Why white men love the black woman

Posted by James, 31 Aug

Ever wondered why some white guys, love black women so much?

It seems that being a white male and proclaiming your attraction to black women (not only sexually, but also romantically) may lead to a lot of controversial and dangerous things. Let’s leave the debate of why more black women may be opening themselves up to white guys. The main focus of this debate is: why some white guys are opening themselves to black women. Let’s concentrate on that.

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Most white males don’t feel like they are running short of white women to marry. White males just marry at high rates. So question is: Why black women? The thing is it will not be fair to bundle up black women as one since everyone is their own person… be it in appearance or personality.

However, one thing that a white male friend of mine said… and I let him get away with bundling it all up is: “We love a black woman's confidence, her tenacity and her undeniable achievements in the face of great adversity...᾿ Since this info was coming from a man, there was definitely the mention of the lips, the curves, and that wonderful skin as well.

So what about stereotypes like “black women are either sexually conservative or total sluts?" Many people give so much lip service to interracial dating sites. You would think they have never done it. But those uptight individuals are the ones that spread these stereotypes. What happened to the highly educated black woman? How about the caring, decent and involved black woman?

Probably most white guys and others are confused with the stereotypical trash people spread around and if you are one that falls for such lame ol’ lines, then you sure as hell haven’t dated a black woman.

Bottom line, you don't have to sacrifice who you are for a white guy. They will love you anyway. Just be you and open yourself up… and if you like white guys, some white guy will find you too.

8090 responses to "Why white men love the black woman"

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  1.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @bamba, thanks. I can do long you think, but closer to face and add a bang. See how long my face is? I want a pear shaped or round face. How can I get one? Teeheee

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  2.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Dear Petite I never called you a slut puppy. I made a reference to slut puppies. Let me clarify the comments. You touched on the married aspect of divorce and children. I am talking about women that are involved with a man or "men" and have children with different daddies and then use the system to be rewarded for it. Although divorces are not always "civil". Most of the time people work things out concerning the child. Perhaps, you need to read a little better. Plus, I was talking to Friendly in the beginning. I don't mind if you interject. Get your facts straight that's all. Bama said this "Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 29 May 2010: Also I think if you don’t help take care of the child, then she should have the right to cut off all communications between you and that child and be able to declare the father legally dead." I also think if you are a slut puppy and bring every "Tom, Dick and Harry" around the child. The father should have the right to petition the court to lock your dumb, whore ass up. You keep mentioning the best interest of the child. That is a broad statement. Simple, ban child support is the solution. Change the laws that require men to see their child. You change the employment act that would allow men to see their child. The family medical leave act allows women to have a baby and not lose their job. There is always better ways to do things. Instead of throwing men in jail. This leads to women being spiteful and taking their anger out on the father for reasons "not related to the child". I am always civil until you get on my nerves by making false assumptions of what I do.

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  3.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Hair suggestion sis, puhhleeease? (love ya)

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  4.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    I just say keep it the length you have it now because it falters your face and I like the bangs.

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  5.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly "But still in all if a man gets a whorish woman pregnant he knew she was that way before he did it. He can’t really be suprised when she keeps doing it after she has the baby and he leaves her alone." ----------------------------------------- You ain't never ever lied! This is the truth.

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  6.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @bamba Comment by Bamababe2k9 on 29 May 2010: @Petite I think you look better with longer hair. :) OK, it was longer in the back pulled with pony tail. If I do longer how about a bang to cover long damned head? Thanks.

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  7.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Laurelton Dear Petite The courts punish men for not paying child support by putting them in jail. In effect, limiting their earning potential, which I don’t understand. This harms the child even more and makes men dependent on society because they lose their jobs. In severe cases of incarceration, mental illness, disability, a man wants to take care of his child. We go off the assumption that men want to run as quick as possible. ----------------------------------------------------- *OK, I can get this* Men will run if they think you a slut puppy trying to “put the child on him”. It all boils down to the woman and how she carries herself. There would be no question of paternity if men didn’t feel you was a slut puppy for different men. People seem to assume black men just leave for no reason. That is a bunch of crap. They don’t see what led to the downfall of the relationship. ------------------------------------------------ Laurelton you need to take it easy. We are having a nice civil discussion here about something important and for the life of me why are you referring to me as a slut puppy? Take it easy man, what's your problem? This is why I don't engage you much cause one can never tell when you're playing or just being downright nasty for the sake of it. You're strange for a Leo if you really are one. Everything that is said in here is not always about Black male bashing. I was on your side. I'mma have to get my brother on your butt! LOL. Damn you worse than a woman. I can blame my swings on meno, what's your excuse? I ain't your baby mama. Learn how to talk to people about serious matters sometimes w/o being so rude. And you have the nerve to say I have a problem. Geeeesh. ---------------------------------------- I read an article that about 20 percent of men are not the father of their child and women outright deceived them on it. The judges make these men continue to pay anyway. I assume you can’t sue the woman for lying to you all along. ------------------------------------------------- I don't know about that. There may be some precedents. But I do know I have heard about these cases where the judges just didn't care about the fact the child was proven not to belong to the man who thought it was his child. It's wrong. It is.... ----------------------------------------------- Court ordered child support is not the solution. It rewards some women for their reckless behavior. The best interest of the child is to reprimand the mother for her poor choices and her dependence on the system to bail her out of her poor decisions every time. ------------------------------------------------ I see your point, but what I'm looking at and what you're looking at are two opposite ends of the dynamic. You: punishment of mother and me: well being of child. And in this manner, I discuss it for those former partners where the paternity is certain. Not uncertain. I'm simply saying to you while this is a lofty ideal, it won't happen. No matter how much you think it should. Reason: The United States Family Court System ALWAYS, ALWAYS acts in the best interest of the CHILD. Not what the parents want (mother or father). That is the point I'm trying to make. It won't happen. So now what do you do? What other avenues do you have for redress? The child will come first in any court system. Your theory and hypothesis is all well an good and duly noted, but know it won't happen unless there is a radical shift in our system of family court.

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  8.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Petite I think you look better with longer hair. :)

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  9.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    OK, ok, that picture is up. Suggestions please. Please ladies.

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  10.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Also I think if you don't help take care of the child, then she should have the right to cut off all communications between you and that child and be able to declare the father legally dead.

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  11.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Queenie no matter what you say, it's still letting the man off the hook therefore contributing to the sorriness in our society. If a man won't take care of his child then he is a sorry ass man Period.

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  12.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Dear Petite The courts punish men for not paying child support by putting them in jail. In effect, limiting their earning potential, which I don't understand. This harms the child even more and makes men dependent on society because they lose their jobs. In severe cases of incarceration, mental illness, disability, a man wants to take care of his child. We go off the assumption that men want to run as quick as possible. Men will run if they think you a slut puppy trying to "put the child on him". It all boils down to the woman and how she carries herself. There would be no question of paternity if men didn't feel you was a slut puppy for different men. People seem to assume black men just leave for no reason. That is a bunch of crap. They don't see what led to the downfall of the relationship. I read an article that about 20 percent of men are not the father of their child and women outright deceived them on it. The judges make these men continue to pay anyway. I assume you can't sue the woman for lying to you all along. Court ordered child support is not the solution. It rewards some women for their reckless behavior. The best interest of the child is to reprimand the mother for her poor choices and her dependence on the system to bail her out of her poor decisions every time.

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  13.   Bamababe2k9 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    So in other words Queenie punish the child because the man doesn't want to pay child support am I right? See that's that ghetto menality some men have. You going to get back at the momma by not paying support for the child YOU help create. See for me it goes back to what I said the other day about sorriness in black society. This is why we have a generation of lost kids cause quite frankly,a lot of the adults are lost. My grandaddy took care of home, a lot of men don't know what that means. He was the head of his household and he took care of his wife and kids. I can see if the dude gives the woman a few dollars everytime he gets paid, spends time with the child and actually TRIES, But for the dudes who don't, lock their asses up. As for the woman dating, like I said she doesn't have to stop dating because she has kids, but most women I think are smart enough not to bring every man she dates around her kids.

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  14.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ PetiteChick You said "Trust if he has done you wrong with regard to your boys he will get his. Indeed. Children don’t deserve this and there should be no place for grown folk to act a fool to take out their shortcomings and bad decisions on them. He want coochie on the side so he harasses you. Tell his wife. Shyt. Tell her. Show her the notes. Fix his ass. Some would say I’m wrong for that, but am I? I mean he lying to her and you and the WORST PART OF IT IS THAT it involves the kids." Oh he is getting fixed alright. I don't think you are wrong it is just that I don't want to associate with the girl and give her any leverage against me. She is not chosen. I feel like God chose to protect me from him. She thought she was getting something from me, but she can have him. They are not even together now. Marriage didn't last a hot minute. But, he still gets the kid. He's all proud. My son is not anything special to him because I am not white and my son doesn't have light colored eyes like his own. But, I know that one day that idiot will start getting involved. I do agree with you that when the father is the best parent, be it financially or stability that the father should have the child. But most fathers don't want the inconvenience. I have known fathers whose children were in foster care and the father chose to keep it that way. That is just sorry. I also agree that neither parent should have a bunch of lovers running in and out around the kids. If I am in a relationship I like to keep that away from my kids until I know it is going to be for keeps. Then I also expect that the man have his own stuff. He doesn't need to live with me because he doesn't have a stable place of his own. Then if we get married we can live together with the kids. But I do that not because of the baby daddy but because of my kids. If daughters or sons see mom and dad whoring about they are also going to whoe about. They are socialized into that behavior because of what they see at home. Likewise, if parents do drugs and get drunk around their kids the kids are going to start practicing the same activities too. But still in all if a man gets a whorish woman pregnant he knew she was that way before he did it. He can't really be suprised when she keeps doing it after she has the baby and he leaves her alone. I think that if a father wants his child and he has the right motive he should pursue that matter seriously. Then he must also remember to live by the same standard that he measured his babys mama to.

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  15.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Curbside exchange. You won’t know who she is dating if you are not meddling in her business like you do everyone elses. -------------------- That's a new one! Never heard that before. LOL. Curbside exchange. Teeheeheee. Civil, easy as pie.

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  16.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Laurelton I forgot to mention that the same applies when a woman remarries as well.

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  17.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Laurelton: Banning child support would force women to make better decisions on men and make them understand the consequences of their actions. ----------------------------- Ok, now according to this theory it's a way of punishing, correct? Ok, now how would it help if the men don't pay child support to begin with? I think this only applies to those couples who are married where the entire household income is considered when doling out child support. When a man remarries, the courts based their financial decision based on the entire household income which includes the wife's. This I believe to be true in most states of the Union. Don't quote me on that though. Do you think the courts would impose such a one-sided punishment that would ultimately hurt the child? Remember the court WILL ALWAYS DO WHAT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD. Often despite what the child wants. YOU have to factor this in to the theory.

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  18.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Friendly check that URL I posted - has lots of good info. I also meant to ask you if you would be willing to receive the PDF of the book via Adobe Document Sharing. Hotmail won't let me send more than 10megabytes of an attachment. So this would mean you'd get a bunch of PDF's to create a whole. I think the Adobe App is free and it just let's me share documents with you if you sign on to it. I'll get the specifics and let you know. I tried to send you my first pages this morning and stooopid hotmail told me to subscribe to premium hotmail for 20.00. Why would I do that? That's sposed to be free. LOL.

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  19.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ PetiteChick Yes, Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm the first black female congressman. Wow! She is powerful. The daughter of immigrant parents. Yes,she accomplished political things that black people especially women weren't supposed to get away with. She is truely an inspiration. Susan McKinney Steward, wow 1847 she became the first black female doctor. Wow. thank you I had never heard of her until I read your post. I am going to read more about her. Yes, Lena Horne and Diahanne Caroll are also very successful and gave back to the community. That is so important that wealthy black citizens contribute back to the community to help others to accomplish great thigs too.

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  20.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @all my sistahs...Friendly, Bamba, Godiv, MzBrown (bring me my $$) Tatted anybody dammit, LOL I need y'all help. I'm gonna go and switch my profile foto so you can see this pix I'm talking about. Please offer hairstyle suggestions for me. Puuhllleeease. I need your help cause I want to look fly on June 10 for graduation. Puhhleeease help a sister out! I'm changing it now it's Saturday and I don't know how long it will take them to approve the change. Shoot. I ain't got much time.

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  21.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Let me respond Let me clarify the statement on banning child support. Why should women be rewarded for mistakes that happen in a relationship? If she has kids with different men, she should be rewarded with child support? I disagree with that. Banning child support would force women to make better decisions on men and make them understand the consequences of their actions. As for the double standard with women having strange men around their children. Of course men shouldn't have strange women around their children. However, the predatory nature of some men would put women in a tough situation. Women are not as strong as men. I am not saying their is no predatory women for single dads. But the incarceration rates clearly shows a difference. The double standard is justified, I wouldn't a woman to have every Tom, Dick and Harry around my son. Bama said this Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: "Listen to Jason Caffy over here talking about banning child support. Negro please. If you don’t want a baby wrap it up. Secondly, when you try to dictate to a woman whom should and shouldn’t date, don’t get mad when she does the same stuff to you. She come over there while you trying to get your groove on with your children, don’t get mad. Just remember what you said to her." Last time I checked women bear the burden of rearing the child from an early age. SO, if you don't want MAN TO GET YOU PREGO. Why don't you take BIRTH CONTROL. But see they will never blames themselves for their bad decisions in life. As for Friendly's story about her baby daddy married to a white woman and wanting to sleep with her on the side. I mean there is two sides to a story. Women have a tendency to stretch the truth. Friendly could have been sleeping with him to "spite" the white girl. See, this my thing. It is not unheard of to sleep with your baby mother every now and then. It depends on how bad the relationship was and what she "thinks" is going on in your personal life. I wouldn't tell my baby mother if I had a girlfriend or I a seeing somebody. Because your baby mother only wants you happy when is "happy". If she alone and bitter with no boyfriend. She will just act bitchy with the child.

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  22.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @big eyes, come here please Listen sis I have a foto from back in the day posted on my profile which shows my hair before the end of perming. This foto is at least 14 years old. I have an long face like my daddy did and I was wondering if you could tell me styles that might look good on me. I can't do a short "do" I think I'd look silly. The straight straight look won't do either cause of my oblong face, so I want some styles that help to appear to round out my face. Take a look and tell me what you think please. Thanks.

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  23. Posted: 30 May 10

    @Petite I agree but I think if women have those rules set upon us, the man should too. I for one wouldn't give up dating just because my baby daddy don't like who I am with and I wouldn't ask him to do the same but I would hope both parties wouldn't bring around their "dates" unless they know they are serious with that person.

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  24.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Let's not forget Mary McLeod Bethune!

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  25.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Queenie You don't prove anything. I took his ass to court because I didn't want to deal with him. I didn't care who he married I just wanted him to leave me alone. If he was happy then he shouldn't have been calling me an writing me notes and getting on my nerves. Now they just zap that money out of his check. Swoooooosh. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. He will not be spending it on noone but my baby and he also gets to spend no time with me. He can get his son but he is not going to face her white family and have my black son around them because he is an uncle tom. I see him riding that other kid around everywhere all proud. But me and my son are not worried about that. I'll date and marry who I want to now. He can't do anything about it because he doesn't run anything around her. I don't even have to let him in. He can stand out on the sidewalk while I walk my baby down and make a quick exchange. But he doesn't want that. Oh well. That is how your babys mom should do you. Curbside exchange. You won't know who she is dating if you are not meddling in her business like you do everyone elses.

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  26.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Fannie Lou Hamer isn’t well known by many but was a significant contributor to the advancement of civil rights. She was born in 1917 in Mississippi and during dangerous times there fought for voting rights and poverty. She founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party when the Democratic Party of Mississippi refused to admit blacks. This allowed African-Americans to challenge the all-white makeup of the Democratic group at the political convention in 1964. http://beyondjane.com/women/african-american-women-celebrating-their-historical-achievements/

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  27.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @bamba Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: @Petite and Queens I don’t think it’s fair for either person to dictate who you should and shouldn’t be with especially for the mom. Just like Queenie is saying about the mom bringing different dudes around, what about the dad doing the same thing? You can’t have it both ways. I agree. It's about principals and some modicum of decency on the part of both. But it's worse for women for a couple of reasons. The most important in my opinion is something my father would say: "A man can fall down drunk in the street, wallow in his own vomit" get up, clean himself up and still be called a man. This can not be said for a woman. Once a woman's reputation has been mired by this sort of behavior it's harder to let go of the stigma. A man gets away with it a little easier. This is just my opinion. Not Bible. What are your thoughts?

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  28. Posted: 30 May 10

    Also I think if you made a law stating that the the man or woman would have to have their equipment so to speak taken from them if they don't pay child support, I bet you'd see less pregancy in this country. Not saying there should be a law but just saying if it was....

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  29.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @ all Susan McKinney Steward was born in 1847 in New York. She became the first African American female doctor in New York and the third in the United States. She likely chose to become a doctor because her brothers died without medical care at very young ages during the Civil War. She dedicated her life to working as a doctor, and as a result saved the lives of many. http://beyondjane.com/women/african-american-women-celebrating-their-historical-achievements/

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  30. Posted: 30 May 10

    @Petite and Queens I don't think it's fair for either person to dictate who you should and shouldn't be with especially for the mom. Just like Queenie is saying about the mom bringing different dudes around, what about the dad doing the same thing? You can't have it both ways.

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  31.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Can we use the lovely Lena Horne? I can't speak to her philanthropic endeavors but she did pave the way for Black women in the entertainment industry and so did Diahanne Carroll.

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  32.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly OK how about Shirley Chisholm? First Black woman to ever enter the US legislature.

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  33.   friendly13 says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Okay, it is time to get something new started. Something positive. I was thinking about the black women who overcame racial and sexist obstacles in this country to make something of themselves and then give back to the community. The site that PetiteChick recommended listed Madame C J Walker. She was the first black female millionaire in America and her story is incredible. But, I wanted to look at others too. The first one that I came a cross is the first black female attorney. Her name was Charlotte E. Ray. She graduated in 1872. Because of the times she was not very successful in the business part of being an attorney. But she was successful in obtaining the education at Harvard University and taking the Bar Exam. I am sure they made it hard for her in every aspect. But she still accomplished everything that she needed to do to earn the credentials to practice law. While her firm was unsuccessful I pulled this excerpt that was inspiring to me as a community worker and leader. “Maybe what makes Charlotte Ray especially admirable isn’t her historic milestone of being the first black female lawyer, but that in face of failure as a lawyer, she didn’t turn her back on the community that failed to support her dream, but renewed her commitment to making others' lives better. That is the definition of heroic.” (retrieved on May 29, 2010 from http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/kareem/2008/02/charlotte-e-ray.html)

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  34.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Laurelton Awwwww poooor baby. I'm sorry to hear that Laurelton. Really I am. I personally don't have this problem as my two children are grown. Youngest @ home is 22 years old who just finished college. My daughter is older than you. So.......and I have a grandson! I look good don't I? Don't lie. Teeheee. By behind won't be having no mo @ fifty. Anyways, I do hope you get custody of your son. I personally believe men should have their boys. Women can't teach boys how to be men. Single mothers need extended family support for that. All joking aside, I do hope you get custody. If she messes it up sue her ass again. I also agree with you about having all sorts of mens coming and going in front of children. It ain't a good look. I am dead set against it. It makes the mother look bad in the eyes of the children. This is one reason it took me a little longer to get back on the dating scene after my divorce. What would it look like to have this guy that doesn't work out come around my still impressionable son? Then when this dude don't work out here comes another and ain't no telling how long that one will last. I'm old fashioned that way. I sacrificed for my son. My son's father didn't abandon him. He has been an integral part of his life and while he is not my daughter's father he loves her the same. He gets on my nerves sometimes when we talk but most of the time I don't have to talk to him as he speaks directly with my son as a man. I'm grateful for that. Not a lot of people can say this. As for your comments about friendly you don't know her circumstances either. He wants her, doesn't want her. Sounds like to me dude want his cake and eat it too. That ain't right. I think wifey should know about dude's trickery. You know I'm gonna laugh at the child support comment right? Well here it goes, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, WHEWWWWWWWW, TEEEHEEEEHEEEE, OH LAWD. Child please. But on a serious note, (you may joke and play around) but some things shouldn't be taken lightly. Men have been ordered to pay child support after having found out that the child is not his. I've heard of it. How don't know how often it happens but the judge stated something like "since you have been paying for so long, it is in the best interest of the child that you continue said support for.... FOR REAL. That to me is wrong. But anyway good luck getting your child. Please don't teach him to be as foolish as you though, LOL.

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  35. Posted: 30 May 10

    Listen to Jason Caffy over here talking about banning child support. Negro please. If you don't want a baby wrap it up. Secondly, when you try to dictate to a woman whom should and shouldn't date, don't get mad when she does the same stuff to you. She come over there while you trying to get your groove on with your children, don't get mad. Just remember what you said to her.

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  36.   Member says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Listen they should ban child support. This will teach these women to respect the father of their children. Men don't cock block their baby mother unless she is stuck on stupid. I will be damned if you will have thugs and degenerates around my child just because we are not together. That is why so many kids get molested in the black community. Women bringing every "Tom, Dick, and Harry" around the child so she won't be alone. Petite said this "Well, let’s see as indicated previously I don’t have that problem. My opinion is not one sided it is fair and accurate. It places blame on both parties where it belongs. ———————————– So, why don’t you just see it for what it is instead of trying to pick a fight like you always do. You’re a bit too contentious but yet have the nerve to tell me I am. Teehee. Or is this your boyish and childlike behavior showing again? Methinks so. Methinks you want me to say something awfully horrible so you can relish in it. Nah, no need to when you can just tell the dayummmed troooove!" It's picking a fight when I disagree with your assertions about men. I don't bait anybody. You are free to your opinions. Again, stop worrying about your baby father personal life and focus on the child's relationship with his daddy. Friendly's comment proves my point "My youngest sons father jumped and married this other girl (white) who had a baby 2 months younger than ours. Then he thought that he was going to still keep me on the side. he would send me notes with my checks. So I did what PetiteChick said, I took his ass to court! He wanted to try to accuse me of a bunch of stuff prior to the court date so that he could get my son. Didn’t work though. I don’t pay his ass no attention at all. If he wants his son he can get him but he ain’t getting none of me. But he don’t get him because he runs around so much. He tells everyone it is because of me, but I already know. I kept all of the notes. All I wanted him to do was what he said. I was not going to prostitue myself for him to do what he was supposed to do. We had the affidavite where he swore that he would. I gave him the opportunity to do it on his own and he tried to take advantage." You know he is married to a white girl and etc. He had a baby with the white girl. Oh boy, now you decided you ain't sleeping with him anymore. You want me to believe that he wanted to keep you on the side while sending child support checks. I don't know when exactly you stopped sleeping with your baby daddy. It might be after the marriage to the white girl. This is why black women fail all the time. He just sent you those notes so you wouldn't get on his ass about child support. I would do the same thing. You really don't need your baby mother "acting up", especially leaving her for a white woman Clear cut case, of using the child as pawn to settle "scores". I would have filed for custody of the child. Clearly, you was angry at the way the relationship ended, which is understandable.

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  37. Posted: 30 May 10

    Yes they have kids too and that's what I heard it's really hard after having kids. I tease one of my friend's about her relationship. Last year I think for Valentine's Day, I think she brought her husband like a pair of pants and I was like girl that's not romantic. LOL Do something else. But she has no family support to help her with her child and she is just now making new friends so I don't think she fully trust just anyone around her kid which I respect that. But damn, I'm a strong believer in making time for romance.

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  38.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: I think he does have a good support system but God bless him for doing it alone. I tangled with my niece last night and she wore her auntie out. lol ---------------------------------------- That's how it's done. This is good.

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  39.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: I have my married friends say they don’t have sex a lot and I’m like shit, do I want a husband? LOL intimacy is VERY important and you right, if you not getting ANY especially if it’s a man how do you stay faithful? ------------------------------------------- This is especially true after kids. Do these married friends have children? Cause that's gonna put a damper on some stuff. There are creative ways to fix that too. But it takes both parties. Date nites, like our Prez, sending the kids off on a playdate and getting seasoned up for him when he comes home, that special candlelit dinner all sorts of stuff. Greet that man at the door in just a trench and some stilettos! Shoooot, there are ways to keep the spark in the relationship. It's just that both parties have to be willing. Go shopping together for that sexy lingerieeeees. LOL. I can think of more, but that should do for now. Lest this forum become Xrated. Teeeheee.....

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  40. Posted: 30 May 10

    I think he does have a good support system but God bless him for doing it alone. I tangled with my niece last night and she wore her auntie out. lol

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  41.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Ladies: Do you think it's easier for those stars? Take for instance Sandra Bullock. Now of course with her cash financial support won't be an issue. That's a lucky baby in that regard. What about women who choose to have children w/o marrying? There's a growing number of professional women doing this ALONE. What are your thoughts?

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  42.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: I agree but I love to hear about a man who does it by himself. Not an easy task for any parent to do. ------------------------------------------- I would imagine it isn't easier for a man. But if he got a good woman who understands that might help! It's not easy at all. The key is having an extended and/or social support network. Friends, family etc.

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  43.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @friendly Comment by friendly13 on 29 May 2010: @ Laurelton Queens Well, actually I am somewhat leary about a man who has kids and who is not with the mother. Most of the time it is because he dogged her out. Sometimes he finds out that she is a two timer or has some horrible addiction. But if that is true then he would have the kids. But most men don’t want the kids on a full-time basis because it interferres with their dating life. They would rather the mother have them so they can sit back and criticize her for various reasons. My youngest sons father jumped and married this other girl (white) who had a baby 2 months younger than ours. Then he thought that he was going to still keep me on the side. he would send me notes with my checks. So I did what PetiteChick said, I took his ass to court! He wanted to try to accuse me of a bunch of stuff prior to the court date so that he could get my son. Didn’t work though. I don’t pay his ass no attention at all. If he wants his son he can get him but he ain’t getting none of me. But he don’t get him because he runs around so much. He tells everyone it is because of me, but I already know. I kept all of the notes. All I wanted him to do was what he said. I was not going to prostitue myself for him to do what he was supposed to do. We had the affidavite where he swore that he would. I gave him the opportunity to do it on his own and he tried to take advantage. I know that one day when my son is older they will meet up. Right now my sons situation is so critical that he is best with me. He has to be watched constantly. I know that he is not down for all of that. ------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry you have to go through all of this considering the type of care your boys need. If you have supportive network of family and friends you and the boys will be fine. Do you like that word "Karma?" I do..... Trust if he has done you wrong with regard to your boys he will get his. Indeed. Children don't deserve this and there should be no place for grown folk to act a fool to take out their shortcomings and bad decisions on them. He want coochie on the side so he harasses you. Tell his wife. Shyt. Tell her. Show her the notes. Fix his ass. Some would say I'm wrong for that, but am I? I mean he lying to her and you and the WORST PART OF IT IS THAT it involves the kids.

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  44. Posted: 30 May 10

    I have my married friends say they don't have sex a lot and I'm like shit, do I want a husband? LOL intimacy is VERY important and you right, if you not getting ANY especially if it's a man how do you stay faithful?

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  45. Posted: 30 May 10

    I agree but I love to hear about a man who does it by himself. Not an easy task for any parent to do.

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  46.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: I always thought it depends. I think I would be celibate in the relationship for the right guy and respect his views, but I do agree you taking a chance by doing that because if you end up married and the sex is lousy, then what? ------------------------------------------------- That's not good if you expect sexual intimacy. Nothing wrong with being celibate. Many people choose this lifestyle for whatever their reasons. THAT ONE RIGHT THERE THOUGH DON'T INCLUDE ME. But that's a life decision that people have thought carefully about. If that is not what you want for the totality of a relationship/marriage and what you seek IS in fact some degree of sexual intimacy then you're stuck and you will be unhappy and you will stray.

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  47.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    @Dannyco Thanks! See you later.....

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  48.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 30 May 10

    Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: I’ve seen situations where the father tries to “cock block” the mom from dating. He doesn’t want her, didn’t treat her right when they were together but don’t want another man in his children’s life or her’s for that matter. But I have a guy friend now who takes care of his 3 yr old daughter by himself which I totally admire. This guy is young and handsome and while most men his age are out there sewing their wild oats, this dude is a single dad working three jobs to support his little one. That’s one reason I totally started digging him. :) ------------------------------------------------ Yeah, cock blocking, poonanny blocking......dayummm. I see and hear a lot of silly shyt. Makes you wonder if these people should have ever had kids to begin with. See not everybody should. I too have come upon single men who are raising their children without mother. Like I said just cause she bore the child don't mean she fit. More and more fathers are taking care of their kids. I think I posted some stats earlier on that show that Black men are more likely to have a relationship with their children than their white counterparts. But it can get better. Things have changed so much with role reversals when it comes to the care of children. Courts typically used to side with the mothers in most instances. That has changed. It has changed dramatically but more needs to be done. And hell yeah Bamba, why the hell would you want a man who don't take care of his kids and throw his hands up in the air over it? What does that say about YOU? You feel me? You're on point!

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  49. Posted: 29 May 10

    I always thought it depends. I think I would be celibate in the relationship for the right guy and respect his views, but I do agree you taking a chance by doing that because if you end up married and the sex is lousy, then what?

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  50.   PetiteChick says:
    Posted: 29 May 10

    Comment by Bamabelle2k9 on 29 May 2010: I have a good question to ask. You go out with this person, you really like them but just when it’s about time to do the do, they tell you they are celibate or not that into sex, would you stay with that person? Think it about it. You dig them, they dig you, you think this could really be going somewhere and then they drop that bomb on you, what would you do? -------------------------------------------------- Ummm, errr, ummmm. Let's see now. Shyt. LOL. Teeheeheee. Put your running shoes on and haul ass. Seriously, if you want sexual intimacy in the relationship and he can not provide it why stay? Now if you love him, that's a whole nother beast. I can't speak to that. Because love SHOULD transcend the mere act of sex in my opinion. That's just mine, yanno. But if y'all been dating and cliquing and dude drops thats bomb, not only has he been a liar (withholding information is lying too) and not telling you this upfront then as I said, girl get your ass up out of there. Cause you also might not know what other secrets dude has. Whewwwww........

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