The Super-Amazing Adventures of Power Woman and The Hunk
“This was my first experience [with online dating],” Triciah tells us. “I was asking myself why I kept on meeting the wrong kind of people. I realized that just going to town, always the same places, was the reason why.” Still, she only put her odds of finding love at about 20 percent, when asked.
Nico is no stranger to online dating. “I’ve been using dating apps for seven years,” he explains. What drew him to this approach for finding love? Nico did his homework on Internet personals and cites statistics that told him people “are more likely to find love online.” In fact, he was “100 percent sure” he’d be successful on our site.
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Nico had been a member for six weeks when he spotted Triciah’s profile, which was brand new. It immediately seized his interest! Asked what caught his eye, specifically, Nico says, “Everything, absolutely everything – her profile text was about love and romance, her interest in hiking, trees, and the outdoors… Many women look for a travel partner, or a provider, which makes no sense to me, [but in Triciah’s profile there was] not a single wrong word.”
Inspired by what he was seeing, Nico sent Triciah a longer, more detailed message than many singles write initially. He really wanted to stand out and make as strong an impression on her as she had on him. Receiving Nico’s note of introduction and perusing his profile, Triciah got a good vibe right out of the gate. She says she was impressed by “how real he was, SO open, and he DIDN’T ask for nudes. [He was] good looking, too – he’s a hunk!” Triciah also appreciated Nico’s level of effort, right upfront. “He was writing so much before I even responded for the first time!”
Even though it was some time before they could meet IRL, the pair believe that technology allowed them to date virtually. “To be real, the chatting with video and everything was like many Cyberdates,” laughs Nico. “Every time we talk it feels like a date,” agrees Triciah.
Eventually, though, Triciah thought it time to get together. “I felt confident about him, so why wait?” she reckons. Nico was sold on an in-person meeting, too, convinced by “everything I knew about Triciah’s heart, mind, body, and lifestyle. And because I am a self-reflective man who knows what he wants. Also, because it was clear that we both really love each other, and only from chatting! We communicated on a deep level.”
There were some tricky obstacles to overcome, however. First off, Nico would have to travel from Germany to Zambia if he wanted to meet Triciah where she lived. And she cites “prejudices” as a challenge they faced, as well. “People might not think we are a match, because they think the age difference might be too much,” Triciah points out. “Also, I come from a society where online dating is not considered something positive.”
“The typical travel problems” cropped up for Nico, he says. “But we were a couple before I even arrived in Zambia!” They decided on that while chatting from home.
“She picked me up at the airport and we drove to her house,” recalls Nico. When he came off the plane Triciah remembers thinking, “Wow, he’s just perfect!” She adds that Nico looked exactly as she’d pictured him. Nico confides that in those nervous first minutes he thought, “Oh my God, I’m going to die. Please let me not cry!”
Their time together exceeded all expectations. “He was more than my imagination,” Triciah enthuses. “I did not realize how much in common we had until we met. He’s super-intelligent, so caring and loving, and very romantic. I did not see so much of that on the site. He’s super amazing. Each day I wake up and still can’t believe what an awesome man I met. My Mr. Right!”
As Nico puts it, “Triciah surprises and impresses me every day, and make me fall in love with her over and over again, for different reasons! She is super chill yet hardcore, full of impressive stories. A true leader, redefining my image of a ‘power woman.’”
After spending this time together, in the flesh, Triciah was “150 percent” certain she’d see Nico again. And there’s a good reason for that – he’d already asked for her hand in marriage! “I proposed right on our first evening together,” Nico informs us. He adds that he’d first thought about it three days into their chatting. “She is 100 percent my type, but even more,” declares Nico. “She surpasses everything that I dared to think my dream woman would be.”
So how did Nico pop the question? Triciah tells all… “When we came home from the airport in a taxi it was so much fun chatting, kissing, enjoying the moment. He told me he loved me and that us meeting was so amazing. Then he got down on one knee and proposed. He said he wanted to spend his life with me, and that he wanted me to spend my life with him. He asked me if I had to think about it, but I responded that I had already though about it! I said, ‘really, yes, yes!’”
Now that they’re engaged the couple has gained a new perspective on life. “[Finding love] has made me so peaceful,” observes Triciah. “It changed my life completely, in just a few weeks,” Nico says. “Also because I’m coming to a completely different country with much more economic possibilities than what Germany offers for me.”
Here’s what Triciah has to say to singles on our site. “Take a chance, follow your heart, have the courage to look outside your comfort zone,” she urges everyone. “Go search for your love out there, because there is love everywhere! And when you decide to start online dating, make sure to be yourself, and be real, because then you’ll find someone who will love you for who you really are.”
Wise words! Nico has some advice to impart as well. “Be a good person, be honest with yourself, believe in real, unselfish love without fear. Search for love without a financial interest for a luxurious lifestyle and travel. Write a good profile! A lot are really bad, but it is so easy; it takes a matter of minutes to write a proper text. Show some effort and take good pictures, too. Choose the person you really want and put serious effort into writing with them. Hours per day!”
Nico put in the time, and for him (and Triciah!) it’s definitely paid off.
19 responses to "The Super-Amazing Adventures of Power Woman and The Hunk"
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GNFS says:Posted: 04 Jan 22
Congratulations, am very happy you the lucky ones. Hope one day the miracle will happen to me to meet my partner online.
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GNFS says:Posted: 04 Jan 22
Congratulations, i wish to my partner on online too.
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Temper4077 says:Posted: 22 Nov 21
It's a beautiful Inspirational story hoping to add mine to the narrative.
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34mimi says:Posted: 09 Sep 21
I like reading this kind of love stories because they make me believe that one can find real love through on line dating sites.
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ordinary121 says:Posted: 31 Aug 21
What an amazing story! I should probably get help on how to word my profile.
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Narosie says:Posted: 01 Aug 21
Congratulation guys, what a beautiful relationship and all the best
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This is a beautiful story fam. Wishing you the best in your next journey in life.