Her Rant Ended with a Ring

Posted by Leticia, 06 Apr

She hadn’t found the love she was looking for, so Gloria decided to sign up on our site. “I wanted to broaden my search for my soulmate,” Gloria explains. “I had tried a couple before, but this site appeared be different…”

“This was not my first experience with online dating,” says Andy, the man she is set to marry. “I was inspired because it was focused on interracial dating and that’s what I was looking for. It was nice to not have to find out if the person you are contacting was into interracial dating or not.”

Find your soulmate on LatinoLicious

“I was extremely confident, so confident that I only purchased a one-month membership,” laughs Gloria. “I was sure I would find the one within that time, or I was not renewing!”

“I was pretty confident,” Andy says to describe his stance on the efficacy of online personals. “I believe it has benefits over meeting people in different environments. Less crowds and distractions, just one-on-one conversations to really get to know each other.”

Miraculously, Gloria met her match before the month was out. At that point Andy had been a member, off and on, for a few years. They found themselves in our on-site chat room at the same time. “I thought he was funny and the most interesting person in the chat room,” Gloria remembers. So she chatted up the member who went by “MindTrippin.”

“I thought she was funny,” Andy says of “Glo4u2,” which was Gloria’s handle. “She looked at my profile picture and called me a beatnik. She made me write her a poem. Which I did!”

They took the conversation off-line pretty quickly and went through a lot of anytime minutes on their mobile plans. “After talking for weeks, and for hours and hours at a time, we really got to know each other and talked about everything that was important to us in a relationship. We talked so much and got comfortable with each other early on.”

On the night of their first date, Gloria needed some extra time getting ready. She says she was relieved to learn “he hadn’t left already, because I was running late!” Then, when she arrived, she was pleased to find “he looked like his picture.”

Andy remembers the first moment he laid eyes on Gloria in person. “She came around the corner and I saw the most beautiful woman in the world,” Andy says, perhaps giving us a glimpse of the poetry he composed for Gloria. “She was everything I thought she would be, and more. I was happy she looked like her pictures and she was who she said she was.”

Asked what was most surprising about their first date, Gloria jokes, “I was surprised I lost my purse that night!” but adds, “things still went great.” Andy’s answer to the same question? “I wasn’t too surprised, but it felt SO natural being around each other.”

When she got home that night, Gloria was already looking forward to their next meeting. “Our connection was so amazing that I was certain I wanted to see him many more times after,” she says.

Andy felt certain another date was a good idea. “It was the best date I’d ever had. It was so much fun and we got even closer — if that was even possible!”

Over time, the happy surprises kept coming. Andy says that Gloria’s profile hadn’t mentioned her culinary skills. He was delighted to learn that “she cooks, and she happens to be the best cook!” He was also surprised to find that “she is very creative.” Gloria was pleased to discover that Andy is “a simple person who thrives off the love he gives and receives from others.”

This pairing was just meant to be, it seems. Andy notes that “she is my type in every way. I really am lucky.” And Gloria adds, “I never really had a type before, but if I did, he would be it!”

As their relationship deepened and passed the test of time, it reached a critical threshold. Would they get engaged? “I was not expecting it,” Gloria says of Andy’s marriage proposal. “One night I was upset about a few things and went on a rant about it. When we finally sat down for dinner, he grabbed me from the table and I had no idea why. When I was not looking he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said ‘yes’ and we kissed!”

Andy wanted to make Gloria his wife and keep going a relationship that had affected him profoundly. “It made me happy and full of life,” he says of his bond with Gloria. “I’ve been through some rough times and when I met her, my whole world changed. I am the happiest I have ever been in a relationship and life.”

“I’m more excited about what the future holds,” Gloria says of her outlook with Andy in her life. “I was afraid I would spend life alone, but now I look forward to all the love I can share with him.”

She tells single women to be proactive in their online search. “Don’t just wait for Mr. Right to come to you — go out and find him! Message, flirt, and let them know you’re interested. It may mean finding him sooner rather than later.”

Andy chimes in, “Yes — be patient, be open and don’t get discouraged. It does work!”

Andy and Gloria are living proof.

266 responses to "Her Rant Ended with a Ring"

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  1.   shariee says:
    Posted: 21 Mar 16


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  2.   agbaz says:
    Posted: 20 Mar 16

    More love to the union. My own story is on the way.

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  3.   Buah says:
    Posted: 03 Mar 16

    I know that one day my story will be like this.

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  4.   zazzimba says:
    Posted: 21 Feb 16

    I know my soulmate is closer

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  5. Posted: 19 Feb 16

    oh thats a nice story bless you

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  6.   Bezawi says:
    Posted: 17 Feb 16

    Bless u

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  7.   JS_Toronto says:
    Posted: 15 Feb 16

    Lucky Couple!

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    • Ninha says:
      Posted: 21 Apr 16

      They are blessed couple. It's very good have same to care. Share and love. And sometimes is very hard to find it. Iam waiting for this moment. To have a really good man in my life. That cares about me and my kids. Almost the time they want only play. They don't want not serious relationship. Incredible why some people are so selfish. Iam in the Facebook Betania Costa. Maybe we can to be a friend if you like it.

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    • Janno12 says:
      Posted: 02 May 16

      Yes, they are really lucky couple.

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  8.   Tressy22 says:
    Posted: 14 Feb 16

    Wish to find my dream man here

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  9.   VICTORSHYAM says:
    Posted: 04 Feb 16

    nice love its

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  10.   Ssango says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 16

    This is nice.congratulations

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  11.   Ssango says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 16

    This is nice.

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  12.   Ssango says:
    Posted: 03 Feb 16

    This is nice.He luck

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  13.   Tshidybaby says:
    Posted: 23 Jan 16

    Wow,may God bless you guys

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  14.   justjeff57 says:
    Posted: 09 Jan 16

    yes wow a happy ending gee i guess its possible still

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  15.   Nalog says:
    Posted: 31 Dec 15

    Wow I love that and I wish them the best

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  16. Posted: 27 Dec 15

    Thank GOD for your happy meeting, hope it could be some day. May GOD BLESS...

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  17.   Njamz says:
    Posted: 25 Dec 15

    Am happy that they found each other here. Am also having a feeling that my soul mate is not that far...yeah am positive

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  18.   Adikinyi says:
    Posted: 14 Dec 15

    Am really happy you found each other.You look so good together.Have been here for two weeks now and am optimistic that I'll find the right partner.I wish you both all the happiness in the world and God's blessings.

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  19.   Sayangku.. says:
    Posted: 03 Dec 15

    I wish i could found my lover to be my husband here. Goodluck for you guys who had got your couple already.. May you all always happy and much blessing

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    • Andyfourn. says:
      Posted: 30 Jan 16

      Wha u r looking 4is very close 2u my dear....

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    • Buah says:
      Posted: 03 Mar 16

      Can you make me to be that soul mate?

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    • Mbwee says:
      Posted: 20 Jun 16

      Hello, everything comes to those who wait. I love your image. You trully look upfront and incredibly beautiful. Have a fabulous day. Take care

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  20.   tuorey says:
    Posted: 21 Nov 15

    Nice story happ couple

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  21.   pebbles_2u says:
    Posted: 14 Nov 15

    Really happy they found each other ...They look amazing together. Blessings.

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  22.   oratil says:
    Posted: 10 Nov 15

    wow i wish i could find someone here...the inspiring article i read here they are amazing anyway am not giving up until i find the one

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  23.   Reallyreal1 says:
    Posted: 07 Nov 15

    Wow.... Beautiful story... Wish I'm that lucky...hope to meet my soulmate soon....keepng my fingers crossed..

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    • virtuous- says:
      Posted: 15 Nov 15

      love will find you my dear, love your profile, very upfront and real,,, love it

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  24.   j0035 says:
    Posted: 01 Nov 15

    That's amazing best of your love

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  25.   Smallet says:
    Posted: 25 Oct 15

    I wish you guys the best.

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  26.   edithelove says:
    Posted: 25 Oct 15

    Congratulations to them, i hope i find the love I'm looking for soon

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  27.   hesistash says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 15

    Wow inspiring

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  28.   Hty29 says:
    Posted: 13 Oct 15

    I wish them all the best.

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  29.   tamakloe says:
    Posted: 09 Oct 15

    Very very nice woooooooooooow

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    • THEROYALDUKE says:
      Posted: 27 Dec 15

      Hi friend I'm so glade to see you here, I was excited when first set my eyes on love...

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  30.   Bamum says:
    Posted: 17 Sep 15

    That's awesome, and encouraging. I hope I find the love I am looking for soon

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  31.   ma.vee says:
    Posted: 09 Sep 15

    Ooh we are happy for the both of you ....may godbgivebyou strength to grow together with peace and understanding

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  32.   krrishna says:
    Posted: 07 Sep 15

    .I wish u a total happiness,i pray that God will oneday give me a support of having someone that will give her total heart to me.i wish u happy couples

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  33.   bashorun says:
    Posted: 06 Sep 15

    i wish you all happiness and joy in your relationship

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  34.   Mesweetpea1 says:
    Posted: 16 Aug 15

    I just wanted to wish you both much happiness and success you your marriage!

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  35.   kathy68 says:
    Posted: 11 Aug 15


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  36. Posted: 08 Aug 15


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  37.   sana- says:
    Posted: 23 Mar 15

    wow ,i would like to hear more nd more of this

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  38.   Cuddles254 says:
    Posted: 22 Mar 15

    Love is colorless .God blessed them .

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  39.   Diva308 says:
    Posted: 19 Nov 14

    Miracles so happen im hoping that as soon as i subscribe to the site i will meet my perfect match -im happy for them may God bless them till death do them apad!!

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  40.   sexyless says:
    Posted: 06 Aug 14

    I happy for both of them god works in many ways u never know who loves u and who u loves too true loves never die put god first it must work between enjoy u life together that's sweet I hope I fine me a nice white man to be my husband too congrsts

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  41.   fasteran- says:
    Posted: 31 Jul 14

    Awesome story.. Thank you. Congrats! And good luck

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  42. Posted: 06 Jul 14

    What a lovely inspiring story. All the best guys! x

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  43.   Candallin says:
    Posted: 05 Jul 14

    One day. .

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  44.   prakkie says:
    Posted: 03 Jul 14

    Nyc couple wish I cn find ma soulmate in this siteu

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  45.   kay_ebony says:
    Posted: 12 Jun 14

    What a lovely couple!

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  46.   petercky says:
    Posted: 11 Jun 14

    wished them long live and trusting each other as usual

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  47.   biddy12 says:
    Posted: 08 Jun 14

    wow wat an inspiration!....givs me hope tht my story will end lyk this too..

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  48.   isimms says:
    Posted: 06 Jun 14

    Cool.......just plain cool.....

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  49.   Dove27 says:
    Posted: 01 Jun 14


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  50.   Hot_Berd says:
    Posted: 30 May 14


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