If You're Worried You Invest in a Relationship Too Quickly, Watch This...
Posted by Matthew, 23 Jun
Do you find yourself always falling for a guy too fast?
You go on a few dates, maybe you end up sleeping with him, and then… you’re totally hooked. Suddenly, he’s the #1 topic of conversation with you and your friends. You find yourself constantly wanting to text him. You sit at home wondering what he’s up to. You’re tempted to rush things forward.
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Wait. Stop. Relax.
There’s nothing wrong with being a romantic, but you have to be so careful here to make the right decisions going forward. If you find your heart always investing in a guy when your head tells you to calm down, here’s the secret to taking back your power...
Matthew Hussey is a renowned dating expert and author. His latest dating book Get The Guy is a New York Times bestseller. He's the go-to relationship expert for Rachael Ray, Katie Couric, Ryan Seacrest, Meredith Vieira and many others. And he's a relationship columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine and the resident love expert for "The Today Show." Here he shares his proven strategies to get a man to do anything you want, from tirelessly pursuing you to treating you like a goddess to committing to you for life.
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