALL THE TIME I don't like, but for the most part I don't care. Only when you direct your silliness and obvious disdain toward "me" is when I come back at you, like I would do anyone else. This is a good an general principle to live by. I suggest you adopt it. Now if and when I am have a discussion here that insults YOU I would expect you to come at me. That's reasonable. However I don't talk to you cause I really do detest you. So, with that in mind, You don't bother me, I won't bother you. You can skip your ass all around anything I'm saying here. Can you do that? Of course you can. You choose not to. I would also like you to note that while Black women are here looking for their suitable partner, whatever ethnicity he may or may not be, you should never forget that they have family who loves them. Most of us do. Sisters, uncles, aunts, brothers, whatever. You seem to forget that when you talk to people you are putting down the family members of the person you are picking on. LET IT BE KNOWN that you say to the women here are also said to the family and their loved ones. So, in affect you are insulting more people than you will ever know of. YOU LEAVE ME ALONE, I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE. I would prefer the challenge! Why don't you really consider that one again?

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  10.   Laurelton says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    (Yawning) I don't even know what you are talking about. I date all types of black women.I ain't trying to hear that shit. I dated Jamaican women too.Why would I be angry and I get everything I want from a woman. Life is good with women in general. I just don't agree with the bullshit you are saying. Your baby brother ain't gonna change what I do. Listen, tell your brother to get your ass of the board if he don't like his sister being disrespected. Why he coming to me about the shit you are doing here? She can always leave the board if she feels disrespected. (The door that way) From my understanding, she ran her mouth about disliking white men for humping her like a dog or something like that. I told your sister take 7 days off with me from talking. She can't even do that. Stop involving your baby brother in your battles. I am 31 years old. My information is on my blog. I got a twitter on there too.I don't talk on twitter it just be up there. Tell your sister to stop running her mouth about her pathetic life and I won't respond to it. Why would I feel threatened? You got to understand something. I been around the block a long time. Your brother took time to read what I am saying. I ain't hear no death threats or anything so far. But it won't stop what I do at all. If my sister was on a board, complained to me she got disrespected. I would tell her leave the board idiot. Since, it bothers you so much. Oh by the way, I visit Jamaica Queens and Long Island all the time. Tell you what tell your sister she too old for wearing fishnet stockings and micro mini skirts. That is the black community is failing man. Good day.

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  11.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton the other thread [frenemies] was suddenly "moved." So I told him to put it here. Now, where were we before I logged out? Oh.... Petite stated: "It is a scientific fact that when people feel threatened or are about to lose a status they perceive the deserve that they will fight back and protect their territory much like a lion would do for his cubs. New people are coming, some staying (me) until I get ready to leave. New people are going, more may come, more may not come. Since you once proclaimed you “own” this board, I’m here to tell you that you don’t." Petite restate her position. So, you feel threatened by something Laurelton? If so, what might that be?

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  12.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton You can search my brother he's here. Let me get back to you and my attire. See you have poor taste in garments. That hosiery you see me wearing is not fishnet stockings. They are tights. Fishnets leave a portion of the skin bare with the cutouts. Those are tights. They look like fishnets though don't they? Now to the question of why you Don't Black women of America? When you gone answer that? I suspect some cultural crap you got going on. Do you prefer your own Jamaican women? Or perhaps was it a Jamaican woman who did you bad and now you want to take your anger out on all Black women? When you gonna answer that doggone question man? Why you keep skirting around the issue?

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  13.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    I told brother to send me this just in case this happens. My foto isn't showing up but I'm online. Click in it and see for yourself. I double-dip dayummed dare you. You kind find my brother as BronxEddie, search. His profile isn't up yet oh the new 24-48 rules, then again it is Sunday, but here's his comment to YOU Laurelton: --------------------------------------------- Comment by BronxEddie on 6 June 2010: Your comment is awaiting moderation. This for Laulreton can’t find the other place sis said to look for, so i can hit you up here. Bruh I wanted to get back at you about that name calling and shit you doing with my sister. What’s up with this? Now I can respect a man when he acts likes a man. I’m a man! I been reading a lot of this stuff and i’m gonna have to tell u, this mess you got going on with my sis is uncalled for. This is my sister man. Not some trick you might have. I asked you if you wanted to holler, no word. From what I understand though you don’t mean nothing to her. All i’m say’n is the disrespect, gotta stop. I don’t make it my business to tell other people what to do and when to do it. What you got going on in here is your thing. I don’t care nothing about none of that. What I do care about is my sister. You work here or something? If you do you can be fired for this. My sister don’t care for you at all, that’s her she can do that. If she don’t bother you why you keep messing with her? She a grown woman. How old are you? What like 20 or something? You don’t like Black people from America? Where u from? I don’t know what other people here regard you as, but as far as i’m concerned you just somebody else behind a keyboard. I saw that remark you made about just calling women hoes. How much do you know about my sister? I bet very little. Why you let shit like that come out your face? You on some new kind of shit? you a nasty dude man. I don’t care nothing about none of that. You can be what you wanna be we you grow up. But I’m telling you, laurelto don’t curse at my sister. you need to stop talking down to the women anyway. I know niks like you who get off on this kind of stuff. Damn man. Let me just leave you with this. I will stick my nose anywhere anytime when it comes to my sis. Feel me? That’s my blood right there. My mother’s daughter.

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  14.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite He got called cotton picking Negro for sticking his nose in business that didn't concern him. I told him go after the white men that humped you like a "humpy dog". Why don't he "confront them". That is called a cotton picking Negro to me. Last time I check, I am not with your sister in no type of way. Tell him go give his number to the white man that had a sexual pervasion. Take them fishnet stockings off you are an embarrassment to the black community. Good day.

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  15.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Hold up Friendly You did say disrespect things concerning Boots kids. "friendly13 said: @Boots, If you’re so happily married with a family, why are you on here so much? Family probably got tired of hearing your rhetoric. Hmmmm… If you have any Black sons I bet those white girls going to grab one of them sooner or later. What are you going to do if what of your kids has a mixed child, disown it? Oh, I doubt that. God has a way of dealing with people like you." See, you was out of line for that comment. If you bring a man's kids into it, then, don't think people will not talk about your kids. You got an issue with white women for some reason. That is the reason you want to be with white men so bad now. You are pathetic.

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  16.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    One thing I know is that I want my boys to grow up as strong black men who mind their own business. I want them to be open minded intellectuals who will find better things to do than insult people because of matters that don't concern them. I want them to grow up and know that they are just as good as any other race on this earth and that they can choose the wife of their own choosing regardless of what color or nationality she is. I don't want them to have the influence of the black men who maintain a presence on this site. I want my sons to be gentlemen. Black gentlemen like my daughters are black ladies.

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  17.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ Malarki5 You are a whimp and a punk who will pick on helpless children. Don't type anymore messages to me because you are a complete idiot. I wan't talking to you anyway. Go back to your little dark cage.

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Well, I disagree Laurelton. That is why I asked him the questions I did. Suspicion. Similar to what you have but not nearly as ingrained. He responded and himself didn't realize he was "cramming emails" until MzBrownSugar pointed out to him and he apologized. I think you recall that. I do. He said he didn't realize he was doing it. This is when I was referring to all of you as the "paste masters." I remember most things for a fity year old, fishnet stocking wearing, nappy headed hoe and sellout Black woman. One never knows when you are serious or not especially with the deragatory remarks. How can they ever be viewed as a joke? I don't see how that's possible. I've seen civil discourse from you between Bamba and perhaps a few others. I don't try to dictate anything. There you go again with that. I have as much right to be here as you do. You need to recognize that and deal with that. Because new people are moving in you no longer have the control you once thought you had. It is a scientific fact that when people feel threatened or are about to lose a status they perceive the deserve that they will fight back and protect their territory much like a lion would do for his cubs. New people are coming, some staying (me) until I get ready to leave. New people are going, more may come, more may not come. Since you once proclaimed you "own" this board, I'm here to tell you that you don't. I don't dictate to anyone. I talk to people. When people badger me to no end I fight back. I will always do this. Doesn't matter to me where you come from either. PLEASE ANSWER MY QUESTION ABOUT THE COTTON PICKING NEGRO THAT I POSED EARLIER. (referring to my brother). Is that because you are from the Islands? Why did you make that comment? Was that to be funny as well? I will log off now for a while. Will read the rest of your responses later.

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  19.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite You gave Ich the "third degree" about my comments like he was responsible for them. You can try and change history all you want. Don't try to spin it like it was about his motives. This is what happens when you ride on your horse and shoot off your mouth. You did it in the beginning but you sort of changed overtime. I will give you that. You came on here blasting at white men and etc. Taking on some black women and apologizing. I figured you would change your tune as time went on. Personally, I don't think Ich deserved half the things you said to him. I am responsible for my comments only. You wanted him to be the speech police. The sellout black women that was here before you. They like "Ich". I didn't think what you did was smart at all. You engaged in conversation with us. You just got here. We been "here". You are in no position to dictate who can respond to you or not. You mentioned I moan and complain about nappy headed black women. It depends on where the conversation leads too. I do have a sense of humor but sometimes serious topics make things look different. That is the purpose of a debate. I never tell black women on the board to not say their opinions. I will respond to them though.

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  20.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton no I won't accept my own challenge. I never presumed to know Ich's history. You gonna have to tell me about that one right there. I got on Ich about the cramming of comments, like I did you. I asked him why was he so suddenly willing to engage me in conversation when in the past he HAD NOT DONE SO. I think that's a fair question. If someone paid you no mind at all (even after having made several comments for their response) wouldn't you wonder why the sudden interest in talking? I would, but that's just me. Yes, his motives. Not his history. I won't take the challenge. Yes, if you come in here and moan and complain about Sellout, nappy headed black women this, that, whatever, we need to be spanked, we need to stay in our place and the many other things you've stated - and those who disagree with your premise as I do, I will acknowledge agreement. You do it. Why can't I? You all acknowledge one another's sellout tirades. You dap each other, so you say what's good for the goose ain't so good for the gander? How rationale is that for fair play?

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  21.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite I do recall you giving Ich a hard time for supposedly associating with me. But you don't want the same rules applied to you. NOW you don't want to know what Tatt's background is. You sound like a hypocrite. You gave Ich such a hard time about it. He ain't bother responding to you. You fail to realize I pay attention to everything that is said. Now, you will cosign anything that gels with you. You don't know me and Tatt's history. You are correct about that. But that didn't stop your accusations concerning Ich. You acted like you "knew the history of Ich". You sure was "mouthy" about it. I don't have a problem with the women coming together. I am just telling you what provoked my response. Tatt made that subliminal to not just me but other black men in the room. She could have just talked about music, hair wigs and etc. Like I told you before, she left the door open for the wind to come in. For the record, I never said anything when you all were doing the "Martha Stewart" talk even though this is not a "Martha Stewart board". Listen, if you get upset that the conversation "turns" a certain way. Blame Tatt for her self serving whine about "certain men" allegedly disrupting things. You won't do that. Just like you won't accept your own challenge.

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    In the past you associated my comments with Ich. Stop trying to play that game that you don’t cosign Tatt. I just tell you why I respond the way I do. Of course, with all due respect to you ------------------------------------------- I never said I didn't co-sign her. If she is making a comment about the diviseness that takes place here then I will agree with her and anyone else who recognizes it. But in this particular instance it had nothing to do with YOU. When it does and I agree I will say so. Mr. Laurelton, you know I will co-sign on anything that gels with me. Whether it be Tatt, Bamba, Friendly or anyone. So...why just get angry with me for co-signing with Tatt when I co-sign with everyone about the fighting that takes place here? I don't know about you and Tatt's history. What I do know though is that if she say's something I can agree on I will acknowledge that. Just as the rest of us do. I'm not gonna go asking what happened between you and Tatt, ain't my business. Besides I'm more into the sister thing, that's actually how Tatt and BigEyes and all the rest of the ladies appeared to be coming together. I don't know where MzBrownSugar is with my grip though!

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  23.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite In the past you associated my comments with Ich. Stop trying to play that game that you don't cosign Tatt. I just tell you why I respond the way I do. Of course, with all due respect to you. I shoot off to quick. That is only in the case with Boots because I forgot he was a black man. I felt wrong about going overboard. I didn't take the time to read his comments. I never will go to War with other black men. I could have called your brother. Then, things could escalate because I don't back down. How I look arguing with other black men over black women selling out to white men. That would be backtracking for me. Bad enough, black women are increasingly scared off by the aggression in discussions. That is understandable. I stand on my statements concerning Danny. Danny is playing that game too. He will kiss the asses of all black women and will not say one thing bad about them. I don't dislike Danny. I am just saying some white men are cowardly in the sense that they will not "check a black woman" for doing disrespectful shit. Some white men wonder why black women end up jumping out of the relationship. Most sellout black women have interacted with black men or been with them. They kind of expect some white men to do certain things black men do sub consciously . One black woman told me that some of the white men she has been with was "easy to walk over". Some will say that some of the white guys let "other men" intimidate them. That is a recipe for black women to leave you.

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton I agree with that. Funny thing is I just read this on Facebook! Ha. I just used this as an analogy to point out how things are changing so much in the way we do things. The point about MsFriendly's online education. I make it a point not to tell everything myself. Not a good look. I have nephews that I chat with (don't see them) and I prefer it that way, and the crap they post and discuss gets hidden from the rest of my friends. I deal with them one on one.

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  25.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite Hmmm, I don't know much about paternity test laws. I assume if a woman feels you are the father she can force you to take a paternity test. I don't think that can be done in the United States. She would have to prove she lived with the man or "seeing" him for a certain period of time. Most paternity test arise during a relationship or during a marriage anyway. When the man feels the woman cheated on him. That Maury stuff is a bit of hype. I can't say I met a woman who didn't know who her baby father was. It gives black women a bad reputation. Personally, never seen it in real life. I have seen black men dispute the child in real life. I think it is acceptable to track down the man on a social networking site. That is the risk you take going on a public site.

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  26.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton Why not join us instead?” I gave you a warning shot concerning Tatt. She does subliminal messages towards me. Obviously, you standing next to her you might get it too. Listen Tatt bashed black men when she tries to indirectly say black men shouldn’t be like me. Some black men feel like how I do. That is the reality. That is fine you want to talk about gardening and hair tips, Again, you riding in the car with Tatt but want to separate yourself from the debate back and forth. I like Tatt but this impression that she is innocent is false. She just real subtle about it. She still ain’t respond to Big eyes but she wants “peace on the board”. She don’t say hi to her. I pay attention to the game when nobody does. I don’t want to join you in hair tips and gardening. I like talking about interracial topics that is the purpose of this board. Join the Martha Stewart Board. -------------------------------------------- See, Laurelton, that was not explained to me in that regard. Besides what she and you say to one another for however long you've been saying it has nothing to do with me. Why lump me in? What does it have to do with me. I said nothing about you in that thread. I said nothing derogatory period. I simply asked a poster some questions. Did you read the questions carefully? You were so busy seeing red that you did not recognize that to some degree I was also indicating that not All Black men are monolithic like all Black women want is thugs of White men like Black men are perceived to be. Someone told you once you shoot off too quick. I think I agree.

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  27.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton See how communication and the way we do things across the globe are changing? Here's an example which is on a topic of a heated discussion this board just went through. Court uses Facebook to serve paternity test order http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/court-uses-facebook-to-serve-paternity-test-order-20100603-x7dc.html Mind you that Australia is under British Rule as in London's government.......

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  28.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite You said this......... "Comment by PetiteChick on 6 June 2010: @Laurelton It’s drama when I talk. But when you talk it is a civil conversation. Did you or did you not interject yourself into a thread while I was asking questions about the perception of Black women and White men in the thread Minnesota? Didn’t you tell me I would “get it” for messing around with Tatt? What did you mean by that by the way? What and when did the sisters and I on this blog recently bash a Black man during our lively talks about everything else. I’m not referring to the arguments. When those are done you still come back to cause trouble. We’ve moved on to something different when it’s all said and done and you can’t stand it. I’d like to know why. Why not join us instead?" I gave you a warning shot concerning Tatt. She does subliminal messages towards me. Obviously, you standing next to her you might get it too. Listen Tatt bashed black men when she tries to indirectly say black men shouldn't be like me. Some black men feel like how I do. That is the reality. That is fine you want to talk about gardening and hair tips, Again, you riding in the car with Tatt but want to separate yourself from the debate back and forth. I like Tatt but this impression that she is innocent is false. She just real subtle about it. She still ain't respond to Big eyes but she wants "peace on the board". She don't say hi to her. I pay attention to the game when nobody does. I don't want to join you in hair tips and gardening. I like talking about interracial topics that is the purpose of this board. Join the Martha Stewart Board.

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  29.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    (Leaning on Petite) You said this... "Comment by PetiteChick on 6 June 2010: @Laurelton No, that’s not a bet Laurelton. I think the troublemaker (YOU) should be set out to dry! That’s why I posed the challenge. You started the trouble in a otherwise peaceful discourse, none of which had anything to do with Black men bashing. You just didn’t get attention and you were peeved that there was no rancor and discourse which is what you seem to thrive on." That is your perception that I am a troublemaker. Simply, because I don't agree with you sellout black women on most things. You thought I was upset at the gardening and hair tips. I only responded to Tatt. Then, you got mixed up into it. Go look at the conversation. Tatt left the door open for the "wind to come in". People never sees what provokes the response. I would rather you just say you can't shut your mouth for 7 days. I would have more respect for you then. I am a GENERAL, I am willing to make sacrifices to win the war. I only respond when necessary to comments that interest me. London covers most of my points anyway. The reason I said to you; can you be quiet for 7 days? I knew you would "blink". Quite often, the "bully" does not like to bullied back. I observe you and the way you interact with people. It would be impossible for you to be quiet for 7 days. That is why you are whining and complaining about me changing the challenge. If you are going to give out a challenge. You got be willing to " do the challenge yourself". If this was a chess game, I checkmated you a long time ago.

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  30.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton It’s drama when I talk. But when you talk it is a civil conversation. Did you or did you not interject yourself into a thread while I was asking questions about the perception of Black women and White men in the thread Minnesota? Didn't you tell me I would "get it" for messing around with Tatt? What did you mean by that by the way? What and when did the sisters and I on this blog recently bash a Black man during our lively talks about everything else. I'm not referring to the arguments. When those are done you still come back to cause trouble. We've moved on to something different when it's all said and done and you can't stand it. I'd like to know why. Why not join us instead?

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  31.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton No, that's not a bet Laurelton. I think the troublemaker (YOU) should be set out to dry! That's why I posed the challenge. You started the trouble in a otherwise peaceful discourse, none of which had anything to do with Black men bashing. You just didn't get attention and you were peeved that there was no rancor and discourse which is what you seem to thrive on.

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  32.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Well Well (Yawning) Rose aka Petite threw a fit "Because she didn't get her way". How did I know she couldn't stop running her mouth for 7 days. Petite said this excuse "Comment by PetiteChick on 6 June 2010: @Laurelton You can’t change my challenge to suit your fancy! You wish you could. You see, I would go for that in a minute if it were not for the fact that is YOU WHO starts the discourse. Every single time. I would overlook it and take you up on it. However, since it is YOU who has the trouble with running off at the mouth and badgering me and other women on here with that nonsense I’ll have turn that down. Now, had I caused the recent drama, I’d be game. I’d win too. But this is a different sort of beast. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS TO INTERJECT NEGATIVITY, NOT ME. SO ME WANTS TO SEE IF YOU CAN NOT DO THAT FOR 7 DAYS. I knew you would come up with some way around it, cause you’re thinking to yourself right now, how da hell I’mma pull this off, right? I know…I know an I understand. Forget it. Pay me!" Listen Petite you can't be quiet for 7 days. Give me a break you can't be this spoiled. No wonder you are single. It's drama when I talk. But when you talk it is a civil conversation. Man please, (Sigh). It is not even fair throwing this old lady on the bed and having my 'way with her". This is the problem with most successful black women. It has to be their way all the time. I thought my response was a fair challenge. You and I don't respond on the board for 7 days. QQ around anybody think this is unfair?

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  33.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 6 June 2010: Dear Petite I went to SUNY College at Old Westbury actually. Uh, what happened to that “challenge”. I am willing to not say nothing for 7 days. As long as your willing to do the same. Since you say I never directly answer posts. I personally think “attending an institution” looks better on your resume than going to an online college. Some of them are not accredited. Obviously, Friendly does not have time to do so. I don’t know if she going for a Bachelor’s degree but I wouldn’t do it online from an online school. Long distance learning from a State College or Ivy league (If you can afford it) would even be better. But Phoenix online colleges and these other online colleges are bullshit in my opinion. Anyway, is the bet on or not? We can start whenever you want to! ------------------------------------ Well I don't recall MsFriendly saying she was going to Phoenix Online. The city and state collleges including the private colleges I mentioned are accredited world renowned institutions. Penn State looks good on a resume whether it's online or not. See it's like keeping up with technology. The nano technologies, the ever changing way we communicate, so too does any organization or governmental entity do likewise to compete. Expect more of it. As more older people head back to school and these institutions seek ways of attracting students in an ever changing economic climate! Keep up the good work, sis Friendly.

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  34.   boots says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ petite....when black women and men make a choice to I/R date and marry , then proceed to spue out poison about the other, on how blk men dont measure up to white men or how blk women are to hard to get along with etc....I dont think it's badgering their choice in preferences in dating...when these sentiments emerge they should be called out and quashed........It's sunday....got to leave now talk to 'y all' later

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  35.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Boots and Queenie getting on here to harrass us about I/R dating is really going to make a difference about the issues they continue to bring up. What they think that who we choose to date is going to stop people being exploited by all kinds of wealthy people (white, black, and other). They know it is not. But they have found a spot where people who participate in I/R so they just waste their time fishing for dialogue and call themselves chastising us because we are more into the Eros, Philia, and even Agape type of love for men of another race. You know, I am a Christian, but confucious talks about people who reach the level of a Sage. I want to be a person who does not judge people whether it be because of skin color or lifestyle choices. Even though I do not agree with how a person chooses to live their life I can still love them uncoditionally. I believe that is what Jesus did for all the world. Jesus doesn't care if I am with a white man or a black man he will still love me and him because he created us. I don't want to be all bound up by racism and hate for people because of he color of their skin. Am I at the complete level of a sage, well, no. Sometimes I still get angry when my sons or daughters become the object of racism and I call it just like I see it. Not to you or to the members of this blog but to those who are causing the problem. I can't blame people on here for what other people do. The white men and black women on this site cannot be blamed for what some very wealthy british descendants did over 400 years ago here in America. Most of the white men in america are of an etnic persuasion anyway. Many of them faced racism themselves during the immigration era, especially the irish. Anyway, got off on a tangent. If I really think that something needs to be changed I am going to do something about it that counts and not just get on here and badger people about I/R dating. All it says is that you feel powerless and don't know what to do about what you feel. I think the real problem for Queenie and boots is that they know making a public issue about I/R dating will only spark the fact that they don't believe in the constitution. They still believe in segregation. That is a violation of peoples constitutional rihts. They know that they will not win legally so they just get on here and rant.

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  36.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Oh yea No hiding under your brother's handle or name. Or using other "handles. I only use my name because my ego wouldn't allow me to do that shit. People have this impression I am on the board all the time. I kind of laughed at the challenge by "Rose" from 227. However, she wants to do it. I am fine with it.

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  37.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Comment by Mr Laurelton Queens on 6 June 2010: Rose said this to me “Author: PetiteChick Comment: @Laurelton The one who can’t stand to see people get along and talk lightly of things of common interest. We were doing just fine till you marched your self-righteous ass up in here! Go pick up a book and try to get a better following for your Blog. The sister’s don’t care how many Black men believe that shit you spew. Move it along now…..” OH now it is my fault because you can’t talk about gardening and your hair loss. Sorry I interrupted “choir practice”. I won’t move it along! I never told you take off your fishnet stockings now did I? ---------------------------------------- More dilussional thouths from a delusional man. Our conversations had nothing to do with bashing Black men. I thought that is what your purpose was here. To put an end to that. In what part of our gardening, music and hair discussions did we say anything derogatory about Black men? Gee, babe, I thought was your purpose in life here. Is it? Or isn't it? Which is it? What is it?

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  38.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @ PetiteChick You said "...While you might not condone it, what are you doing about it? Admitting racism won’t change the bad behavior will it. Will these simple words change anything? Is it about the $$ solely?..." ****************** Hit the nail on the head.

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  39.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Dear Petite I went to SUNY College at Old Westbury actually. Uh, what happened to that "challenge". I am willing to not say nothing for 7 days. As long as your willing to do the same. Since you say I never directly answer posts. I personally think "attending an institution" looks better on your resume than going to an online college. Some of them are not accredited. Obviously, Friendly does not have time to do so. I don't know if she going for a Bachelor's degree but I wouldn't do it online from an online school. Long distance learning from a State College or Ivy league (If you can afford it) would even be better. But Phoenix online colleges and these other online colleges are bullshit in my opinion. Anyway, is the bet on or not? We can start whenever you want to!

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  40.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton You can't change my challenge to suit your fancy! You wish you could. You see, I would go for that in a minute if it were not for the fact that is YOU WHO starts the discourse. Every single time. I would overlook it and take you up on it. However, since it is YOU who has the trouble with running off at the mouth and badgering me and other women on here with that nonsense I'll have turn that down. Now, had I caused the recent drama, I'd be game. I'd win too. But this is a different sort of beast. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS TO INTERJECT NEGATIVITY, NOT ME. SO ME WANTS TO SEE IF YOU CAN NOT DO THAT FOR 7 DAYS. I knew you would come up with some way around it, cause you're thinking to yourself right now, how da hell I'mma pull this off, right? I know...I know an I understand. Forget it. Pay me!

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  41.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton I hope your disillusioned self knows that many very prestigious institutions have online courses. See it's not about the fact that it's online it is a new way of keeping up with the times. Something maybe called marketing. Got any experience with that? Here are just a few: PennState.edu; SUNY State University @ Buffalo; CUNY Online BA; Adelphi University; University of Alabama; State University @ Albany (didn't you go to a state school)? You hate Black women cause you hate yourself. Why is it a problem if she takes classes online? what's the difference?

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  42.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Responding to "Rose" once again "On this thread: Why the White Man Loves Black Women, I challenge you for a period of 7 days of silence without coming in here and spewing your hatred. Can you handle that? I doubt it. Hmmmm, what shall we wager? Any suggestions? Nevermind, I don't need a wager. I want to prove to all here that you are a *phucked up individual* Cause you simply can not stay away. You can not. You don't know how. As my sister Godiva said, "you have no other choice." Let the games begin!!!!! Note, this only applies to this thread not the entire blog board. I expect you to go to best frenemies though. Brother will be there!" I will accept your challenge, if you stay away from the board for 7 days and never say anything altogether as well. I am a man of my word.

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  43.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Rose said this to me "Author: PetiteChick Comment: @Laurelton The one who can't stand to see people get along and talk lightly of things of common interest. We were doing just fine till you marched your self-righteous ass up in here! Go pick up a book and try to get a better following for your Blog. The sister's don't care how many Black men believe that shit you spew. Move it along now....." OH now it is my fault because you can't talk about gardening and your hair loss. Sorry I interrupted "choir practice". I won't move it along! I never told you take off your fishnet stockings now did I?

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  44.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Listening to "Rose" from 227 aka Petite Comment by PetiteChick on 6 June 2010: @Laurelton "The mighty king…. With TWO degrees. Who didn’t realize he provided the segue for White men who love Black women to seek them out and vice versa….. Let me ask you this, oh wise one. If you would never carry a bag for a nappy headed Black woman, would you also BEAT said nappy headed Black woman? You sound abusive. So, I wouldn’t put it past you." Man I would beat you if you wore them fishnet stockings out in public at your age!!!! (Pointing at the camera) Your brother should beat you for that! (Smiling) (Hugging Bama and smelling her hair)

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  45.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurelton I see you kind of lazy too You'd rather cram comments into one thread rather than address people individually. What does that say about the mighty knowledgeable and bullying king? Him not all him think him is!

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @Laurleton Still doing that silly cramming! Geez. I tell ya "Stand in the mirror backwards because you can’t face yourself Petite!" -------------------------------- OK

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @boots Comment by boots on 6 June 2010: @ petite……you may not think so.. but I agree with you totally.With the vast amount of money at stake there is no way these money hunger fools would give that over ….but would’nt it be fabulous if every blk person in this country really understood this subject as you and I do…and whites also. Would’nt the whole subject with national dialog and debate be a great catharsis for all of the country.And I think many americans with their spirit of fairness may be sympathetic….. btw…you guys never metioned the Delfonics man! they had some nice love songs in the late 60s 70,71 ----------------------------------------- Petite says: Well, The Whites already know, Boots. That's the thing bro. How could they forget or not know? But you see there is a newer generation of people who don't hold on to these traditionalist beliefs. What you speak of is utopia. There is not such thing in a earthly form. For this country to have a national dialogue on race we'd have to be out with the old and in with the new. Leopards (older traditionalists) don't change their spots. Just because you believe it doesn't make it so. My theory is again, as I stated, badgering Black women for their choices in dating preferences will do little good for us as a collective group right now. Too much pain. What we can do, however, it start anew with a newer generation. Those who by the way helped to elect the First Black President of the United States. He didn't win because of the "Black Vote." We are a mere segment of the population. Start anew. Let grown folks make their own decisions and let's raise up our children in the proper way to earn respect, realize their potential as a race and not rely on the gubment to do it, cause it ain't gonna happen. The Delphonics: "I told you so....you could never let me go, I told you so, I told you soo...how many times you said you're leaving and you - you never go, no. How many times you said you hate me and know, you love me so, I told you so....you could never let me go.... Dramatics, Chi-Lites, Intruders!!!!! That's what's up!

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  48.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    Let me respond to Friendly She said this absurd comment. "See the real problem is that black men wish they were white. That is why that black superviser joined in with those white people who lied on me and got me fired for a frivolous reason. I know you don’t care about anything I am saying. All you want to do is argue and maintain strife trying to mess up what those of us who enjoy I/R dating are doing. Too bad you can’t do anything about my membership on here because there are plenty of white men who don’t read this blog who contact me all the time, hundreds. Over 12,000 white men have viewed my profile. When I chose one there is nothing that you can do about it. You can type all day long. As far as the time I spend on the site well I don’t have a companion to answer to. I am also taking online classes so yes I can toggle back and forth a lot and I do. Not to talk to you but to see what my sisters and the white brothas are talking about." Okay, black men are trying to be white. But you are seeking out a white man. So, you are trying to be white yourself. You would have to put yourself in that category. Then, you turn around saying we want to cause "strife" and the scare the "precious" white men away from you. Stop that bullshit. I am glad you are taking Phoenix online classes with your child support money. (Online classes just shaking my head) What I don't understand is the white people conspired to get you fired. But you want the white penis in you so bad. That is like a rape victim asking the rapist to ask "her out" for dinner. MAN, they need love, they need hugs, they need CHURCH........ JESUS. They them, and we US ,and WE UP! (pointing up) Stand in the mirror backwards because you can't face yourself Petite!

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  49.   Member says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    I wake up this morning and see the sellout black women are in a "tizzy". Let me address Godiva. Simply because out of respect for her hardships. I never minimized your loss. The internet can make it seem that way. I simply said it feels like you blame all black men for that situation. You have had a lot of pain in your life concerning your personal life. I know you are a sensitive person. I do apologize if you think I am joking about it. Obviously, I don't know what neighborhood you are in. I have had situations that involved the same thing you speak of. Living in the "hood" I have encountered the same things. I was at an ATM and almost got robbed. I told him I am down to die for my chain and wallet. For the record, I don't want anybody to copy me. But I just wasn't going to give up my money. Now, If I saw something like that going down. As far as robbing old ladies. What makes you think "black men" condone that? I don't even know criminals that condone that. They catch up to them in jail and prison. I just don't want people to get the impression that black men just stand around and do nothing. Negros kill each other for shit like this. People think black men kill other black men for drugs and shit. Na, most of it is for retaliation. I will give you a recent story in Florida. Hmm it happened 2 days ago. A black young man knocked on my mother's door in the garage and asked for a dollar. My house is like 40 minutes away. I heard about it and jumped in my car with my gun. I guess the guy saw me before and waited for me to leave the house when I visited to beg for money. My brother talked to some people. The guy was like "Oh I ain't know that was your house". I don't take these situations lightly. I am sorry that happened to you Godiva. Later

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  50.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 10

    @tatted: Comment by tatted2death on 5 June 2010: LOL@Petite…. Devil’s Adovcate……now why did you have to go and bring up THAT one….lol. Gotta go dig around in my DVD collection, now…LOL. ….for you, sis..I might have to start visiting here more often. But if I get into some mess (AND CHANCES ARE, I WILL….LOL), I am going to blame you…..LOL (J/K). Peace and Blessings --------------------------------- NOW WHO'S THE ONE WHO GOT IN TROUBLE?? Teeheehee.... Much love sis.....

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